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View Full Version : Pen digitizer broken - recommend someplace to repair? (seattle)

Trimble Epic
02-06-2006, 09:06 PM
I miss my PPC. it's older (5455), but I miss it anyway.

The digitizer isn't working right. When I touch my pen to the screen, it detects that correctly, but it doesn't detect when I lift my pen up off the screen. It think I'm holding the pen down forever.

I tried a hard reset, and now I can't even align the digitizer screen - it just gets stuck.

Yes, I admit, I've had the case open. It's possible that one of the connector ribbon cables didn't get reconnected correctly, but I've rechecked each one a number of times and I still have the same problem.

Can anyone recommend something I can check?

Can anyone recommend some reputable place that can repair this honestly? (I don't need a new screen, it's probably just a connector...)

If there is something local to seattle, that would be nice, but I'm willing to ship this thing to get it repaired.

Nurhisham Hussein
02-07-2006, 02:28 AM
You could call HP - they've taken over support for Compaq PDAs. Alternatively try Pocket PC Techs:


02-07-2006, 11:39 AM
You should contact HP for this problem. Though replacing the whole digitisier is *expensive*, but, it can bring your iPAQ to life again :)
