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View Full Version : h2210 - contantly soft resets

08-03-2003, 06:03 AM
This is getting freaky...

I started recording my first message on my ipaq (which happened to be a concert) just to see how the quality of the mic was (Salaam rules!). I was playing with the quality settings, and set the record quality to the highest and clicked ok. I started recording, but accidentally forgot to stop it. The backlight went off, and i tryed to read it in the dark, but couldn't. So I soft reset it, but the backlight still doesn't come on.

I go to a light source, and I see the progress bar just goes up to the half way point, then the screen flashes blank and the bar starts over again. I really don't want to do a hard reset. I suspect that it has something to do with the operating system not having enough free memory to load.

Ideas anyone?

08-03-2003, 09:50 AM
I'd remove and reinsert the battery, give it a full charge, then try another soft reset. If that doesn't do the trick, remove/reinsert the battery and soft-reset again on the full charge. And if that doesn't work, a hard-reset may be in order but that sounds kinda extreme to me, given the circumstances.

08-03-2003, 06:44 PM
It doesn't accept a charge when it's constantly soft reseting, and it doesn't turn off... I also tryed removing the battery and swapping out for a second, fully charged one. It doesn't help.

I guess I do have to hard reset... :cry:

08-03-2003, 11:50 PM
It doesn't accept a charge when it's constantly soft reseting, and it doesn't turn off... I also tryed removing the battery and swapping out for a second, fully charged one. It doesn't help.

I guess I do have to hard reset... :cry:

Has it ever been subjected to a drop or similar? It sounds to me like there's something loose in there, that even a hard reset may not fix.