View Full Version : Legacy Devices
- Audiovox 1032/ Toshiba e570 - WiFi and OS update? (0 replies)
- Syncing Yahoo! w/ PPC? (0 replies)
- iPAQ HW6515 restarted by itself and I lost everything (4 replies)
- Should I upgrade memory for 2215? (1 replies)
- No Widcomm from Dell? (11 replies)
- iPAQ h4150/h4155 Screen Repair (1 replies)
- using plastic flip cover with a case (1 replies)
- iPaq 3875 Upgrade from 2002 to 2003 (1 replies)
- IPAQ HP3870 battery replacement (1 replies)
- hx2495 Questions (6 replies)
- 3300 or 2200 batter backup? (1 replies)
- Help Needed! Keyboard Advice for Novice.... (2 replies)
- Mobile windows 5 file explorer mapping network drives IPAQ 1955 (4 replies)
- HELP.....4150 wipes away SD data on it's own accord??!! (6 replies)
- New X51v audio pop? (2 replies)
- iPAQ 3955 running video (5 replies)
- Acer N311 or Dell X51v? (8 replies)
- IPAQ 5455 Won't Power On if Off Cradle (4 replies)
- WM2005 on hp5555 (6 replies)
- Bluetooth Modem doesn't work! (2 replies)
- How to install software in the sd card? (3 replies)
- keyboard & camera for hx2790 (2 replies)
- Need help with Axim X5... (2 replies)
- Need a little help with a SonyMioDigiWalker 168 (0 replies)
- Ipaq 6915 (4 replies)
- networking (6 replies)
- Problems with Outlook 2002 (0 replies)
- hx4700 wm5 upgrade (42 replies)
- Multilanguage support for Acer n.30 (0 replies)
- Worth knowing about the Dell Axim x50v/x51v screens (1 replies)
- HX2410 with 2003SE + WM2005 = ARRRRRRGH!!!!! (7 replies)
- Media Player 10 library probs :( (3 replies)
- MSN messenger keeps logging me off (2 replies)
- Import Palm Desktop 4 data into Outlook? Doc To Go to Mobile Office, T-Bird? (2 replies)
- K-JAM & K-JAMin (1 replies)
- Axim X3i - worth a look? (3 replies)
- Printer Drivers? (5 replies)
- downloading maps on ipaq 6515 (1 replies)
- IPAQ Address Book sync problem (1 replies)
- novice hp iPAQ 2495 (1 replies)
- Sending Files vis Bluetooth (4 replies)
- PPC's, Centrino Laptops and Bluetooth (0 replies)
- OS sight of SD card reg hack in WM2003/WM5.0 (0 replies)
- networking axim x51v with laptop (2 replies)
- Battery Drain (2 replies)
- How to install apps when Program Files is locked (2 replies)
- PPC won't sync with pc's windows media? (7 replies)
- rx1955 Memory Issue (10 replies)
- asus a620 battery replacement (2 replies)
- Newbie Could Use Some Help.... (1 replies)
- Ipaq Screen Not Working (1 replies)
- Installing new skins on my axim X51v? (5 replies)
- iPaq 3970 COM ports (2 replies)
- Rec HP 2790 to user of HP 4150? (1 replies)
- Medical/scientific uses of X50v/x51v featured at web site (5 replies)
- USB Cable More Reliable Than Cradle? (4 replies)
- Another advice request for which PDA to buy (5 replies)
- Which PDA/phone? (10 replies)
- active sync via wi fi (3 replies)
- rx1950 will not turn on (3 replies)
- What do you think about HP iPAQ hw6515 ? (2 replies)
- iPAQ hx4700 & RIDATA 2GB PRO 150x extremally slow (1 replies)
- Everything you need to know about Dell's Switcher Bar (4 replies)
- 02 xda 2i help (0 replies)
- pocket pc no longer syncs (1 replies)
- questions about task sync and other issue (1 replies)
- 4700 and keyboard (5 replies)
- Where is the optimal hx4700 program location? (3 replies)
- 2210 Crash Problem (1 replies)
- new ipaqs for 2006 (8 replies)
- Need Help. Lost all data on my dell Axim. (7 replies)
- Activesync will connect but not sync. (3 replies)
- hx4705 Memory upgrade (3 replies)
- Need Help - ActiveSync 101 (0 replies)
- Dell Axim X50v - how to clear data (11 replies)
- PIE Closing after Loading Page - AximX51V (5 replies)
- ipaq rx3715 problem software (2 replies)
- 4150 frozen on the startup screen?? (8 replies)
- Mugen/Lion 5000mah extended battery for the hx4700 (17 replies)
- Great news for Pocket Loox 7xx users wanting to play some multiplayer games over Bluetooth! (1 replies)
- Start Menu after Restore (1 replies)
- Dell Axim x51v users: refrain from using the built-in Data Backup! It's unreliable! (1 replies)
- ipaq 3955, quick question (9 replies)
- any idea how to shut down calendar screen saver (hx4700) (2 replies)
- ipaq 3835 sync connected fixed by pocket pc (2 replies)
- Please, really need help!!! (3 replies)
- X30 Broken Sync Connector / Fixed by! (2 replies)
- Dataviz / SmartList to Go / ThinkDB ***** Any Pocket PC Comparisons (1 replies)
- SMS software (2 replies)
- /windows/messaging folder (0 replies)
- Travel charging (4 replies)
- Jornada 568 HP Image Viewer (2 replies)
- Ipaq 5450 Display start-up (0 replies)
- Tips & Tricks For Axim X51 & Windows Mobile 5.0? (14 replies)
- Location change and time of appointments in calendar (5 replies)
- 2795 & activesync 4.1 (1 replies)
- keyboard for rx1950 (6 replies)
- Adding speakers to dell axim x5 (4 replies)
- Hard-Resetting Windows Mobile 5.0 On Axim X51 (1 replies)
- Uninstalling the default junk (3 replies)
- Loss of memory on axim x5 (3 replies)
- 4700 Series discontinued *again*? (8 replies)
- SD Card for rx3715 (3 replies)
- Connection severed (2 replies)
- HP Image Viewer on Jornada 568 problem (0 replies)
- switching : ultrasoft money (7 replies)
- What's the diffrence between rx1950 and rx1955 and do you advice me to buy it? (3 replies)
- New HX4700 - Can't seem to send mail, but I recieve it okay (7 replies)
- HX 4700….A head of its time…so much so, HP had to rollback time! (19 replies)
- Quake (2 replies)
- 1 GB card in 4705 but will not take file over 1 MB (1 replies)
- 2200 series - fix DPad? (3 replies)
- Pen digitizer broken - recommend someplace to repair? (seattle) (2 replies)
- Device activation (7 replies)
- How can I uninstall activesync (4 replies)
- h4100 and ActiveSync (3 replies)
- hx2490 question (1 replies)
- My Active Sync crashed! (3 replies)
- Help: Rex's D pad won't always work (5 replies)
- Fujitsu PenCentra 130 Internet over ActiveSycn Connection? (0 replies)
- loox 720 (1 replies)
- Help! Can't install programs, tons of messes after restore (5 replies)
- Windows Media Player for rx3115 (2 replies)
- Email Program (3 replies)
- Palm Keyboard with HP hx2495 (1 replies)
- HELP storage card documents are missing. (4 replies)
- I MATE K JAM sms (0 replies)
- What are the rumors concerning HP 2006 Ipaq flagship model? I don't think they can out do the HX 4705!!! (11 replies)
- Internet service (3 replies)
- hot battery and power button not working (5 replies)
- What is the consensus about the Dell 51V? (20 replies)
- Axim x50v on WM2003 stalls on start-up (4 replies)
- Jornada 520 Sadness (2 replies)
- HX2795 WM5.0 and Activesync problems (10 replies)
- Dell Axim X51v + Sygate Firewall = No ActiveSync. Please help! (5 replies)
- h3600 Expansion battery wont charge (2 replies)
- Could anyone help with my PDA? (5 replies)
- 3600 series runs all night - why? (1 replies)
- Available Memory (x51v) (7 replies)
- HP 5455 WLAN card (0 replies)
- Speaker Sound iPAQ 2755 (0 replies)
- Opera Mobile on i730/MIDlet manager/J2ME support (1 replies)
- 3870 vs 5455 (4 replies)
- Are the problems with ActiveSync 4.0 fixed? (3 replies)
- 3970 ROM 2k3 upgrade request (3 replies)
- Alarm Malfunction (5 replies)
- HELP Ipaq Wireless Pack Battery Critically Low (2 replies)
- E-200 and SanDisk Connect Plus 128 Wi-Fi CompactFlash card. (3 replies)
- X51v CF still disappearing (7 replies)
- x51v Wakes up and stays on (3 replies)
- Questions about Genio 550 (3 replies)
- 3970 2k3 Rom upgrade no longer avail? (4 replies)
- Are there any keyboards for the rx1950? (4 replies)
- e740 shows connected wi-fi, but cannot acess internet w/IE (2 replies)
- Toshiba e830 USB host cable (1 replies)
- Vaja doesn't make case for rx3115... (2 replies)
- Looking at customizing a X51v.... (3 replies)
- Internet connection via bluetooth and GPRS on a Sony Ericsson V800 (7 replies)
- newbie (2 replies)
- How good is the HP iPAQ rx3115? (1 replies)
- HP 5455 won't sync (0 replies)
- Another one who needs Palm to PPC software equivalents (5 replies)
- PPC Camera Selection (1 replies)
- Firmware Update for Ipaq rx1950/1955, Released Jan 12th, 2006 (1 replies)
- I've lost my iPaq :( (9 replies)
- Ipaq 2490 with Mobile 5.0 and microsoft reader activation (5 replies)
- My new eten m600 has been dead for over 2 weeks (2 replies)
- Calender Alarms (0 replies)
- Yet Another X30 Sync over WiFi Problem (3 replies)
- Axim X50 and WM5 -- possible solutions to slow speed, lost CF cards, hangs, etc. (0 replies)
- What’s different between hx2750, hx2755? (6 replies)
- Motorola HS-820 and Axim X30H (0 replies)
- text messaging (3 replies)
- Battery Drains (6 replies)
- 5450 - Battery is always empty (8 replies)
- HP 5400 and Skype (1 replies)
- HP 5400 and Windows Mobile 2003/Windows Mobile 5 (3 replies)
- Hx4700 not likely to be available ever again (13 replies)
- Dell's 9 Days of Deals! (0 replies)
- e805 and socket bluetooth problem (0 replies)
- Time for a New PPC (5 replies)
- 128 Bit Encryption on 5455 iPAQ? (0 replies)
- Even better than expected (1 replies)
- I must be stupid... (12 replies)
- hx2490 + h5500 components (5 replies)
- Outlook sync problems (1 replies)
- Support Code: 80070490? (2 replies)
- bluetooth manager? can;t connect to cellphone (0 replies)
- Killed a H2200 on my first week at a new job :( (8 replies)
- SGH-i300 and NoviiRemote - has anyone tried? (0 replies)
- hx2xxx series flip cover (3 replies)
- Thinking of switching to ppc...but what about my mac? (10 replies)
- iPAQ 1945 BT Jabra and Motorolla (5 replies)
- Hx4700 - to buy or not to buy? (18 replies)
- How do I retrieve business card info from memory chip (1 replies)
- Rom Update for rx1950/55 (9 replies)
- CF and SD Memory Speed - Any Thoughts? (5 replies)
- WM2k3 really is snappier than the WM5 (my experiences) (5 replies)
- Anyone Use a Battery Extender (1 replies)
- Blue Tooth (4 replies)
- Windows 2003 SMTP Authentication Error/Problem (1 replies)
- CF Micro Drive and Dell (8 replies)
- wifi fails on 5555 (0 replies)
- Dell Portable Keyboards (5 replies)
- Palm's To Do-like application for PPC? (8 replies)
- 3835 Lock-Up (7 replies)
- hx2795 - Turns on when moved or put down on Desk (1 replies)
- To sell or Repair my H4150 (3 replies)
- Mystery Appointment Shows Up after Syncing (2 replies)
- One bug discovered with A06 Upgrade (2 replies)
- Hw6715/Hw6915 (Or whatever HP want to call it!) (1 replies)
- Best thumb keyboard? (13 replies)
- 5455 - any ROM updates after PPC 2003 upgrade? (2 replies)
- New ROM Upgrade A05 & A06 (6 replies)
- Outlook 2003 Question (Palm to PPC) (0 replies)
- WiFi connections (3 replies)
- Protecting that Beautiful VGA Screen (11 replies)
- Quick charge and slow charge... (3 replies)
- charging (6 replies)
- Hp h1910,active sync 3.8 not syncing outlook 2002 (5 replies)
- hx4700 - Hard Reset (4 replies)
- Contacts "tweak" (4 replies)
- Looking For Information About Dell X30 and X5* Range (3 replies)
- Internet on HP Ipaq 1710 (3 replies)
- Runtime Errors (1 replies)
- Screen Protectors (7 replies)
- Aironet 340 WiFi card questions (0 replies)
- Wonderful WM 5 upgrade!! Except for the HORRIBLE bluetooth (13 replies)
- Treo POS to Treo 700W (6 replies)
- x51v On the Way - DVD viewing (5 replies)
- Has anyone ever opened their 19xx series to do a minor repair? (0 replies)
- Microsoft Voice Command... (2 replies)
- Hard Case for Jornada 568 (4 replies)
- Help Desperately Needed!!!! (5 replies)
- 2 more questions for RX 1950...Allocating memory and keyboard selection (3 replies)
- PIE Upgrades (9 replies)
- AHH...cant connect to shared network!! (1 replies)
- Need AC Adapter for Audiovox Maestro (2 replies)
- Screen Scratched (2 replies)
- rx 1950 Wi-Fi (3 replies)
- Disappearing Icons On MS Reader Files (LIT) (3 replies)
- Desktop Installation (14 replies)
- Cant get my Rx1950 to share files with my computer (4 replies)
- ipaq 2215 & Nokia BT HS-11w question (0 replies)
- Bluetooth activesync Ipaq2750 (1 replies)
- Flash Chip (6 replies)
- Where R My Calender Appointments (2 replies)
- retrieve pop mail with outlook not messaging is it possible? (6 replies)
- Brand New Axim X51v &/or Active Sync problems (3 replies)
- Using handheld email (9 replies)
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