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View Full Version : Acer n311 dead battery?

04-09-2007, 09:57 AM
I was using my pda as I did daily when it just stopped working and I had to take out the battery. It didn't power on when I plugged the battery again but I knew from my experience that the craddle might solve it. I put it there and no response! I didn't know what to do. I couldn't update the rom cause I thought it was bricked and so on. The other day I plugged the power cord of the craddle by mistake and the pda came alive again! The problem is that if I take it out the craddle it stops working and returns to the "brick mode". removing and replacing the battery only lights up the screen and the blue led for a second and that's all.

Now to the battery itself. It was not fully charged when it died the first time and so was when it revived again. I let it charge a bit and the process of charging was absolutely normal. I now have a fully charged battery but it still only works when it's on the craddle....

Any help on that?? I want to know if with a new battery this wold be solved but I don't want to waste my money to find myself with the same problem.


06-26-2007, 07:13 AM
I am having the same problem, PDA works in the cradle but as soon as I take it out, it dies. Were you able to figure this one out? Having a PDA is useless if you can't take it with you.

06-26-2007, 08:04 AM
I gave in to my "lets see what's inside" nature and took the PDA apart. After some poking and prodding, I found that one of the pins that touches the battery had an intermittent connection. After gently prying up the contact to give it a little more spring, I was able to power on the device. This can be done without removing the cover, but I removed a broken stylus tip at the same time. Hopefully this is a long term fix for the power issue though.
Good Luck!