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  1. Audiovox 1032/ Toshiba e570 - WiFi and OS update? (0 replies)
  2. Syncing Yahoo! w/ PPC? (0 replies)
  3. iPAQ HW6515 restarted by itself and I lost everything (4 replies)
  4. Should I upgrade memory for 2215? (1 replies)
  5. No Widcomm from Dell? (11 replies)
  6. iPAQ h4150/h4155 Screen Repair (1 replies)
  7. using plastic flip cover with a case (1 replies)
  8. iPaq 3875 Upgrade from 2002 to 2003 (1 replies)
  9. IPAQ HP3870 battery replacement (1 replies)
  10. hx2495 Questions (6 replies)
  11. 3300 or 2200 batter backup? (1 replies)
  12. Help Needed! Keyboard Advice for Novice.... (2 replies)
  13. Mobile windows 5 file explorer mapping network drives IPAQ 1955 (4 replies)
  14. HELP.....4150 wipes away SD data on it's own accord??!! (6 replies)
  15. New X51v audio pop? (2 replies)
  16. iPAQ 3955 running video (5 replies)
  17. Acer N311 or Dell X51v? (8 replies)
  18. IPAQ 5455 Won't Power On if Off Cradle (4 replies)
  19. WM2005 on hp5555 (6 replies)
  20. Bluetooth Modem doesn't work! (2 replies)
  21. How to install software in the sd card? (3 replies)
  22. keyboard & camera for hx2790 (2 replies)
  23. Need help with Axim X5... (2 replies)
  24. Need a little help with a SonyMioDigiWalker 168 (0 replies)
  25. Ipaq 6915 (4 replies)
  26. networking (6 replies)
  27. Problems with Outlook 2002 (0 replies)
  28. hx4700 wm5 upgrade (42 replies)
  29. Multilanguage support for Acer n.30 (0 replies)
  30. Worth knowing about the Dell Axim x50v/x51v screens (1 replies)
  31. HX2410 with 2003SE + WM2005 = ARRRRRRGH!!!!! (7 replies)
  32. Media Player 10 library probs :( (3 replies)
  33. MSN messenger keeps logging me off (2 replies)
  34. Import Palm Desktop 4 data into Outlook? Doc To Go to Mobile Office, T-Bird? (2 replies)
  35. K-JAM & K-JAMin (1 replies)
  36. Axim X3i - worth a look? (3 replies)
  37. Printer Drivers? (5 replies)
  38. downloading maps on ipaq 6515 (1 replies)
  39. IPAQ Address Book sync problem (1 replies)
  40. novice hp iPAQ 2495 (1 replies)
  41. Sending Files vis Bluetooth (4 replies)
  42. PPC's, Centrino Laptops and Bluetooth (0 replies)
  43. OS sight of SD card reg hack in WM2003/WM5.0 (0 replies)
  44. networking axim x51v with laptop (2 replies)
  45. Battery Drain (2 replies)
  46. How to install apps when Program Files is locked (2 replies)
  47. PPC won't sync with pc's windows media? (7 replies)
  48. rx1955 Memory Issue (10 replies)
  49. asus a620 battery replacement (2 replies)
  50. Newbie Could Use Some Help.... (1 replies)
  51. Ipaq Screen Not Working (1 replies)
  52. Installing new skins on my axim X51v? (5 replies)
  53. iPaq 3970 COM ports (2 replies)
  54. Rec HP 2790 to user of HP 4150? (1 replies)
  55. Medical/scientific uses of X50v/x51v featured at web site (5 replies)
  56. USB Cable More Reliable Than Cradle? (4 replies)
  57. Another advice request for which PDA to buy (5 replies)
  58. Which PDA/phone? (10 replies)
  59. active sync via wi fi (3 replies)
  60. rx1950 will not turn on (3 replies)
  61. What do you think about HP iPAQ hw6515 ? (2 replies)
  62. iPAQ hx4700 & RIDATA 2GB PRO 150x extremally slow (1 replies)
  63. Everything you need to know about Dell's Switcher Bar (4 replies)
  64. 02 xda 2i help (0 replies)
  65. pocket pc no longer syncs (1 replies)
  66. questions about task sync and other issue (1 replies)
  67. 4700 and keyboard (5 replies)
  68. Where is the optimal hx4700 program location? (3 replies)
  69. 2210 Crash Problem (1 replies)
  70. new ipaqs for 2006 (8 replies)
  71. Need Help. Lost all data on my dell Axim. (7 replies)
  72. Activesync will connect but not sync. (3 replies)
  73. hx4705 Memory upgrade (3 replies)
  74. Need Help - ActiveSync 101 (0 replies)
  75. Dell Axim X50v - how to clear data (11 replies)
  76. PIE Closing after Loading Page - AximX51V (5 replies)
  77. ipaq rx3715 problem software (2 replies)
  78. 4150 frozen on the startup screen?? (8 replies)
  79. Mugen/Lion 5000mah extended battery for the hx4700 (17 replies)
  80. Great news for Pocket Loox 7xx users wanting to play some multiplayer games over Bluetooth! (1 replies)
  81. Start Menu after Restore (1 replies)
  82. Dell Axim x51v users: refrain from using the built-in Data Backup! It's unreliable! (1 replies)
  83. ipaq 3955, quick question (9 replies)
  84. any idea how to shut down calendar screen saver (hx4700) (2 replies)
  85. ipaq 3835 sync connected fixed by pocket pc techs.com (2 replies)
  86. Please, really need help!!! (3 replies)
  87. X30 Broken Sync Connector / Fixed by PocketPCTechs.com! (2 replies)
  88. Dataviz / SmartList to Go / ThinkDB ***** Any Pocket PC Comparisons (1 replies)
  89. SMS software (2 replies)
  90. /windows/messaging folder (0 replies)
  91. Travel charging (4 replies)
  92. Jornada 568 HP Image Viewer (2 replies)
  93. Ipaq 5450 Display start-up (0 replies)
  94. Tips & Tricks For Axim X51 & Windows Mobile 5.0? (14 replies)
  95. Location change and time of appointments in calendar (5 replies)
  96. 2795 & activesync 4.1 (1 replies)
  97. keyboard for rx1950 (6 replies)
  98. Adding speakers to dell axim x5 (4 replies)
  99. Hard-Resetting Windows Mobile 5.0 On Axim X51 (1 replies)
  100. Uninstalling the default junk (3 replies)
  101. Loss of memory on axim x5 (3 replies)
  102. 4700 Series discontinued *again*? (8 replies)
  103. SD Card for rx3715 (3 replies)
  104. Connection severed (2 replies)
  105. HP Image Viewer on Jornada 568 problem (0 replies)
  106. switching : ultrasoft money (7 replies)
  107. What's the diffrence between rx1950 and rx1955 and do you advice me to buy it? (3 replies)
  108. New HX4700 - Can't seem to send mail, but I recieve it okay (7 replies)
  109. HX 4700….A head of its time…so much so, HP had to rollback time! (19 replies)
  110. Quake (2 replies)
  111. 1 GB card in 4705 but will not take file over 1 MB (1 replies)
  112. 2200 series - fix DPad? (3 replies)
  113. Pen digitizer broken - recommend someplace to repair? (seattle) (2 replies)
  114. Device activation (7 replies)
  115. How can I uninstall activesync (4 replies)
  116. h4100 and ActiveSync (3 replies)
  117. hx2490 question (1 replies)
  118. My Active Sync crashed! (3 replies)
  119. Help: Rex's D pad won't always work (5 replies)
  120. Fujitsu PenCentra 130 Internet over ActiveSycn Connection? (0 replies)
  121. loox 720 (1 replies)
  122. Help! Can't install programs, tons of messes after restore (5 replies)
  123. Windows Media Player for rx3115 (2 replies)
  124. Email Program (3 replies)
  125. Palm Keyboard with HP hx2495 (1 replies)
  126. HELP storage card documents are missing. (4 replies)
  127. I MATE K JAM sms (0 replies)
  128. What are the rumors concerning HP 2006 Ipaq flagship model? I don't think they can out do the HX 4705!!! (11 replies)
  129. Internet service (3 replies)
  130. hot battery and power button not working (5 replies)
  131. What is the consensus about the Dell 51V? (20 replies)
  132. Axim x50v on WM2003 stalls on start-up (4 replies)
  133. Jornada 520 Sadness (2 replies)
  134. HX2795 WM5.0 and Activesync problems (10 replies)
  135. Dell Axim X51v + Sygate Firewall = No ActiveSync. Please help! (5 replies)
  136. h3600 Expansion battery wont charge (2 replies)
  137. Could anyone help with my PDA? (5 replies)
  138. 3600 series runs all night - why? (1 replies)
  139. Available Memory (x51v) (7 replies)
  140. HP 5455 WLAN card (0 replies)
  141. Speaker Sound iPAQ 2755 (0 replies)
  142. Opera Mobile on i730/MIDlet manager/J2ME support (1 replies)
  143. 3870 vs 5455 (4 replies)
  144. Are the problems with ActiveSync 4.0 fixed? (3 replies)
  145. 3970 ROM 2k3 upgrade request (3 replies)
  146. Alarm Malfunction (5 replies)
  147. HELP Ipaq Wireless Pack Battery Critically Low (2 replies)
  148. E-200 and SanDisk Connect Plus 128 Wi-Fi CompactFlash card. (3 replies)
  149. X51v CF still disappearing (7 replies)
  150. x51v Wakes up and stays on (3 replies)
  151. Questions about Genio 550 (3 replies)
  152. 3970 2k3 Rom upgrade no longer avail? (4 replies)
  153. Are there any keyboards for the rx1950? (4 replies)
  154. e740 shows connected wi-fi, but cannot acess internet w/IE (2 replies)
  155. Toshiba e830 USB host cable (1 replies)
  156. Vaja doesn't make case for rx3115... (2 replies)
  157. Looking at customizing a X51v.... (3 replies)
  158. Internet connection via bluetooth and GPRS on a Sony Ericsson V800 (7 replies)
  159. newbie (2 replies)
  160. How good is the HP iPAQ rx3115? (1 replies)
  161. HP 5455 won't sync (0 replies)
  162. Another one who needs Palm to PPC software equivalents (5 replies)
  163. PPC Camera Selection (1 replies)
  164. Firmware Update for Ipaq rx1950/1955, Released Jan 12th, 2006 (1 replies)
  165. I've lost my iPaq :( (9 replies)
  166. Ipaq 2490 with Mobile 5.0 and microsoft reader activation (5 replies)
  167. My new eten m600 has been dead for over 2 weeks (2 replies)
  168. Calender Alarms (0 replies)
  169. Yet Another X30 Sync over WiFi Problem (3 replies)
  170. Axim X50 and WM5 -- possible solutions to slow speed, lost CF cards, hangs, etc. (0 replies)
  171. What’s different between hx2750, hx2755? (6 replies)
  172. Motorola HS-820 and Axim X30H (0 replies)
  173. text messaging (3 replies)
  174. Battery Drains (6 replies)
  175. 5450 - Battery is always empty (8 replies)
  176. HP 5400 and Skype (1 replies)
  177. HP 5400 and Windows Mobile 2003/Windows Mobile 5 (3 replies)
  178. Hx4700 not likely to be available ever again (13 replies)
  179. Dell's 9 Days of Deals! (0 replies)
  180. e805 and socket bluetooth problem (0 replies)
  181. Time for a New PPC (5 replies)
  182. 128 Bit Encryption on 5455 iPAQ? (0 replies)
  183. Even better than expected (1 replies)
  184. I must be stupid... (12 replies)
  185. hx2490 + h5500 components (5 replies)
  186. Outlook sync problems (1 replies)
  187. Support Code: 80070490? (2 replies)
  188. bluetooth manager? can;t connect to cellphone (0 replies)
  189. Killed a H2200 on my first week at a new job :( (8 replies)
  190. SGH-i300 and NoviiRemote - has anyone tried? (0 replies)
  191. hx2xxx series flip cover (3 replies)
  192. Thinking of switching to ppc...but what about my mac? (10 replies)
  193. iPAQ 1945 BT Jabra and Motorolla (5 replies)
  194. Hx4700 - to buy or not to buy? (18 replies)
  195. How do I retrieve business card info from memory chip (1 replies)
  196. Rom Update for rx1950/55 (9 replies)
  197. CF and SD Memory Speed - Any Thoughts? (5 replies)
  198. WM2k3 really is snappier than the WM5 (my experiences) (5 replies)
  199. Anyone Use a Battery Extender (1 replies)
  200. Blue Tooth (4 replies)
  201. Windows 2003 SMTP Authentication Error/Problem (1 replies)
  202. CF Micro Drive and Dell (8 replies)
  203. wifi fails on 5555 (0 replies)
  204. Dell Portable Keyboards (5 replies)
  205. Palm's To Do-like application for PPC? (8 replies)
  206. 3835 Lock-Up (7 replies)
  207. hx2795 - Turns on when moved or put down on Desk (1 replies)
  208. To sell or Repair my H4150 (3 replies)
  209. Mystery Appointment Shows Up after Syncing (2 replies)
  210. One bug discovered with A06 Upgrade (2 replies)
  211. Hw6715/Hw6915 (Or whatever HP want to call it!) (1 replies)
  212. Best thumb keyboard? (13 replies)
  213. 5455 - any ROM updates after PPC 2003 upgrade? (2 replies)
  214. New ROM Upgrade A05 & A06 (6 replies)
  215. Outlook 2003 Question (Palm to PPC) (0 replies)
  216. WiFi connections (3 replies)
  217. Protecting that Beautiful VGA Screen (11 replies)
  218. Quick charge and slow charge... (3 replies)
  219. charging (6 replies)
  220. Hp h1910,active sync 3.8 not syncing outlook 2002 (5 replies)
  221. hx4700 - Hard Reset (4 replies)
  222. Contacts "tweak" (4 replies)
  223. Looking For Information About Dell X30 and X5* Range (3 replies)
  224. Internet on HP Ipaq 1710 (3 replies)
  225. Runtime Errors (1 replies)
  226. Screen Protectors (7 replies)
  227. Aironet 340 WiFi card questions (0 replies)
  228. Wonderful WM 5 upgrade!! Except for the HORRIBLE bluetooth (13 replies)
  229. Treo POS to Treo 700W (6 replies)
  230. x51v On the Way - DVD viewing (5 replies)
  231. Has anyone ever opened their 19xx series to do a minor repair? (0 replies)
  232. Microsoft Voice Command... (2 replies)
  233. Hard Case for Jornada 568 (4 replies)
  234. Help Desperately Needed!!!! (5 replies)
  235. 2 more questions for RX 1950...Allocating memory and keyboard selection (3 replies)
  236. PIE Upgrades (9 replies)
  237. AHH...cant connect to shared network!! (1 replies)
  238. Need AC Adapter for Audiovox Maestro (2 replies)
  239. Screen Scratched (2 replies)
  240. rx 1950 Wi-Fi (3 replies)
  241. Disappearing Icons On MS Reader Files (LIT) (3 replies)
  242. Desktop Installation (14 replies)
  243. Cant get my Rx1950 to share files with my computer (4 replies)
  244. ipaq 2215 & Nokia BT HS-11w question (0 replies)
  245. Bluetooth activesync Ipaq2750 (1 replies)
  246. Flash Chip (6 replies)
  247. Where R My Calender Appointments (2 replies)
  248. retrieve pop mail with outlook not messaging is it possible? (6 replies)
  249. Brand New Axim X51v &/or Active Sync problems (3 replies)
  250. Using handheld email (9 replies)