View Full Version : Legacy Devices
- Single unit 4 Way Charger - Wall/Car/USB/9 volt (1 replies)
- where is avantgo?? (7 replies)
- Infrared beaming to printer from the X5 (1 replies)
- ipaq 3950: charging circuit dead, question: (1 replies)
- VOIP by using Pocket Skype on the Toshiba e830 and the "echo" factor (2 replies)
- iPAQ rx3715 WiFi shared authentication problem (0 replies)
- USB Hard Drives With ASUS A730? (0 replies)
- H1940 headphones blues (5 replies)
- Extended Battery thinkness questions (1 replies)
- 2210 Scanlines Issue - Can anyone relate? (1 replies)
- A730(W) GAPI Tweak (1 replies)
- AA Battery chargers vs 9 volt battery chargers - 39xx (3 replies)
- i-mate woes (0 replies)
- usb keyboard.... anyone made it to work on A730W? (2 replies)
- Whats working with your USB Host Cable? (18 replies)
- Just go my USB Host Cable (0 replies)
- asus 730 W (51 replies)
- HARD reset (8 replies)
- Notification Error (4 replies)
- WIFI and mismatch in help and installed software (3 replies)
- Ipaq 5550 volume (2 replies)
- Where to buy iPAQ hx4700 (3 replies)
- rx3715: Bluetooth headset doesn't work at all. No success with hack either (2 replies)
- hx4700 locks up and other media playback woes (2 replies)
- Alternative Loox 720 camera software? (2 replies)
- Ram upgrade for the HX4700 (2 replies)
- Active sync sometimes syncs Outlook's Deleted Items folder (1 replies)
- Turjah 2 not working on iPaq 4700.... but turjah I does! (1 replies)
- Mobile Device Folder is Empty (7 replies)
- help on Rom update for reinstall of all software needed I lost original downloads (3 replies)
- Just Ordered the 4700, What should i do in the mean time? (10 replies)
- Overclocking the 4700? (1 replies)
- 3970 corrupted with unofficial ROM update for WM 2003 (2 replies)
- rx3700 problem.......maybe? (10 replies)
- Making WiFi automatically come on when docked (5 replies)
- problem of ActiveSync when use HP ProtectTools (0 replies)
- Pins pushed back in Switch Board Assembly (0 replies)
- HP v. Dell on price (17 replies)
- Quick way to respond to notifications? (0 replies)
- Wireless on 3700 iPAQ (0 replies)
- Geekzone has a review of the Toshiba e830 (10 replies)
- Geekzone has benchmarks including the Toshiba e830 (2 replies)
- unable to synchronize (1 replies)
- x50v screen corruption issues? (11 replies)
- x50v Serious problems (16 replies)
- h1940 screen contrast (4 replies)
- Docs2Go to PPC equivalent (4 replies)
- HELP: Suddenly cant uninstall PPC program (2 replies)
- h2215 Backlight fix? h2215 replacement.. (0 replies)
- h2210 or hx2110? (9 replies)
- HP Bluetooth Foldable Keyboard driver installer needed (1 replies)
- Can't find a case for e830 in Canada! (2 replies)
- Upgrading to new machine (2 replies)
- How to install Windows media player skins for PPC? (0 replies)
- help me with backup files please! (1 replies)
- Programs to Storage Card? (3 replies)
- how do I remove a program? (2 replies)
- Siemens SX66: Cingular: Comcast Email (2 replies)
- New poll with more options (replaces 2750 or 4700 poll). Which should I buy? (5 replies)
- HP Bluetooth Stereo Headphones, WORKS!!! (6 replies)
- Help Needed - Installing BT Sterreo headphones on IPAQ 2210 (13 replies)
- bluetooth keyboard (6 replies)
- iPAQ 2210 one year down the line / pros and cons (12 replies)
- 5455 WiFi Authentication/Association, and others. (3 replies)
- Owner of HP h2215 iPaq with Sidegrip Issue (8 replies)
- calendar reminders killing me (or at least my battery) (5 replies)
- Turning off the Screen during music play also question about compact flash cards. (3 replies)
- Keyboard? (8 replies)
- Ipaq 4700 or 2750? (12 replies)
- Dead iPaq. Can battery cause all this? (3 replies)
- USB Joystick working on Toshiba E830!! (2 replies)
- what is in your IPAQ? (6 replies)
- Whatever happened to AutoPC (3 replies)
- Toshiba e800 & Microsoft Reader w/ 2003 SE problems (4 replies)
- Pocket Outlook email attachments on 4705 SD card (2 replies)
- Microsoft ActiveSync Problem (4 replies)
- Where to buy Loox 720 (7 replies)
- Dell Axim X50v, Toshiba e830, Asus MyPal a730w, or Loox 720? (5 replies)
- I'm a little disappointed with the bluetooth utilities on the e830 (3 replies)
- pda/phone with hd (2 replies)
- Anybody found a short cut to turn the wifi and/or the bluetooth on for the Toshiba e830? (8 replies)
- Bluetooth Passkey (4 replies)
- HP has no USB hosting, but is it possible? (5 replies)
- HP iPAQ 4150 Backlight... (0 replies)
- Windows Mobile 2003 (5 replies)
- Backlight Problems (2 replies)
- Does Toshiba have support forums for the e830? (0 replies)
- Difference between a 4700 and the 4705? (22 replies)
- Ipaq or Dell? (6 replies)
- Insufficient memory for Bluetooth driver? (12 replies)
- Default recording files to sd card (6 replies)
- Unit still frozen after hard reset (4 replies)
- touch screen not working on dell axim x30 (5 replies)
- I painted my intermec (8 replies)
- my dell axim x30 touch screen doesnt work (1 replies)
- Data and Images transfered from main memory to CF card--How? (1 replies)
- Flip top magnetic closure case for X5: Belkin vs Slipper (ebcases) or Sena (4 replies)
- WiFi range on hx4700 limited?? (3 replies)
- Asus Warranties, Are they good? (5 replies)
- X50V very sssllloooowwwwww......... (10 replies)
- Cheap SD cards (3 replies)
- SD card only restores folder not files within back to Ipaq (7 replies)
- Help please w/ dell axim x5;LANGUAGE (3 replies)
- ipaq 5450 fingerprint reader - Help! (5 replies)
- Purchasing an HP (1 replies)
- Pocket PC OS updates (5 replies)
- Atari Retro Bundle with x50v from deal in Nov (6 replies)
- Internet Connection (1 replies)
- How do I remove a program icon from the Programs screen? (2 replies)
- dell x50 vga screen? or just the x50v? (11 replies)
- Bluetooth Dial up network connection problem (4 replies)
- Owner info screen......... (28 replies)
- iPaq 3970 SD Card Support (2 replies)
- Problem with Intermec Pocket PC. Please help (urgent). Thanks (0 replies)
- Memory problems (1 replies)
- Avantgo (2 replies)
- 3850 bluetooth(CF) problem (0 replies)
- Ipaq 4150 Memory Capacity.... (5 replies)
- Good cases? (7 replies)
- connecting to internet (3 replies)
- X50/v Mugen battery Coming SOON!!! (15 replies)
- Software for 2215: XScale, ARM or either? (4 replies)
- IPAQ H 6365 Bluetooth Volume problem resolved (0 replies)
- 2210 and SD card question (5 replies)
- critical RAM space- please help me join you!!!! (7 replies)
- What does the yellow question mark mean? (0 replies)
- Are there compatibility problems with the hx4705? (19 replies)
- Ebay - what machine for $200cdn. ? (3 replies)
- Lost files and capacity on SD Card?? (7 replies)
- h6315 email attachment update problem (2 replies)
- Weird Entries in registry: is it virus? (4 replies)
- System Heap on ipaq RX3715? (1 replies)
- Just switched need a program to do this (3 replies)
- Is there anything that can make PPC fonts look like Palms? (3 replies)
- HP iPAQ hx4705 (6 replies)
- Trouble with Bejeweled 2 and hx4700? (0 replies)
- WiFi connection on Tosh.e830 with encryption using ConfigFree (3 replies)
- iPAQ Connectors (6 replies)
- Is there a better fitting case than Krussel for the 4705? (6 replies)
- How can I remove a Microdrive from a 4705? (6 replies)
- Canīt remove local area code from outlook/contacts/wmobile (5 replies)
- How the buttons on the HP BT Headphones work (0 replies)
- Question regarding buying the Dell x50v (4 replies)
- Defected Mitac Mio 558 (0 replies)
- h6315 where are stored passwords saved for IE logins? (1 replies)
- RX3115 IPAQ--E-mail Sending issue! (3 replies)
- Proportable = Misleading info for Asus Mypal 730 (2 replies)
- ipaq 3600 problem (0 replies)
- FAQ here for Transitioning Old PPC to New? (1 replies)
- usb on ppc? (1 replies)
- Basic problem downloading and installing programs. (1 replies)
- Shortcut issus w/ rx3715 (4 replies)
- Beaming from a Pocket PC to a Palm? (0 replies)
- connect ipaq1945 to internet through another? (4 replies)
- Who wants a Dell coupon? Axim X50 @ 25% off, Inspiron coupons, more! (0 replies)
- HP rx3715 Pre-purchase Advice Request (21 replies)
- Razor Phone and HP5555, Bluetooth config. (2 replies)
- 256 sandisk memory card???? (1 replies)
- hx4700 A/Sync Unresolved Items (E-mails+attachments) (6 replies)
- Anyone tried the leather Rhino SKin case?? (3 replies)
- MS Reader problems on X50v (2 replies)
- Amazing customer support at dell.... for me at least (5 replies)
- Why are magazines reviewing the e800 and e400 like they are brand new? (4 replies)
- Still have an E-100 (6 replies)
- PDF OR TIFF FILES (2 replies)
- Extended 2450 mAh Battery Pack Warranty (0 replies)
- Mugen Power Extended Capacity Battery (0 replies)
- view .gif in pocket pc ? (2 replies)
- Connecting my X5 to an iRiver h340 (15 replies)
- Has *anyone* found a solution for a locked Ipaq File Store problem (Ipaq 1940)? (10 replies)
- X50 416MHz: Any cons?! (5 replies)
- How's the x50v pad for gaming? (4 replies)
- Which Windows operating system for Ipaq 3635? (1 replies)
- X30 or X50 as GPS solution? (1 replies)
- Slow/Fast USB Charging iPAQ rx3715 (5 replies)
- Turning off Pocket PC (4 replies)
- Warranty Repairs (3 replies)
- Help with ActiveSync (3 replies)
- Joystick support through USB on E830? (5 replies)
- wifi on x50v (4 replies)
- Has anyone tried NuShield screen protectors?? If so, what do you think? (0 replies)
- 5555 Fingerprint Reader or Software Not Working (8 replies)
- Del X50v Price? (25%-off Coupons?) (2 replies)
- Maybe I`ll ring a Dell for Chistmas (with 128 ram?) (7 replies)
- Drivers needed for IR Keyboard - Micro Innovations MP-0118 (0 replies)
- Hewlett Packard iPAQ rz1710 Pocket PC ---processor? (5 replies)
- I want to undo 2003SE on my e405 (1 replies)
- Help!! PPC screwing up :( (3 replies)
- Sending my A730 back! (11 replies)
- Lion Battery extended version soon available for X50 (1 replies)
- O2 XDA2s Problem with the sms alert (1 replies)
- Small PPC (3 replies)
- Pocket PC with keyboard like Psion (1 replies)
- X50 buttons turn on screen during music playback (8 replies)
- X5 locks up when it's in the cradle (0 replies)
- HP IPAQ RX3715 Bluetooth Problem?? (3 replies)
- How does Palm-powered Zodiac handheld compare to Dell X50v? (6 replies)
- Mugen extended life battery makes case obsolete. (4 replies)
- is there anyway to make the transfer faster (8 replies)
- hx4700 and VOIP vonage? (1 replies)
- Ipaq 1945 freezes (4 replies)
- Today Graphics... Where? (1 replies)
- ipaq 5555 died-won't power on (2 replies)
- Unable to access Program Files (6 replies)
- hx4705 and ministumbler (13 replies)
- terminal client on rx3700 (5 replies)
- Letter Recognizer not accepting certain characters (7 replies)
- Dell X50v features query (8 replies)
- Pocket PC 2002 avi asf player (4 replies)
- Toshiba e830 and Pharos BT Gps (6 replies)
- How to cold boot ipaq (2 replies)
- Internet Browsing Issue (6 replies)
- what do u think of replacing ipaq 2210 with a pocketpc phone addition? (8 replies)
- How can I synch to Groupwise? (3 replies)
- Mini jack converter (3 replies)
- Copy document from MS Word (Win XP desktop) to Pocket Word on the X5 (3 replies)
- What do you miss most from other versions of WinCE? (9 replies)
- Download images from My Pictures folder on desktop to the x5 (6 replies)
- hx4700 Series: Is it possible to disable the blue WiFi/Bluetooth Indicator Light? (1 replies)
- Appraising an H1940 (1 replies)
- Can't access SD Card on iPAQ h2215 (8 replies)
- PDA repair recommendations for a Ipaq 2210 in Vancouver (1 replies)
- hx4700 backup battery life... (7 replies)
- Audiovox 6600/6601 and Bluetooth Connection with the Toyota Prius (0 replies)
- My x50v arrived 4 days ago, and dell still hasn't charged me?? (2 replies)
- Help!!!!! (5 replies)
- Does Dell have a Pocket PC to Rival HP iPaq 4700? (10 replies)
- New Pocket PC that resembles the HP Jornada 690 (4 replies)
- Burn-in on Axim X50v screen! (13 replies)
- My Dell Axim X5 keeps hard resetting (3 replies)
- Good case for Ambicom WiFi Compact Flash Card (4 replies)
- x50v missing apps (3 replies)
- 4150 + 1GB SD card (which card are u guys using?) (11 replies)
- Which Task Switcher for PPC? (12 replies)
- Getting my x50v soon... (7 replies)
- potential 4705 buyer (17 replies)
- Ready to buy an x50v (9 replies)
- what is dictaphone on fujitsu ppcs (0 replies)
- Questions About Accessories for e830 (3 replies)
- deleted recorded note by accident (3 replies)
- Is Is Toshiba's Voice Command software the same as Microsoft's Voice Command? (12 replies)
- PPC questions (3 replies)
- H3765 locked on boot screen & won't reset (3 replies)
- Dell axim X30 (624mhz) Should i buy it? (12 replies)
- HELP URGENT (10 replies)
- Ipaq H1940 f***up (16 replies)
- 1910 Hard Reboot??? (3 replies)
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