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View Full Version : Should I upgrade memory for 2215?

03-11-2006, 08:24 AM
I have an HP 2215 and recently got the TomTom navigator 5 GPS. The software works fine but when I'm using the GPS software and try to open my PIM program it takes several seconds for it to open and sometimes even takes two tries. If I upgraded to 128mb of memory with PPC techs I know it would give me more program storage space but would it also increase speed when opening several programs at once?
Just curious
Thanks for the input

Sven Johannsen
03-11-2006, 04:20 PM
You are actually not going to get more execution space with PPCTechs RAM upgrade on the 2215. There are two types of results with RAM upgrades. One does in fact show up as more system RAM..if your RAM slider had 64M available, it will say 128M afterwards and you can adjust for program and storage out of the new larger amount. The other type shows up as a RAM Disk, essentially a 64M iPaq File Store, into which you can load programs. Your memory slider will still show 64M.

This second type is what happens on the 2215. The Dell X50 is an example of the first sort. PPCTechs refers to the first sort as the OS seeing the memory natively.

The second type, is actually quite useful, I have it on a 4155. You can load programs to it, that you would normally want to have in main memory, freeing up the 64M memory you have for program execution space. That will help. On the 4155 it helped that I could put most all of my third party programs in the extra RAM Disk, instead of the SD card. It let me use multiple SD cards for different purposes, music, video, business, without being concerned about what programs were on which card. I did not feel the pressure to do this with my 2215 as it had two slots. I could keep programs and business files on the SD and swap out music and video CF cards and even use CF peripheral cards without losing the SD based programs.