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View Full Version : Help! Can't install programs, tons of messes after restore

Patrick Y.
02-04-2006, 08:40 AM
Hi everyone,

I really NEED lots of help after the messy restore using Sunnysoft's Backup manager. First of all, no cab files, whether it's valid or not, will install on my device anymore. When I click on a cab file, the WM5 installer would open but always end up with "installation unsuccessful". Also, I got stuck will the default WM5 theme no matter which theme I choose.

Thanks in advance.


Darius Wey
02-04-2006, 03:28 PM
Have you considered starting fresh? Move your important documents off the device, then hard-reset and manually install your programs. I know - it's a painful process - but debugging and patching otherwise is going to be a real shot in the dark.

Patrick Y.
02-04-2006, 11:06 PM
Have you considered starting fresh? Move your important documents off the device, then hard-reset and manually install your programs. I know - it's a painful process - but debugging and patching otherwise is going to be a real shot in the dark.

It took me 4 to 5 hours just to setup my PPC last time. I really don't want to do it again. :cry: My main problem now is that the program installer is totally messed up. What do think is the source of the problem?

Sven Johannsen
02-04-2006, 11:17 PM
I'm curious why you restored in the first place? Did you do a ROM upgrade and restore from a previous ROM version backup? As often as I hear about folks doing that succesfully, it's just as often to cause issues. I'd go with Darius's suggestion. Suck it up, hard reset, and start over. But you a buck it'll take less time than trying to troubleshoot a messed up restore, whether from a restore of a previous version or just a bad restore. I'd bet you'll be faster at it this time, than the first time too.

Patrick Y.
02-04-2006, 11:34 PM
Keep in mine I have x50v upgraded to Wm5. You'll never understand the pains WM5 x50v owners like me are having. The dell upgrade was complete disaster with tons of bugs. The worst ones are the sluggishness and constant memory problems (won't boot 80% etc.). For some reason, my x50v got another memory problem and forced hard-reset. It might be caused by the various patches, tweaks, etc. I'm using to fix problems with the device, but I'm not sure.

Another huge problem is that no backup software works with my WM5 x50v except Sunnysoft backup manager (not sure about SPB backup beta yet). Both Sprite Backup Beta and built-in backup manager failed to restore. Sunnysoft, even though it restored my data, is VERY buggy with WM5 (Read mennesys's roundup). I'm really surprised about the problems after restore after reading various user's experience.

Hope dell will release a fix soon. :evil:

02-05-2006, 11:47 AM
It took me 4 to 5 hours just to setup my PPC last time. I really don't want to do it again. :cry: My main problem now is that the program installer is totally messed up. What do think is the source of the problem?

Hi Patrick !! I do understand your problem. I know what the dell has done(been to aximsite). So I understand what X50V owners are going through.
Till the Dell releases an update, nothing can be done. So I would have to agree with Darius that you should do a partial restore(only important files) after a hard reset.

**bad thing is that Dell is already busy fixing X51V problems and other bugs
