View Full Version : Mugen/Lion 5000mah extended battery for the hx4700
02-16-2006, 10:07 AM
Mornin Everyone,
Does anyone have the Mugen 5000mah extended battery for the hx4700?
If they do - how big is it? I'm wondering if it will fit in the Otterbox 1900...
According to otterbox the internal dimensions are
Max Length 5.56in [141mm] Width 3.43in [87mm] Thickness .93in [23.5mm]
Cheers David
02-17-2006, 03:18 AM
I thought the 3300mAh battery was huge, but that is just massive.
02-17-2006, 01:45 PM
The dimensions listed in the first post are the internal dimensions of the otterbox - not the battery itself... :razz:
02-17-2006, 09:22 PM
A simple email to lion battery Sales (
[email protected]) and viola:
The part that extends past the PDA measures: 0.25" thick x 2.63 wide x 4.66
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Customer Service
So it looks like you have a quarter inch thicker device with the battery installed?
<edit> Lessee.. the HPHX4700. ... dimensions 5.15x3.03x.59in so; width and length are still the same. Thickness becomes 3.28in? Looks like your "In Like Flint". :D
02-18-2006, 12:36 AM
I emailed them as well - but I wanted to hear it from the horses mouth though and got the same stock answer.
I guess I'm going to be ordering one then. :D
I'll keep the group informed about whether it does actually does fit.
Cheers David
Jack Cook
02-18-2006, 02:19 AM
I have the 4500 extended battery and it just does NOT make it in. It is just a bit too high . I am not familiar with the 5000mah but I am only assuming it is the same size as the 4500 (or damn close to it).
BTW: The Otterbox is terrific, I use it alot...I have been packing an extra battery just in case....
02-18-2006, 03:15 PM
Thanks Jack - My finger was poised over the buy button.
You just saved me £100 - I'll buy you a beer sometime...
Cheers David
Jack Cook
02-19-2006, 09:13 PM
Just as a followup, I went to check out the battery on the LION site. Interestingly enough, item number is the same as that on my battery (HLI-HX47XL) but my battery has on it 4500.Ah rather that the 5000mAh they have advertised. I am assuming that I just have an older version.
The appearances are the same so I am confident that it would not fit...close, but no cigar!
As an aside, both products are superior...the otterbox is just incredible for providing protection. I just carry a spare battery in case I need it.
The extended LION battery is fabulous! For the most part, that is the battery I use especially on just keeps running!
02-19-2006, 09:17 PM
Just offhand - you might wan tto follow up with Lion Battery before killing the idea.
Perhaps they compressed the 5k using the Lithium Polymer. you'd only need a mm or so.
Email them again and ask for the measurements on the 4.5k - or do you have them? Are they equal?
02-20-2006, 03:47 PM
Let's look at the math here,
Size of the hx4700 is;......................5.16" x 3.03 wide x 0.59" thick
Size of battery is suppose to be......4.66" x 2.63 wide x 0.25" thick
So we should have a device that is 5.15" x 3.03" wide x 0.84" thick
and the otterbox should hold..........5.56" x 3.43" wide x 0.92" thick
the clearance should be..................0.41" x 0.40" wide x 0.08" thick
So perhaps it is simply a question of removing the cover of the hx4700? or perhaps the inside of the otterbox is not flat, but curved? Perhaps taking a little sandpaper (or a dremel tool) to the inside of the otterbox would help?
According to otterbox the internal dimensions are
Max Length 5.56in [141mm] Width 3.43in [87mm] Thickness .93in [23.5mm] But then otterbox claims to have tested the hx4700 with their cases and it fits even if one can not access the power button, and the case may interfere with the camera, hmm what camera?
"Top power button is not accessible in either case and camera functions may be compromised."
02-20-2006, 09:06 PM
0.08" - that means it won't rattle then.
Looking at the Otterbox they're are some small protusions on the back side of the case. Which could stop the pda + battery fitting.
I guess we'll have to suck it and see, cause I've pressed the buy button.
BTW why can't the rest of the world go metric, We invented the imperial standard, realised it was a bad idea and gave it up....
Hey Ho.
Cheers David
Jack Cook
02-21-2006, 01:41 AM
David's math made me go back to reinvestigate just how close it really is. The consideration of possibly "shaving" a slight bit made me look.
When I first got the extended battery, I tried it in the case. Of course, it would not slip in easily with the extended battery like it does with a regular battery. As it slides in, there was (and is) restricted access because of the Otterbox, because I chose not to add a little pressure, I made the assumption that it was just not going to work.
But David's math made me look again to really see just how tight it was going to be. If I slide the 4700 in horizontally with no vertical rise and add just a little pressure to the push, it makes it in although it is dragging on the extended battery but not enough where it would hurt the device. Possibly over time with continual reinsertion, there might be wear mark but not enough where it would cause me concern.
However, another issue arises and it is the strap that securely holds the iPAQ in place while in the Otterbox. The extended battery is just large enough that with the strap, the back cover does not slide on. I suppose that you could remove the strap and it would clearly work but I chose to see if in fact it could still remain. A little finagling and I was able to get the cover to go, it is in there, although it is a very tight fit.
That again gave me cause to investigate just a bit further because the math indicates I should have just a bit more room. So I looked closely at the back of the 4700 with the extended battery attached. There is just a slight space, enough to slide a thick business card between the body of the iPAQ and the battery. Possibly this explains why I have had a hard time inserting the iPAQ with the extended battery.
In any event, SPECIAL THANKS to David Hettel for “doing the math”…it gave cause for re-looking at the “fit” and I am now able to use the Otterbox with the extended battery!
(I was going to add a couple of pictures to show the fit but I can't seem to see if I have the ability to upload a picture...)
02-21-2006, 02:38 AM
USA go Metric!? Perish the thought, and perhaps let the Brits think they won one? :lol:
02-24-2006, 07:56 PM
It arrived today - that's a five day delivery time to the UK.
And it actually fits in the otter box! :D
I had to remove both the screen cover and the velcro inside the otterbox, It's as snug as snug thing on national snug day with added snugness.
Final cost was £87.
Bad thing was that the PPC hard reset when I inserted the battery, back to the sprite backup that I took on monday.
I'm going to charge it over night...
Cheers David
02-25-2006, 12:11 PM
USA go Metric!? Perish the thought, and perhaps let the Brits think they won one? :lol:
We tried that in the 70's and you see how well that went over :bangin:
I kind of liked being in England and buying gas in Imperial gallons. Made you think a bit about how much it cost and what your gas milage was. It was "unique" .
Does anyone remember the little "88km" signs below the 55 MPH signs? I don't think there are any left on the roadways anymore though.
02-25-2006, 04:55 PM
I do remember them well. Its hard to teach old dogs, right? I'm ok with metrics though; except that gas by the quart thing!
Here in SF the gas is about $2.50 and was $3.20 last year (THANKS GEORGE!). More than I used to pay in Spain when visiting just a couple years ago. And we have plenty of those high mileage hybrids here, you dont pay tolls if you have one.
02-25-2006, 06:34 PM
In the UK lead reduced Petrol - Gas to our american friends - is 95p a litre.
That's £3.80 per US gallon or £3.90 per UKgallon.
$6.61 per US gallon.
We can thank Tony and George for this...
I'm using my bicycle while I save for a Prius.
Cheers David
BTW why is a US gallon different to a GB one? Wasn't it big enougth for a stetson? ;-)
02-25-2006, 11:44 PM
I think the British are using 4 litres to equal a British gallon now versus an American gallon equals 3.78 litres (a quart is slightly larger than a litre).
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