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View Full Version : How do you do a "hard reset"?

07-29-2003, 03:47 PM
HI, I have a hp1940 and I'm wondering how to do a hard reset. There is no info in the documentation I got with it.



07-29-2003, 04:15 PM
There is no info in the documentation I got with it.
:boohoo: Read page 1-9 in the Users Guide!

Performing a Full Reset

A full reset is sometimes referred to as a “hard reset.” Perform a full reset when you want to clear all settings, programs, and data from RAM.

CAUTION: If you perform a full reset, your iPAQ Pocket PC returns to its default settings and loses all information that is not recorded in iPAQ File Storage.

To perform a full reset:
Press and hold the Power button. Press the Reset button on the side of the iPAQ Pocket PC with the stylus.
Hold both buttons until the Pocket PC resets. A progress graph displays on the lower portion of the screen. Release the Power button and remove the stylus. The Pocket PC powers on.

07-29-2003, 04:26 PM
This will vary from model to model, I believe the instructions given above are for one of the old 3600 series ipaqs. Below are better instructions. I've searched what passes for manuals these days, but can't find the instructions in any of the doc that comes with a 5455.


While the unit is powered on:
Hold buttons 1 and 4 on the face of your ipaq (Calandar and Itask)
Use the stylus to press the reset button on the bottom of your ipaq.
Continue holding the all 3 buttons until the screen begins to fade away.
HP recommends removing the battery at this point, reinstalling the battery, and plugging into external power, but I don't believe that's necessary.
Use the stylus to press the reset button again on the bottom of your ipaq.

At this point, your ipaq will be just like it had come out of the box, or reset to the most recent rom version you had installed. (i.e. if your unit came with ppc2002 but you've since upgraded to wm2003, it will be reset to the way it was immediately after you installed wm2003, all of your files and settings will be gone.)

07-29-2003, 05:35 PM
Gai-jin, the original question was for an iPAQ 1940. I don't have one of these, but rhmorrison's instructions look accurate for that device. I can assure you that those instructions are NOT for the 3600 series, since a hard reset was much, much simpler with that series. All you had to do was flip the "battery disconnect" dipswitch, located under the little door on the bottom of the unit.

08-07-2003, 07:27 PM
Hi, Bob you were right! It worked like a charm. I guess I missed that page in the manual. I appreciate your help very much! And thanks to everyone who responded.


It's me
08-09-2003, 05:44 AM
Can someone tell me where I can download a manual for 1940?