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View Full Version : 2100 or 5550?

07-26-2003, 07:18 PM
Hey all,

I should be purchasing within the next 2 weeks....but I still don't know what to go for.

Advantages of 2100
Consumer IR (which I belive the 5550 doesn't have?)

advantages of 5550
memory size
bigger screen
longer battery
Cool factor (hey...it's the flagship device....gotta be cool to own)
Wi-fi (for when I finally get 802.11'd up)

I can always buy another battery if I get a 2100....anyone care to state how long it lasts under average use and stuff like games playing, backlight usage etc. For an extra £200 I can't work out if it's worth it...
HELP! :lol:

07-26-2003, 08:34 PM
On the 2210 I would say it lasts >5 hours of constant use. I never use my ipaq more then about 2 1/2 hours before it finds its way back to its cradle.

You forgot one major pro of the 2210... dual expansion! You can use SD for your mem card, and still have your wifi (or a digi cam, or a microdrive, etc) in the cf slot!

That and speed. The 2210 benchmarks better then the 5550. I got Quake going at 22.1 fps :)

07-26-2003, 09:43 PM
That and speed. The 2210 benchmarks better then the 5550. I got Quake going at 22.1 fps :)

That's the choice made then!
If it benchmarks faster and is cheaper....it's a done deal! :lol:

Can't wait to get my hands on one!