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View Full Version : How does Palm-powered Zodiac handheld compare to Dell X50v?

12-22-2004, 05:44 AM
Any one have tried and compared the products? Would you like to share your views ? The price is lower than Dell's and screen is 3.8" and also VGA but 480x320 resolution compared to Dell X50v's 480x640. I am not sure what impact does its lower resolution have on viewing pdf files.

Also, how does the 2 Adobe Readers fair i.e Palm version vs WM one?

12-22-2004, 06:34 AM
Palm doesnt have a real PDF viewer(there is picsel viewer on some machines but it cant be bought seperatly and thus is not available for the Zodiac).

What you have instead is a desktop convertor that converts your real PDF files to a simpler format that can be readon PalmOS machines.

The Zodiac certainly is one of the best PalmOS machines out there and the thing oozes quality and has a nice design but for your purposes, nah it wont be suitable.

12-23-2004, 01:25 AM
Thanks dude :)

Have you tried Adobe Reader for PPC 2002 ver 2.0 and WM 2003 w/ update 2 on Dell X50v? The installation file size is 13.5MB.

I just tried it at Dell Kiosk and the Reader was a lil buggy in that the Bookmark showed a previous file's bookmark and not the current file bookmark and I restarted the Dell and still the same! The sales rep also thought it was buggy. Also, when doing a text 'Find', the 'find' pop-up sort of overlapped text with the background pdf text. Its kind of messy thing when doing a search.

Why would Adobe release such a product without getting rid of these bugs? I suspect its incompatible Reader with the Dell O/S but then, Dell X50v is using the latest WM 2nd edition right? And the Reader is meant for PPC 2002 ver 2.0 meant for the this platform.

The last problem I encountered was that using the 'landscaped' screen and zooming the pdf, I could not fit the entire pdf text into the screen. That is, about 2 characters on the right will be out of view. If I zooming smaller , the text would be illegible. I remembered trying on the iPaq 4700 (4") and was able to view the whole page. So, seems that the screen size does matter even if by 0.3". I was using ClearVue freeware that came with iPaq. So, may not be exact comparison.


12-23-2004, 02:24 AM
Nope cant say ive tried it no.

Pat Logsdon
12-23-2004, 04:20 AM
If you want to view PDFs on your Pocket PC, check out Repligo. (http://www.cerience.com/compare/index.htm) Much better than Adobe's bloated app.

12-23-2004, 04:26 AM
Hi Pat,

Thanks for the reference :)

Does the 'Flowed View' feature of Repligo mean it is able to fit longer sentences into screen by shifting the overflowed sentences downwards? That is, regardless of the width of the screen / page, the sentences will auto flow-downwards and viewable i.e fit-to-screen?

Btw, the features list did not show text search capability?


Pat Logsdon
12-23-2004, 05:25 AM
Thanks for the reference :)
No problem. ;)

Does the 'Flowed View' feature of Repligo mean it is able to fit longer sentences into screen by shifting the overflowed sentences downwards? That is, regardless of the width of the screen / page, the sentences will auto flow-downwards and viewable i.e fit-to-screen?
Yes. Basically, "Flowed View" is a fancy way of saying "word wrap". :)

Btw, the features list did not show text search capability?
Version 2.0 supports this feature. Check out the User Guide here. (http://www.cerience.com/docs/ppc/docs/index.htm)