- Age of Empires on Jornada 720 (2 replies)
- X30 -- 312 too slow or OK? (2 replies)
- 8125 Notification Help (5 replies)
- rx 5915, use as Handsfree device for my cell phone?? (4 replies)
- Axim X30 battery problem (2 replies)
- windows mobile 2002 upgrade to 2003 (0 replies)
- Dell Axim as a first palmtop (4 replies)
- HPrx5965 and Bluetooth (0 replies)
- ActiveSynch 4.5 with rx1950? (4 replies)
- Dell has stopped manufacturing Dell Axim X50 - X51v series Pocket PCs. (1 replies)
- Issues with webmail (2 replies)
- Sync problems Pocket PC to Vista & Outlook 2002 (1 replies)
- WM6 Partition Thread (1 replies)
- Any "must have" software for the iPaq hx4700? (5 replies)
- Help !! (5 replies)
- Pocket PC Is ... dead (10 replies)
- Would u buy an iPaq 4700 Today or still keep your exisiting one? (12 replies)
- Ok, I just got an HX 2410 (4 replies)
- Please help! How to replace back-up battery? (7 replies)
- activesync help needed (1 replies)
- wm6 (2 replies)
- HELP! -- 2415 can do everything except wi-fi (7 replies)
- Red LED on my SPH-i700 is on continuously (1 replies)
- ASUS P535 (0 replies)
- Is the X30 reliable? (2 replies)
- Are the hx series reliable? (1 replies)
- 3835 Wireless (14 replies)
- IPAQ 2795 (3 replies)
- problem deleting file (1 replies)
- Password Entry skrewed me up!!! I cant get into my HP Rx3115. Help.. (3 replies)
- Max disk size on HX4700 expansion slot? (8 replies)
- Lost data after reset - Win CE (0 replies)
- Battery for iPAQ 2210? (1 replies)
- need help about the deviceid! (0 replies)
- HP 2215 -New problem - old device Please help! (3 replies)
- problems w/i730 Samsung Phone (1 replies)
- IPAQ 1955 is dead (3 replies)
- Driver versions (4 replies)
- How to get the received data in Windows CE 5.0 device using serial port (0 replies)
- Acer n311 dead battery? (2 replies)
- Help - Samsung SG-i718H problem- device locked, stylus not working, cant do hard reset (1 replies)
- Acer N300 V1.00.22 AKU3.5 ROM Update (5 replies)
- WPA on a HP 1950? (3 replies)
- Help! Bought wife an older iPaq (3600 series) - need alarm to repeat (1 replies)
- Is this a possible upgrade??? (1 replies)
- WM5 and Excel Mobile (2 replies)
- Download Free Windows Mobile Themes from FreeWMThemes.com (1 replies)
- Samsung i700 need upgrade WM2003 (1 replies)
- X50v WM5 ROM A02 User Updates? (3 replies)
- Alarms (2 replies)
- Pocket MSN - Hotmail messages. (1 replies)
- Mac or Linux for X51v? (3 replies)
- igo tip for Samsung i730 (0 replies)
- Vista and Toshiba Pocket PC 330 (4 replies)
- Problem Running Application on WIN CE (1 replies)
- iPAQ 2210 glasstop/digitizer replacement (2 replies)
- hx4705 will not hard reset (1 replies)
- Can I browse folders on Dell Axim via Bluetooth connection with laptop? How??? (3 replies)
- X50v WM5 ROM A02 - Syncs only as Guest (0 replies)
- IPAQ 2495b (3 replies)
- Active sync quit working, but version 4.5 does work? (0 replies)
- WMDC cannot sync with IPaq6515 and Outlook 2007 (0 replies)
- Best GPS software for HP 6828? (1 replies)
- HELP...I can not get my HP2215 to keep the correct time (3 replies)
- my third rx1950!!! (0 replies)
- e405 wireless SDIO problems (3 replies)
- Windows Vista sync with IPAQ 3835? (0 replies)
- i730 worth it (1 replies)
- anyone upgraded ipaq 2750 to wm5? (5 replies)
- Annoying Alarm: HP HW6945 Dog Barking! (2 replies)
- Unable to hard reset iPAQ 3955 (0 replies)
- 2200 Spontaneous Hard Reset (1 replies)
- 4705 & BlueAnt X5 Bluetooth Headphones issue (0 replies)
- 1 gig toshiba sd card on v36 (1 replies)
- The proper way to apply a screen protector (4 replies)
- E-200 Keyboard problem (1 replies)
- Do I need to upgrade? (2 replies)
- Unable to use stylus (1 replies)
- Copy clipboard from PC to PPC (1 replies)
- Ipaq 3715 screen won't respond (1 replies)
- Help with Office 2007? (3 replies)
- Modify Caller ID Screen Size: Too Small Poor Vision (0 replies)
- Asus A639 (0 replies)
- Freeing up storage memory (5 replies)
- HP 6945 RAM UPGRADE 128MB (0 replies)
- HP IPAQ in car - can't seen screen in the morning, sun shining brightly (1 replies)
- setting up ISP (1 replies)
- Large storage cards for h4155 (9 replies)
- Installing skins on 8125 (2 replies)
- Help needed!! For ipaq 5450 charging problem (2 replies)
- How to make a direct connection to PC???? (0 replies)
- Rom desperatly needed pleeeease (3 replies)
- ipaq h3800 series cant connect wireless (7 replies)
- Change Outlook Notes Synch Pocket PC Default Folder (0 replies)
- Name of processor in 2495b? (2 replies)
- Today Screen (3 replies)
- Theme Switcher (1 replies)
- hp rx3115 dead (1 replies)
- Changing Sprint PPC-6700 Bluetooth discovery name (3 replies)
- Motorola Q (Sprint Moto Q) (4 replies)
- Pocket PC HP 6945 Bluetooth Manager Tweak Request (0 replies)
- pdb files on a PocketPC? (4 replies)
- French OS on Pocket PC (3 replies)
- IP 5555 went dead (3 replies)
- HTC Tytn (0 replies)
- Problem with an iPAQ Pocket PC hx4700 (1 replies)
- Restore iPaq to second PC? (1 replies)
- Bluetooth Acces Point and X51 and WM5 (0 replies)
- This post will be helpful. (0 replies)
- Restoring a 'dead' iPAQ 4150 (2 replies)
- Block/Letter Recognizer won't work (1 replies)
- GPS for iPAQ Pocket PC 2003 Pro (1 replies)
- Help with replacing cracked screen for 6818 (0 replies)
- Windows media sync to laptop problem. (2 replies)
- treo 650 to 8525 need help (2 replies)
- FYI: Toshiba surprise-shutoff problems? Turn the screen light down! (3 replies)
- problem connecting my e750 to my WIFI network. (1 replies)
- FS: (UK only) hx4700 + Accessories (0 replies)
- X51 Bluetooth Activesync question. (3 replies)
- rx5900 series: PocketTV is looking for beta-testers (0 replies)
- X51v & problem installing Adobe Reader (4 replies)
- Retiring my 568 (4 replies)
- Windows Mobile 6 iPAQ? (7 replies)
- HP iPaq rx 5700 and rx 5900 GPS Firmware Update (0 replies)
- Pocket PC on a Lifedrive? (2 replies)
- trouble with Conpact flash card. Jornada 567 (3 replies)
- ActiveSync Problems (3 replies)
- Bluetooth Headset on Axim X51 (3 replies)
- what is the alternate Yahoo page to reply to emails from an HP Ipaq? (2 replies)
- Cant Get Stylus Out (0 replies)
- iPAQ Upgrade needed with English Instructions. Please Reply. (0 replies)
- Help please: I lost my Bluetooth Icon and have skipping Music (0 replies)
- Can you use an Axim to test wired net connections? (4 replies)
- Questions about hw6515 (0 replies)
- Is it Possible to synch an I-PAQ RX1950 with a Macintosh MacBook ? (1 replies)
- Question(s) from a newbie about printing possibilities (0 replies)
- [ask]update for ipaq 6365 wm2003se (1 replies)
- Need help to Find original Jornada 680 software and configure Ir port on Laptop (6 replies)
- My orange wifi light does not come on (1 replies)
- pulling time from network (2 replies)
- 6515 keyboard buttons not working!! HELP! (1 replies)
- 4705 USB Host adapter (1 replies)
- Garmin iQue M3 Backlight issue (3 replies)
- 4150 and wm2003se (3 replies)
- What to buy? hx2490 or rx4240? (2 replies)
- Another Bluetooth Headset Problem :( (0 replies)
- HP iPaq hx 4705? (2 replies)
- alert remindes and notification sounds (3 replies)
- Ipaq clock changing on it's own (3 replies)
- Black "Cover" on back of hx4700 (2 replies)
- Can I watch video in e830 from my laptop using Bluetooth or WIFI ? (4 replies)
- Help (3 replies)
- HP rw6828 - MMS and outlook contacts (0 replies)
- Screen Protectors (0 replies)
- problem with wm5 (1 replies)
- Someone please help me!!! Please! (1 replies)
- old e550g user looking for english rom (0 replies)
- Upgrade problems for IPAQ 5550 (0 replies)
- Problem with iPAQ h1900 Series - Cannot Charge (2 replies)
- Need case for hx2495 with extended battery (0 replies)
- WinCE 4.2 running on Evesham Nav-Cam 7500 GPS (2 replies)
- iPaq hx2755 lcd (0 replies)
- ipaq 4350 printing (0 replies)
- HP 2750 Language Change (2 replies)
- Overnight battery drain to zero - hx2490b (7 replies)
- need replacement battery for 4150, where do i find one? (1 replies)
- Ipaq hx4705 Questions (1 replies)
- 6600 to 6700 conversion has been a mess please help. (3 replies)
- Help please! Java-based webpages and midlet manager (1 replies)
- Ipaq rx5915 problems connecting to Linksys WiFi (0 replies)
- HP 6315 problem (0 replies)
- iPAQ H1945 and Wireless SDIO Problems (0 replies)
- The new x50(v) WM5 upgrade is finally here!!!! (4 replies)
- XV6700 & Jabra JX10 do not pair? (1 replies)
- Major Problems After Screen Replacement (Help Requested) (1 replies)
- Pocket Earth (3 replies)
- H3950 update from PPC2002 to PPC2003 (2 replies)
- Why won't Windows Media play my files without buffering them? (2 replies)
- change language (1 replies)
- hx4700 and thumb keyboard (2 replies)
- ?Optimal Internet Setting for IPAQ HW6510 (0 replies)
- hx2790 (2 replies)
- bluetooth and activesync for 2215 (1 replies)
- Ipaq...how to disable hard buttons: (0 replies)
- Is there no upgrades available for my 22XX? (4 replies)
- Best 1700 mAh Battery? (1 replies)
- Samsung i730 Windows 5.0 upgrade slow down (3 replies)
- Pocket Pc bluetooth issues (3 replies)
- wireless instead of gprs? (4 replies)
- Suggestions for a (sort of) new WM5 user (Cingular 8525) (5 replies)
- External DVD rom drive??? (2 replies)
- ReInstall Win2005 on iPAQ device (4 replies)
- RW6828 with HBH-GV435 (0 replies)
- IPAQ 5555 server settings (1 replies)
- Ipaq 1910 PPC (1 replies)
- Motorola Bluetooth Speaker HF820 Issues with the PPC-6700? (0 replies)
- remove preinstalled programs (3 replies)
- Emulating Palm Apps on Pocket PC (1 replies)
- Upgrade iPaq 4705 and WM5 (3 replies)
- HP6315 SD/Active Sync Question (2 replies)
- phone ringtone manager (3 replies)
- bluetooth receiver (6 replies)
- Searching for a low-profile sync cable for x51v (1 replies)
- Turn off the pop-up keyboard (1 replies)
- Palm OS screen protector on Pocket PC? (2 replies)
- 8125 Issues all of a sudden.. (2 replies)
- ipaq 4350 sd card (3 replies)
- built in screen saver on ipaq 6945 (4 replies)
- Saving Contacts to PC (1 replies)
- Anyone using NotifyLink for Verizon 6700? (0 replies)
- hx2490b ROM update ineffective on one fix (0 replies)
- Want to connect e830 thu Airporter (3 replies)
- IPAQ 1950 alarming problem (2 replies)
- Internet Access without GPRS on IPAQ 6945 (4 replies)
- dialer skins for ipaq hw6945 (3 replies)
- sleepless with my new HP IPAQ rw6828 (2 replies)
- hx2490b takes multiple button pushes to come on (0 replies)
- Customize volume buttons on side? (0 replies)
- i730 sync issue (1 replies)
- my documents sub folder on storage card (2 replies)
- x50v docking problem (4 replies)
- Vario 2, wm5 Auto dialer (0 replies)
- Using internal camera as webcam (3 replies)
- HP ROM upgrade for hx2490b has incorrect date on website (0 replies)
- Any reason to do ROM upgrade if version # same as mine (almost) (1 replies)
- Dell Axim - Deleting shortcuts (Obex File xfers) (1 replies)
- New hx2490 is forgetting my CF card (5 replies)
- IPAQ 6900 Bluetooth notification (1 replies)
- Toshiba e335 Replacement LCD ? (1 replies)
- cingular 8125 need more grip (0 replies)
- new to ipaq need help!!!!! (6 replies)
- Pocket 2003 Word Problem (3 replies)
- Problems with my 2795 (3 replies)
- Windows Mobile 5.0 (5 replies)
- medion pc100 (0 replies)
- Samsung Blackjack i607 and Gmail app? (2 replies)
- Ipaq 3835 CF card driver question (1 replies)
- Outlook 'Contacts' problem (4 replies)
- New to Ipaq 3835 (2 replies)
- Pocket PC wars (3 replies)
- Re: Fonts on HP rx4240 (1 replies)
- What is the best PocketPC alternative to the LifeDrive? (16 replies)
- How to transfer a file to my Ipaq 3950? (3 replies)
- axim x30 battery problem.. need help! (2 replies)
- Accessing media library over WLAN (0 replies)
- Ipaq 3835/Update to windows 2003 question (0 replies)
- Re: pre installed AKU 3.2 software kit (0 replies)
- iPAQ4700 and Tomtom Navigator 6 (2 replies)
- IPAQ h3835 + 4GB SD memory card (0 replies)
- Changing my IPAQ 4150 for a new model ???? (2 replies)