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View Full Version : Just switched need a program to do this

01-01-2005, 09:33 AM
Hi All

Last week I bought a HP3715 to replace my TE (the E's battery wasn't lastting long enough) and am slowly getting the hang of it. However I can't find a replacement program i used at work every day called List, it is a 2 collum data base with a note field that comes up when you tap on an item and it auto scrolls as you enter the numbers ( I used it for parts inventory and location) It was simple (and free) but efective. I bought list pro but as of now have not been able to get it to do the same.


Sven Johannsen
01-01-2005, 07:09 PM
Not quite sure I understand your requirements, but you might take a look at DataOnTheRun. http://www.biomobility.com/dotr4.htm While it talks about taking Access data with you, it is capable of being a standalone database engine on your PPC. There is a 15 day trial, so you can give it a shot and buy it if it does what you need.

Shaun Stuart
01-01-2005, 07:31 PM
You may want to try ListPro for Pocket PCs by Ilium Software - (search on handango.com) not sure if it is does exactly what you want but this software has been around for the pocket pc for years and has improved with time

01-03-2005, 06:24 PM
Hi All

Last week I bought a HP3715 to replace my TE.....It was simple (and free) but efective. I bought list pro but as of now have not been able to get it to do the same.


Give these 2 sites a try

