01-01-2005, 09:33 AM
Hi All
Last week I bought a HP3715 to replace my TE (the E's battery wasn't lastting long enough) and am slowly getting the hang of it. However I can't find a replacement program i used at work every day called List, it is a 2 collum data base with a note field that comes up when you tap on an item and it auto scrolls as you enter the numbers ( I used it for parts inventory and location) It was simple (and free) but efective. I bought list pro but as of now have not been able to get it to do the same.
Last week I bought a HP3715 to replace my TE (the E's battery wasn't lastting long enough) and am slowly getting the hang of it. However I can't find a replacement program i used at work every day called List, it is a 2 collum data base with a note field that comes up when you tap on an item and it auto scrolls as you enter the numbers ( I used it for parts inventory and location) It was simple (and free) but efective. I bought list pro but as of now have not been able to get it to do the same.