View Full Version : Legacy Devices
- Record Button and Gorilla Size Hands (2 replies)
- New 128 RAM upgrade for 1940/45 (4 replies)
- Voice comunication IP to IP via Wi-Fi ??? (1 replies)
- What is the SIM-card like slot on a 5455 for? (4 replies)
- Time for a hard reset-- AGAIN? (4 replies)
- Bluetooth and Activesync (4 replies)
- Today screen (3 replies)
- Bluetooth Dialup Script (0 replies)
- unlocking an extra 64MB RAM in the 5450 (2 replies)
- Is it possible to use the H1910 rechargable battery for my H2215? (4 replies)
- playin music over bluetooth. (5 replies)
- Restore PPC2002 PIM db's to PPC2003.(??) (5 replies)
- Cable to connect Nokia 5110 to h2210 (0 replies)
- Vacation In Europe with My Dell PDA Possible? (2 replies)
- Journal Bar not working? Again (6 replies)
- Screen Shadows (0 replies)
- OS 2002 v. 2003 plus problems with Belkin keyboard (1 replies)
- Great deal on HP foldable keyboard- 42 shipped! (2 replies)
- Losing data if 2215 not charged at once? (4 replies)
- Problem with Activesync (2 replies)
- Holy flatulation, Batman! It's tiny! (0 replies)
- Two new Notes/File Explorer bugs found in h2210 (0 replies)
- iPaq h2215 Speaker Problems (4 replies)
- What happened to the 5150? (3 replies)
- Mutliple Bluetooth Connections. (4 replies)
- 1940 USB speed and question about Emulators (2 replies)
- Help me understand - 2215 built-in bluetooth not Wi-Fi (4 replies)
- Casesonline iPaq 2200 Series Case Review (12 replies)
- Dell is so absurd... (21 replies)
- My Last PPC (2 replies)
- PPC2003 for my 5455 shipping (0 replies)
- Getting v35 on interent with hot sync cable (1 replies)
- Beginner, help please! (2 replies)
- Running low on memory (4 replies)
- HP 1910 accessories (6 replies)
- 2210 Leather Case (0 replies)
- BUG - WM2003 - Duplicate or More Shortcuts Appear After Installing (6 replies)
- Sniffer app (1 replies)
- Inbox sync question (0 replies)
- SD Problem with E310 (1 replies)
- 2215 - does yours turn on when inserting or removing a CF card? (17 replies)
- Help! Wi-fi CF Card for Casio E-125? (10 replies)
- NEW Spb Pocket Plus..does it fix things? (2 replies)
- New iPAQ 2210 User (16 replies)
- Installing Certificates on PPC 2003 (4 replies)
- HP 2215 Case Update? (6 replies)
- Update problems - Mazingo etc. (0 replies)
- Battery problems (0 replies)
- Query: Battery comparison for 5555 or 5550 (0 replies)
- WLan on h5455 (12 replies)
- Ipaq 2200 wont turn back on (7 replies)
- Flash and H5550 (2 replies)
- Video for 2215 (5 replies)
- have to vent..... (1 replies)
- Installation Locations (2 replies)
- 2210 - no email via pass through (2 replies)
- 2210, what do you do with... (6 replies)
- Hp 1910/15 with Total Remote (3 replies)
- Autostart Wlan on iPaq 5450? (1 replies)
- How to sync 2 PPC to 1 computer (1 replies)
- Ipaq 1940 in Australia (3 replies)
- iPaq 2210 problems... (10 replies)
- My 2215 Vaja shipped today!!! (14 replies)
- Viewsonic upgrade update (2 replies)
- Ipaq 5455/2215 + WME2003 Questions... (5 replies)
- UK release of Pocket PC 2003 (11 replies)
- Pocket WINC on 5555 / 2003 (1 replies)
- Bluetooth Recommendations (5 replies)
- ROM Update loss of Functionality? (0 replies)
- Ipaq won't hard reset what am I doing wrong? (13 replies)
- Setting up 2210 & Terminal Services (1 replies)
- Pocket Plus Updated (1 replies)
- 2210 freezes on BT network connections (PAN) (0 replies)
- My 2210 has died... (13 replies)
- Problem: Password truncation in setting up modem connection (3 replies)
- Pitech dual CF plus 2000mAh battery sleeve? (3 replies)
- GPS Mounts (1 replies)
- Sending SMS - IPAQ 2215 and Nokia 6310i (3 replies)
- Probleams backing up with Pocket Backup 2.1.1 (0 replies)
- Is eVC++ for iPAQ 5xxx free? (1 replies)
- iPAQ 3630 battery life? (2 replies)
- iPAQ 3660 battery life? (4 replies)
- manage appointment on my Ipaq 5455 (0 replies)
- Dell Axim 400Mhz X5 PDA $257 at Dell Home (1 replies)
- 2215 SD Card error 31 (1 replies)
- Sync-able case for 2215? (0 replies)
- 2215 Vaja case opinions (0 replies)
- Can you get e-mail on your 5550? (8 replies)
- edit word completion dictionary? (7 replies)
- Help with h2210 + Terminal Services + WinXP (1 replies)
- 2215, Please Help me Decide (5 replies)
- 5550 network issues (2 replies)
- Toshiba announces officially - No WM2003 upgrade for E740's (11 replies)
- Peacemaker Pro and HP 5555 (2 replies)
- IPAQ 1940/1945 Battery (1 replies)
- Other functionality with "USB Hot-sync" cable on 37XX? (1 replies)
- sync multiple mailboxes (2 outlook profiles) (2 replies)
- 5450 via router (3 replies)
- Microphone (0 replies)
- Cases: Vaja vs. Proporta (1 replies)
- PocketPlus info please... (19 replies)
- New iPaq, 1930? (3 replies)
- Just purchased the Space Machine GPS Kit (1 replies)
- SOS! 5450 users with latest WLAN installed, come in pls! (6 replies)
- Video Player (5 replies)
- Help updating ROM to 1.0623.0409 (2 replies)
- Outdoor viewability 3970, 1910 and 2215 (5 replies)
- Battery Problem (5 replies)
- Bluetooth + Java / Jeode ?? (0 replies)
- Hardcase for Ipaq 2210/1940 (1 replies)
- H5550 Benchmark? (7 replies)
- New Hard Case 2210 Woooohooo! Finaly! (7 replies)
- Toshiba e740 ROM update (not complaining, link contained) (1 replies)
- new axims (4 replies)
- Great prices and customer service through education store (2 replies)
- Uses for CF modem card? (1 replies)
- LINKSYS WCF12 on Pocket PC 2003 on Axim X5 300mhz-HELP (2 replies)
- Reminders not working (2 replies)
- Avantgo (1 replies)
- Why is transfering files like avi's to my new Ipaq 2215 so slow? (7 replies)
- h2210 - contantly soft resets (3 replies)
- Vaja case w/ Magnetic Closure? (2 replies)
- Looking for iPAQ parts source (3 replies)
- Sync other folders from cd or sd card (5 replies)
- dlink CF WIFI card on 2215 (8 replies)
- Installing Cadenza if you have Pyon Pro now? (0 replies)
- Cases other then Vaja for 22xx series? (2 replies)
- Is it me or it? (3 replies)
- iPAQ 2215 Backlight (3 replies)
- Service Question about HP 2215 (4 replies)
- Holster for IPAQ w/Silver Slider. (1 replies)
- DCF 660W and DI-614+ Problems (2 replies)
- Love My iPAQ 2215, but a few bumps...questions / help???? (2 replies)
- How do I get rid of the extra junk? (4 replies)
- The benefit of the doubt (3 replies)
- Upgrade to PPC2003? (1 replies)
- PDA Panache stylus available for H2200 series (14 replies)
- Howto reassociate an ActiveSync profile after hard reset (1 replies)
- Task Switcher for H2210 (15 replies)
- 2210 powering itself on in the cradle? (7 replies)
- Charging 5400 series with car adpater? (6 replies)
- Jornada not recognizing CF card (3 replies)
- My biggest complaint re: the 5550 (5 replies)
- connecting ipaq3630 via irda to s55 cell phone (0 replies)
- Bluetooth Stability Issue (5 replies)
- Disappearing files from ipaq file store (1 replies)
- Ipaq 2210 + Bluetooth + Activesync (8 replies)
- Krussel Case Pictures (0 replies)
- 2215 and VPN and Activesync issue (0 replies)
- Pocket Backup Update and Reminders (1 replies)
- Birthdays, Letter Recognizer, manual?!? (5 replies)
- Activesync and WiFi (26 replies)
- Interesting hybrid: Sandisk CF wlan card with 128 MB memory (0 replies)
- I'm on a 2210 w/D-Link Air (5 replies)
- Possible to turn off "On upon CF card Insertion"? (4 replies)
- Removing CF Cards? (2 replies)
- Avantgo Help - Wont work (0 replies)
- microsoft money (2 replies)
- Pharosgps Ethernet CF adapter on a Jornada 568 (0 replies)
- What is my MAC Address? (3 replies)
- HP 1910 (2 replies)
- Online HP Store & iPAQ H2210 (2 replies)
- Active sync (3 replies)
- Jornada 568, extended battery with MMC slot and SD cards (18 replies)
- Palm Reader on PPC? (2 replies)
- Multiple Wireless settings (0 replies)
- [Accessory] Silver Slider Plus Pack (23 replies)
- The Cradle (9 replies)
- 5550 WiFi ActiveSync problem (7 replies)
- DIY 2210 case? (3 replies)
- Uninstall ActiveSync... (1 replies)
- Going from 1910 to 1945 -how to seamlessly switch over? (1 replies)
- Ipaq 1940 from Palm - Doubts (8 replies)
- Can you run programs off storage cards? (3 replies)
- questions about File store on the 2215 (3 replies)
- Java on iPAQ 54xx? (4 replies)
- E-200 not working with Brando (CC&C) Bluetooth CF card! (8 replies)
- Best replacement for ThinkDB (Smartlist) (5 replies)
- Photos (1 replies)
- Can someone pont me to de 2215īs user manual? (4 replies)
- 3950 vs. 5555 battery life (4 replies)
- Program like BigClock? (4 replies)
- Anything like To Do Plus on Pocket Pc? (4 replies)
- Inexpensive Serial Connection for Toshiba e740 (3 replies)
- Weighting the Cradle (3 replies)
- Axim 400MHz + USB Cradle + 2 Batteries + Leather Case now available at for $349.99! (1 replies)
- Movin on up! Now what! (2 replies)
- Internet connection (1 replies)
- 2210/15 Serial Sync Problems (5 replies)
- Yesssss!! My H2210 is on it's way... (6 replies)
- Newbie - CFCARD or CFMicrodirve (2 replies)
- IPaq 2215 and Omega One Battery Pack Indicator...Software or Battery Problem? (3 replies)
- Attachments file storage location (3 replies)
- Problem with PPC Tasks (1 replies)
- How do you do a "hard reset"? (5 replies)
- I guess we all saw it coming, but... (11 replies)
- More 2215 problems... (8 replies)
- PDAWin's TV Remote on iPAQ 2215? (7 replies)
- Just ordered 400mhz, some questions... (10 replies)
- "Cannot Connect" error on iPaq 2210 with WM2003 (2 replies)
- IPAQ 5550 for $549. (0 replies)
- Care pack registration time frame? (10 replies)
- Samsung I700 or Hitachi G1000 (8 replies)
- Keyboard for h2210 (5 replies)
- Using extra memory (3 replies)
- ipaq 3635 sound issue (3 replies)
- Reminder Lock-up (5 replies)
- IPAQ 2210 - How to turn the screen off during mp3 playback? (10 replies)
- BoxWave MiniSynch (1 replies)
- USB Charger (0 replies)
- ipaq 2110 spare batteries in the UK (1 replies)
- Outlook All Day Event Sync Problem (3 replies)
- File association help (3 replies)
- 5555 Ghost Network (8 replies)
- Initial setup for 2210 (1 replies)
- need 2210 help ASAP- how to hard reset (1 replies)
- Delorme Earthmate GPS + HP 2215 (0 replies)
- GPS knock-offs on eBay (4 replies)
- Axim Question (9 replies)
- Neq w IPAQ 2210 (13 replies)
- want to retreive my contacts from my old pocket pc version's backup (2 replies)
- Ipaq 2215, PPC 2003, and Bustem (1 replies)
- Text Messaging on a Toshiba2032sp? (0 replies)
- Does YOUR 5500 have a "spongy" screen? (8 replies)
- E740 Problems? What can i do (1 replies)
- Where 2 get Axim FAST??? (7 replies)
- How to disable automatic email download in PPC2k3" (5 replies)
- 5555 wants to connect while I'm using AvantGo (2 replies)
- 2100 or 5550? (2 replies)
- Hoping for some SD slot advice on HP 2215 (3 replies)
- iPAQ 2210 vs 2215 (4 replies)
- I could use your thoughts... Palm or Pocket PC (8 replies)
- iPAQ 1910 vs 1940 vs 2210 (5 replies)
- iPAQ 5550 Keyboard problems (8 replies)
- Avoid Socket CF Cards (5 replies)
- Battery issues with H2215 (4 replies)
- What is THIS garbage on my screen? (12 replies)
- Screen Protector for 2215? (9 replies)
- Fix for iPAQ Backup on the 22xx (0 replies)
- toshiba e355 and old laptop (3 replies)
- How do you Secure your Data? (Or, is the bioswipe really secure?) (14 replies)
- CF plus pack battery notification (1 replies)
- I'm in love (7 replies)
- 5455 Much slower after 2 weeks of use. Is that normal? (5 replies)
- Reviews from users w/ OFFICIAL 2003 upgrade for 54xx series? (3 replies)
- e310 won't turn off (3 replies)
- Stowaway XT (3 replies)
- spb Pocket Plus on 5555 (3 replies)
- How Long Does your Battery last in terms of years/months. (2 replies)
- Lights on iPAQ h555 (6 replies)
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