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View Full Version : connect ipaq1945 to internet through another?

12-29-2004, 04:50 PM
Is there anyway possible that I can connect by 'bluetooth' enabled ipaq1945 to the internet by using my friends Aximx50v which has bluetooth and wireless wifi?
I think I've tried every combination possible b/t the two pocket pc's, and I have been successful as far as file exchange, recognizing each other, and establishing a generic serial connection (whatever that is).

I cannot pair them I do not think b/c it keeps asking for a pass key even though I have that requirement unchecked!?!? What is a passkey anyway?

I've also networked the two, but when I connect through the network, the Dell's wifi doesn't work. So I reveerse the procedure, (establish the Axim's internet connection)and then the network is unable to establish a connection!!!

Someone make sense of this please!

12-29-2004, 05:21 PM
Is there anyway possible that I can connect by 'bluetooth' enabled ipaq1945 to the internet by using my friends Aximx50v which has bluetooth and wireless wifi?
I think I've tried every combination possible b/t the two pocket pc's, and I have been successful as far as file exchange, recognizing each other, and establishing a generic serial connection (whatever that is).

I cannot pair them I do not think b/c it keeps asking for a pass key even though I have that requirement unchecked!?!? What is a passkey anyway?

I've also networked the two, but when I connect through the network, the Dell's wifi doesn't work. So I reveerse the procedure, (establish the Axim's internet connection)and then the network is unable to establish a connection!!!

Someone make sense of this please!

Internet sharing on a PDA (NOT on a desktop machine! On desktop Windows op. systems, connection sharing is part of the OS) is not as easy as you would think. However, there is a solution. Check out the step-by-step tutorial at http://en.pdamobiz.com/en/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=74&PN=1 .

12-29-2004, 08:32 PM
Thanks for the reply Menneisyys, but I don't think that link applies to my situation b/c I'm not dealing with a computer...only 2 pda's. For example, our workplace has wireless internet. My friend's pda (Dell Axim x50v) has wireless access. My pda (hp Ipaq 1945) does not have wireless access. Both have bluetooth capabilities though. While my friend is connected through his 802.11b, can I link with my bluetooth to his pda and use that internet connection? (wow, this is confusing)

12-29-2004, 08:36 PM
Thanks for the reply Menneisyys, but I don't think that link applies to my situation b/c I'm not dealing with a computer...only 2 pda's. For example, our workplace has wireless internet. My friend's pda (Dell Axim x50v) has wireless access. My pda (hp Ipaq 1945) does not have wireless access. Both have bluetooth capabilities though. While my friend is connected through his 802.11b, can I link with my bluetooth to his pda and use that internet connection? (wow, this is confusing)

Sure you can - that's what the tutorial I've linked is all about.

One caveat, however: because of the restrictions of WinCE, you'll only be able to visit web pages - and not even issue HTTP POST requests.

(I'll some day convert my own HTTP proxies into WinCE so that there will be a better one...)

12-31-2004, 05:31 PM
Sure you can - that's what the tutorial I've linked is all about.

Alright, I'll buy into what you're selling (seeing as I don't really have a clue when it comes to the topic and you seem to have it well under control)

So then, tell me this much about the tutorial:
a.) which pocket pc is being referred to in the first illustration? Mine (Ipaq 1945) or my bud's (Axim x50v)?

b.) Also, what is this all about? "At windows 2000/XP side. Goto network and dial-up connections.
Right click at Bluetooth Network and select properties.
(I suppose that you've already installed widcomm bluetooth driver series, such as billionton, MSI...) "
-extracted from Chan's step by step turotial, 'Step-by-Step Setup PocketPC Bluetooh PAN (PocketPC as Host)'. Please don't sue me for infringing upon your copyright

-Who's PC is this and what if IT isn't bluetooth enabled?
-Is this a PC that I or my friend's pocket pc is 'synced' to?
-Or, is this the main computer at my workplace that is hooked up to the wireless network (and the one that I'd probable be shot if caught tampering with)?

c.) Finally, the pocket pc at the end of Chan's 'step by step', is it the one with the 802.11b + bluetooth, or is it the one with only bluetooth?

Answer me if you dare (which I'd greatly appreciate), but if not...then I'll remember that you are just a mere mortal such as we and can only stand so much ignorance from one posting...better yet, how'd you like to come visit me in Tropical Oklahoma where the tumbleweeds blow across the open range and I'd let you set it up for me (j/k).

And since it has come this far, might I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!