View Full Version : Owner of HP h2215 iPaq with Sidegrip Issue
01-14-2005, 08:10 PM
Hello, I have just registered with Pocket PC Thoughts this evening. My issue is that the sidegrips no longer grip to my iPaq. They are pretty cheap components, in my opinion.
I would be very grateful to get advice / recommendations as to:
1. Where I can buy better quality sidegrips
2. Where I can buy a better quality cover than the one supplied
This website is pretty overwhelming (so much information!). So, if I am covering old ground, please bear with me - I am not the most 'switched-on' of PC/Pocket-PC users in the world.
Thanks in advance for any help given.
Edinburgh, Scotland :D
Pat Logsdon
01-14-2005, 08:32 PM
Welcome to the site! In my opinion, the best replacement grips are the snazzy metal grips from PocketPCTechs. ( You can get them through Expansys and they come in a variety of colors.
01-14-2005, 08:52 PM
Thank you - I will check out the website
Robb Bates
01-18-2005, 12:30 AM
My sidegrips were still latched on, but the rubber was delaminating from the plastic. After probably 5 set of replacements every month or so, my warranty finally ran out and I was left with bubbled up side grips.
So I removed the side grips completely and went bare for about a week. I didn't really like how my 2215 looked or felt. So I took the side grips with the half bubbled rubber material and pulled the rubber off. It took minor effort to peel all the stuff off and scrape off the stuff that stuck to the plastic with my fingernail, but when I was done, I had two rubber free plastic side grips. They have little bumps and divets in them from the molding machine, but now that they're back on my 2215, they look a heck of a lot better than being bare.
To tell you the truth, it doesn't look much different than the original rubberized ones.
Vincent M Ferrari
01-18-2005, 02:02 AM
Actually, my 2215's grips were bubbling the same way. Turns out my Rhinoskin case was the problem. I'd sooner part with my ipaq than not have it in an aluminum case, so I ordered the snazzy silver ones from PPC Techs. I should have them by mid week. I can't wait to get rid of the old rubber grips; they're the only eyesore on my otherwise beautiful toy :-)
01-18-2005, 03:23 AM
You guys know that if you have grip problems, just call HP they will send you a remplacement kit FREE. The new sidegrips they sent me have not bubbled.
Vincent M Ferrari
01-18-2005, 05:27 AM
Actually, that's not true for everyone. Post above mine:
My sidegrips were still latched on, but the rubber was delaminating from the plastic. After probably 5 set of replacements every month or so, my warranty finally ran out and I was left with bubbled up side grips.
01-18-2005, 11:34 PM
All I've had to do to get my grips is
go to this website
sign in, and enter your models serial number and such, do whatever you need to do to register to the website, and to register your iPAQ, then continue to the case manager, where you can enter a request. I basically just put "my rubber grips are coming off, this is the part number, send me another pair! Thanks!"
I have about two extra pairs, but the ones i have on now seem to be lasting a good amount of time. I have no problem asking for more, because they are free, and well I accept that they're crap but I don't have an extra 35 dollars for good grips.
This is just another option.
btw, im not sure if it works if youre iPAQ isn't under warranty anymore, i dont know how it would work in that situation, but yeah, it's always worked for me.
Vincent M Ferrari
01-19-2005, 07:59 PM
Well, my aluminum grips from PPC Techs arrived today, and one word:
They installed in about three seconds, and they look amazing, plus I won't have to worry about them falling apart because it's all one beautifully honed piece of aluminum. I'd highly recommend them if you're having the issue with the crappy rubber ones HP installs in the factory.
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