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View Full Version : Problems with my 2795

11-19-2006, 02:13 PM
I have a HP 2795 and I am having problems with the battery. Some times it will charge just fine and hold a charge for a long time. But the other day it was very hot and it was off the charger. I am trying to find out if yall think the problem is with the battery or the pc.

Thanks Chris

11-19-2006, 05:13 PM
...Some times it will charge just fine and hold a charge for a long time. But the other day it was very hot and it was off the charger.
Thanks Chris

I have a 2750 and am having the same issue. It worked fine for a few months after installing the last WM 5.0 update from HP's website in May. This may have something to do with an installed program or the SD card. Still working on it.

11-19-2006, 06:33 PM
I have the iPAQ hx2790 and I used to have that problem. It is due to ActiveSync working in the background even when the device is suspended, leading to a discharge in the battery. This problem can be easily solved with this tweak (it's for Axims but works equally well on our devices):


11-26-2006, 03:16 AM
JesterMania, the link you provided was price-less. I never would have figured this out. Thanks.

After changing the timings, ActiveSync was still being loaded when the device is reset. There was one additional change that did the trick on my 2750. Start > Setting > Connections > ActiveSync Mode.

Select USB Serial Sync Mode. Reset device and ActiveSync will no longer load when device is soft rest. :wink: