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View Full Version : Memory problems

01-06-2005, 01:54 AM
I just purchased a HP rx 3100 and I get a message of critical low memory. I purchased a SD card 256 but I can't seem to transfer files to this card, only files I have downloaded can I transfer. Can anyone advise?

01-06-2005, 05:24 AM
I just purchased a HP rx 3100 and I get a message of critical low memory. I purchased a SD card 256 but I can't seem to transfer files to this card, only files I have downloaded can I transfer. Can anyone advise?

What files are you trying to transfer to the card? You can't just grab e.g. ROM-based and/or \Program Files files to be transferred, if this is what you meant by "non-downloaded".

The best way to install programs is either using ActiveSync and choosing "install to a non-default location", or, for more advanced users, using CabInstl for on-the-PDA destination setting. Most programs (except for Today plug-ins), or even fonts (search for "Fonts on Storage" in the PPCT forums) can be installed on a memory card.

Furthermore, in some memory-critical situations a plain Reset can help, if it's your program memory that is full of unnecessary stuff, and not your storage memory. Actually, it's strongly recommended to reset WinCE-based machines from time to time (say, one time a day).