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View Full Version : ipaq 5555 died-won't power on

12-21-2004, 07:50 PM
I just tried to turn my iPaq 5555 on and no power. If I plug it in, no sign of charging. I can't reset or hard reset it either.

I haven't dropped it or anything like that. The only big change was about a week and a half ago I went to hp's website, downloaded the ROM upgrade and installed it.

The last thing I did with it was to use Windows Media and listened to Mp3 files. I thought for sure I shut it off last night, but suppose it's possible I didn't.

Any insights will be appreciated. Otherwise it's off to Best Buy. The unit is 1 1/2 years old, but I did get a service plan for it. So maybe all isn't lost.

12-21-2004, 11:28 PM
I've come across this in the past; my 5550 not coming on - always after the battery has almost completely died on me.

My tips - not guaranteed to work, but worth a try.....

1. Remove battery for 10 seconds and replace
2. Plug iPAQ into charger (not a sync cable drawing power over USB).
3. Turn on unit.

This normally does the trick for me and most of the time I find that I've about 2 mins of battery left, but data intact.

Failing that - the ultimate (& a real PITA) hardreset the unit.

Hope you get it back to life.

12-22-2004, 09:19 AM
Hello Cyj

I had the same problem with my 5550 yesterday after being away from a power supply for too long. I did the battery removal thing as Theo suggested, but initially without success. I then did a soft reset & bingo! on replacing the 5555 in the cradle, I had the charging LED flashing, and was able to turn on the unit. Of course, it had lost all the data (hard reset) so now I have to rebuild it, not having done a recent back-up! Doh! :oops:
Hopefully yours will not have done the same. Good luck! :)