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View Full Version : My Last PPC

08-08-2003, 08:50 PM
I need some real help here!

I am looking to buy my last PPC (at least for the next two or three years!) and am caught between the 2215 and 5550.

I currently have a tosh e740 but what with tosh's infamous customer support and dubious product support - i need to get something better.

There are some good reviews of the 2215 - and the fact that it out performs the 54xx series ipaqs. Has anyone got any reviews of the 5550? Does it have a cf slot? Is the range on the wifi as good as rumoured? What's the screen like? What's the sound like?

Any help gratefully recieved!


08-08-2003, 09:00 PM
A quick :google: and I found this link:

As a general the h5550 has the looks of the h5450. And that means no CF-slot without those famous sleeves...

Haven't tried the h5550 myself, but personally I would have gone for the h2210 since I already have a WiFi CF-card...

08-09-2003, 03:30 AM
I have the 5455 and the WiFi has to have some good range, when I'm driving down a 3 lane (6 counting both sides) in D.C. I'm picking up Hotspots all along Hwy 50 inside the Beltway. Many are on the otherside of parking lots and other side roads. I'd say that's pretty good and that's with the new WLAN update for it.