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View Full Version : FYI: Toshiba surprise-shutoff problems? Turn the screen light down!

Steve Jordan
02-14-2007, 05:21 PM
Since I've had my Toshiba e330, I've been plagued by unexpected shutoff problems, especially when reading e-books, looking at video, or sync'ing with Activesync. Reading e-books was always a pain, because the device would shut off in 5-10 minutes when on battery (not drain, but just shut off!). I've tried moving files to SD cards, fully recharging the battery, even replacing the battery, and haunting these forums looking for solutions.

Turns out, my screen brightness was causing many of those problems! I managed to not notice the little message on my screen light configure screen: "Using Bright Level High while on battery power will substantially reduce battery life." So I set my on-battery light level to medium. Now the device stays on when it's on battery!

Further, I discovered that turning the screen light off during Activesync (holding the on button down for 3 seconds) avoids the frequent cutting off in mid-sync or backup that I used to experience.

Since I never seemed to find this tip among the others in this forum, I just thought I'd mention it.

02-17-2007, 08:39 AM
i have actually turned off the auto backlight feature...never used the ppc without backlight on. my ppc is set to turn off after 3mins on battery and 10 on ac power. never had freeze ups.

Steve Jordan
02-17-2007, 11:10 PM
I'm trying now to get used to turning the backlight off when it's in its cradle (I'm in front of the PC, anyway, so why not?). I've noticed a lot fewer spontaneous cutoffs since, though they do still happen.

02-20-2007, 09:59 AM
this may help...