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  1. Age of Empires on Jornada 720 (2 replies)
  2. X30 -- 312 too slow or OK? (2 replies)
  3. 8125 Notification Help (5 replies)
  4. rx 5915, use as Handsfree device for my cell phone?? (4 replies)
  5. Axim X30 battery problem (2 replies)
  6. windows mobile 2002 upgrade to 2003 (0 replies)
  7. Dell Axim as a first palmtop (4 replies)
  8. HPrx5965 and Bluetooth (0 replies)
  9. ActiveSynch 4.5 with rx1950? (4 replies)
  10. Dell has stopped manufacturing Dell Axim X50 - X51v series Pocket PCs. (1 replies)
  11. Issues with webmail (2 replies)
  12. Sync problems Pocket PC to Vista & Outlook 2002 (1 replies)
  13. WM6 Partition Thread (1 replies)
  14. Any "must have" software for the iPaq hx4700? (5 replies)
  15. Help !! (5 replies)
  16. Pocket PC Is ... dead (10 replies)
  17. Would u buy an iPaq 4700 Today or still keep your exisiting one? (12 replies)
  18. Ok, I just got an HX 2410 (4 replies)
  19. Please help! How to replace back-up battery? (7 replies)
  20. activesync help needed (1 replies)
  21. wm6 (2 replies)
  22. HELP! -- 2415 can do everything except wi-fi (7 replies)
  23. Red LED on my SPH-i700 is on continuously (1 replies)
  24. ASUS P535 (0 replies)
  25. Is the X30 reliable? (2 replies)
  26. Are the hx series reliable? (1 replies)
  27. 3835 Wireless (14 replies)
  28. IPAQ 2795 (3 replies)
  29. problem deleting file (1 replies)
  30. Password Entry skrewed me up!!! I cant get into my HP Rx3115. Help.. (3 replies)
  31. Max disk size on HX4700 expansion slot? (8 replies)
  32. Lost data after reset - Win CE (0 replies)
  33. Battery for iPAQ 2210? (1 replies)
  34. need help about the deviceid! (0 replies)
  35. HP 2215 -New problem - old device Please help! (3 replies)
  36. problems w/i730 Samsung Phone (1 replies)
  37. IPAQ 1955 is dead (3 replies)
  38. Driver versions (4 replies)
  39. How to get the received data in Windows CE 5.0 device using serial port (0 replies)
  40. Acer n311 dead battery? (2 replies)
  41. Help - Samsung SG-i718H problem- device locked, stylus not working, cant do hard reset (1 replies)
  42. Acer N300 V1.00.22 AKU3.5 ROM Update (5 replies)
  43. WPA on a HP 1950? (3 replies)
  44. Help! Bought wife an older iPaq (3600 series) - need alarm to repeat (1 replies)
  45. Is this a possible upgrade??? (1 replies)
  46. WM5 and Excel Mobile (2 replies)
  47. Download Free Windows Mobile Themes from FreeWMThemes.com (1 replies)
  48. Samsung i700 need upgrade WM2003 (1 replies)
  49. X50v WM5 ROM A02 User Updates? (3 replies)
  50. Alarms (2 replies)
  51. Pocket MSN - Hotmail messages. (1 replies)
  52. Mac or Linux for X51v? (3 replies)
  53. igo tip for Samsung i730 (0 replies)
  54. Vista and Toshiba Pocket PC 330 (4 replies)
  55. Problem Running Application on WIN CE (1 replies)
  56. iPAQ 2210 glasstop/digitizer replacement (2 replies)
  57. hx4705 will not hard reset (1 replies)
  58. Can I browse folders on Dell Axim via Bluetooth connection with laptop? How??? (3 replies)
  59. X50v WM5 ROM A02 - Syncs only as Guest (0 replies)
  60. IPAQ 2495b (3 replies)
  61. Active sync quit working, but version 4.5 does work? (0 replies)
  62. WMDC cannot sync with IPaq6515 and Outlook 2007 (0 replies)
  63. Best GPS software for HP 6828? (1 replies)
  64. HELP...I can not get my HP2215 to keep the correct time (3 replies)
  65. my third rx1950!!! (0 replies)
  66. e405 wireless SDIO problems (3 replies)
  67. Windows Vista sync with IPAQ 3835? (0 replies)
  68. i730 worth it (1 replies)
  69. anyone upgraded ipaq 2750 to wm5? (5 replies)
  70. Annoying Alarm: HP HW6945 Dog Barking! (2 replies)
  71. Unable to hard reset iPAQ 3955 (0 replies)
  72. 2200 Spontaneous Hard Reset (1 replies)
  73. 4705 & BlueAnt X5 Bluetooth Headphones issue (0 replies)
  74. 1 gig toshiba sd card on v36 (1 replies)
  75. The proper way to apply a screen protector (4 replies)
  76. E-200 Keyboard problem (1 replies)
  77. Do I need to upgrade? (2 replies)
  78. Unable to use stylus (1 replies)
  79. Copy clipboard from PC to PPC (1 replies)
  80. Ipaq 3715 screen won't respond (1 replies)
  81. Help with Office 2007? (3 replies)
  82. Modify Caller ID Screen Size: Too Small Poor Vision (0 replies)
  83. Asus A639 (0 replies)
  84. Freeing up storage memory (5 replies)
  85. HP 6945 RAM UPGRADE 128MB (0 replies)
  86. HP IPAQ in car - can't seen screen in the morning, sun shining brightly (1 replies)
  87. setting up ISP (1 replies)
  88. Large storage cards for h4155 (9 replies)
  89. Installing skins on 8125 (2 replies)
  90. Help needed!! For ipaq 5450 charging problem (2 replies)
  91. How to make a direct connection to PC???? (0 replies)
  92. Rom desperatly needed pleeeease (3 replies)
  93. ipaq h3800 series cant connect wireless (7 replies)
  94. Change Outlook Notes Synch Pocket PC Default Folder (0 replies)
  95. Name of processor in 2495b? (2 replies)
  96. Today Screen (3 replies)
  97. Theme Switcher (1 replies)
  98. hp rx3115 dead (1 replies)
  99. Changing Sprint PPC-6700 Bluetooth discovery name (3 replies)
  100. Motorola Q (Sprint Moto Q) (4 replies)
  101. Pocket PC HP 6945 Bluetooth Manager Tweak Request (0 replies)
  102. pdb files on a PocketPC? (4 replies)
  103. French OS on Pocket PC (3 replies)
  104. IP 5555 went dead (3 replies)
  105. HTC Tytn (0 replies)
  106. Problem with an iPAQ Pocket PC hx4700 (1 replies)
  107. Restore iPaq to second PC? (1 replies)
  108. Bluetooth Acces Point and X51 and WM5 (0 replies)
  109. This post will be helpful. (0 replies)
  110. Restoring a 'dead' iPAQ 4150 (2 replies)
  111. Block/Letter Recognizer won't work (1 replies)
  112. GPS for iPAQ Pocket PC 2003 Pro (1 replies)
  113. Help with replacing cracked screen for 6818 (0 replies)
  114. Windows media sync to laptop problem. (2 replies)
  115. treo 650 to 8525 need help (2 replies)
  116. FYI: Toshiba surprise-shutoff problems? Turn the screen light down! (3 replies)
  117. problem connecting my e750 to my WIFI network. (1 replies)
  118. FS: (UK only) hx4700 + Accessories (0 replies)
  119. X51 Bluetooth Activesync question. (3 replies)
  120. rx5900 series: PocketTV is looking for beta-testers (0 replies)
  121. X51v & problem installing Adobe Reader (4 replies)
  122. Retiring my 568 (4 replies)
  123. Windows Mobile 6 iPAQ? (7 replies)
  124. HP iPaq rx 5700 and rx 5900 GPS Firmware Update (0 replies)
  125. Pocket PC on a Lifedrive? (2 replies)
  126. trouble with Conpact flash card. Jornada 567 (3 replies)
  127. ActiveSync Problems (3 replies)
  128. Bluetooth Headset on Axim X51 (3 replies)
  129. what is the alternate Yahoo page to reply to emails from an HP Ipaq? (2 replies)
  130. Cant Get Stylus Out (0 replies)
  131. iPAQ Upgrade needed with English Instructions. Please Reply. (0 replies)
  132. Help please: I lost my Bluetooth Icon and have skipping Music (0 replies)
  133. Can you use an Axim to test wired net connections? (4 replies)
  134. Questions about hw6515 (0 replies)
  135. Is it Possible to synch an I-PAQ RX1950 with a Macintosh MacBook ? (1 replies)
  136. Question(s) from a newbie about printing possibilities (0 replies)
  137. [ask]update for ipaq 6365 wm2003se (1 replies)
  138. Need help to Find original Jornada 680 software and configure Ir port on Laptop (6 replies)
  139. My orange wifi light does not come on (1 replies)
  140. pulling time from network (2 replies)
  141. 6515 keyboard buttons not working!! HELP! (1 replies)
  142. 4705 USB Host adapter (1 replies)
  143. Garmin iQue M3 Backlight issue (3 replies)
  144. 4150 and wm2003se (3 replies)
  145. What to buy? hx2490 or rx4240? (2 replies)
  146. Another Bluetooth Headset Problem :( (0 replies)
  147. HP iPaq hx 4705? (2 replies)
  148. alert remindes and notification sounds (3 replies)
  149. Ipaq clock changing on it's own (3 replies)
  150. Black "Cover" on back of hx4700 (2 replies)
  151. Can I watch video in e830 from my laptop using Bluetooth or WIFI ? (4 replies)
  152. Help (3 replies)
  153. HP rw6828 - MMS and outlook contacts (0 replies)
  154. Screen Protectors (0 replies)
  155. problem with wm5 (1 replies)
  156. Someone please help me!!! Please! (1 replies)
  157. old e550g user looking for english rom (0 replies)
  158. Upgrade problems for IPAQ 5550 (0 replies)
  159. Problem with iPAQ h1900 Series - Cannot Charge (2 replies)
  160. Need case for hx2495 with extended battery (0 replies)
  161. WinCE 4.2 running on Evesham Nav-Cam 7500 GPS (2 replies)
  162. iPaq hx2755 lcd (0 replies)
  163. ipaq 4350 printing (0 replies)
  164. HP 2750 Language Change (2 replies)
  165. Overnight battery drain to zero - hx2490b (7 replies)
  166. need replacement battery for 4150, where do i find one? (1 replies)
  167. Ipaq hx4705 Questions (1 replies)
  168. 6600 to 6700 conversion has been a mess please help. (3 replies)
  169. Help please! Java-based webpages and midlet manager (1 replies)
  170. Ipaq rx5915 problems connecting to Linksys WiFi (0 replies)
  171. HP 6315 problem (0 replies)
  172. iPAQ H1945 and Wireless SDIO Problems (0 replies)
  173. The new x50(v) WM5 upgrade is finally here!!!! (4 replies)
  174. XV6700 & Jabra JX10 do not pair? (1 replies)
  175. Major Problems After Screen Replacement (Help Requested) (1 replies)
  176. Pocket Earth (3 replies)
  177. H3950 update from PPC2002 to PPC2003 (2 replies)
  178. Why won't Windows Media play my files without buffering them? (2 replies)
  179. change language (1 replies)
  180. hx4700 and thumb keyboard (2 replies)
  181. ?Optimal Internet Setting for IPAQ HW6510 (0 replies)
  182. hx2790 (2 replies)
  183. bluetooth and activesync for 2215 (1 replies)
  184. Ipaq...how to disable hard buttons: (0 replies)
  185. Is there no upgrades available for my 22XX? (4 replies)
  186. Best 1700 mAh Battery? (1 replies)
  187. Samsung i730 Windows 5.0 upgrade slow down (3 replies)
  188. Pocket Pc bluetooth issues (3 replies)
  189. wireless instead of gprs? (4 replies)
  190. Suggestions for a (sort of) new WM5 user (Cingular 8525) (5 replies)
  191. External DVD rom drive??? (2 replies)
  192. ReInstall Win2005 on iPAQ device (4 replies)
  193. RW6828 with HBH-GV435 (0 replies)
  194. IPAQ 5555 server settings (1 replies)
  195. Ipaq 1910 PPC (1 replies)
  196. Motorola Bluetooth Speaker HF820 Issues with the PPC-6700? (0 replies)
  197. remove preinstalled programs (3 replies)
  198. Emulating Palm Apps on Pocket PC (1 replies)
  199. Upgrade iPaq 4705 and WM5 (3 replies)
  200. HP6315 SD/Active Sync Question (2 replies)
  201. phone ringtone manager (3 replies)
  202. bluetooth receiver (6 replies)
  203. Searching for a low-profile sync cable for x51v (1 replies)
  204. Turn off the pop-up keyboard (1 replies)
  205. Palm OS screen protector on Pocket PC? (2 replies)
  206. 8125 Issues all of a sudden.. (2 replies)
  207. ipaq 4350 sd card (3 replies)
  208. built in screen saver on ipaq 6945 (4 replies)
  209. Saving Contacts to PC (1 replies)
  210. Anyone using NotifyLink for Verizon 6700? (0 replies)
  211. hx2490b ROM update ineffective on one fix (0 replies)
  212. Want to connect e830 thu Airporter (3 replies)
  213. IPAQ 1950 alarming problem (2 replies)
  214. Internet Access without GPRS on IPAQ 6945 (4 replies)
  215. dialer skins for ipaq hw6945 (3 replies)
  216. sleepless with my new HP IPAQ rw6828 (2 replies)
  217. hx2490b takes multiple button pushes to come on (0 replies)
  218. Customize volume buttons on side? (0 replies)
  219. i730 sync issue (1 replies)
  220. my documents sub folder on storage card (2 replies)
  221. x50v docking problem (4 replies)
  222. Vario 2, wm5 Auto dialer (0 replies)
  223. Using internal camera as webcam (3 replies)
  224. HP ROM upgrade for hx2490b has incorrect date on website (0 replies)
  225. Any reason to do ROM upgrade if version # same as mine (almost) (1 replies)
  226. Dell Axim - Deleting shortcuts (Obex File xfers) (1 replies)
  227. New hx2490 is forgetting my CF card (5 replies)
  228. IPAQ 6900 Bluetooth notification (1 replies)
  229. Toshiba e335 Replacement LCD ? (1 replies)
  230. cingular 8125 need more grip (0 replies)
  231. new to ipaq need help!!!!! (6 replies)
  232. Pocket 2003 Word Problem (3 replies)
  233. Problems with my 2795 (3 replies)
  234. Windows Mobile 5.0 (5 replies)
  235. medion pc100 (0 replies)
  236. Samsung Blackjack i607 and Gmail app? (2 replies)
  237. Ipaq 3835 CF card driver question (1 replies)
  238. Outlook 'Contacts' problem (4 replies)
  239. New to Ipaq 3835 (2 replies)
  240. Pocket PC wars (3 replies)
  241. Re: Fonts on HP rx4240 (1 replies)
  242. What is the best PocketPC alternative to the LifeDrive? (16 replies)
  243. How to transfer a file to my Ipaq 3950? (3 replies)
  244. axim x30 battery problem.. need help! (2 replies)
  245. Accessing media library over WLAN (0 replies)
  246. Ipaq 3835/Update to windows 2003 question (0 replies)
  247. Re: pre installed AKU 3.2 software kit (0 replies)
  248. iPAQ4700 and Tomtom Navigator 6 (2 replies)
  249. IPAQ h3835 + 4GB SD memory card (0 replies)
  250. Changing my IPAQ 4150 for a new model ???? (2 replies)