View Full Version : Windows Phone Customizations & Content
Pages :
- Encoding file plays perfectly on my computer, but there is no sound when played on my PPC (video looks great). (9 replies)
- Shoutcast, Opening files after download (0 replies)
- Creating skins for the µBook Reader (2 replies)
- cheapest eyetop-like video display glasses? (0 replies)
- In the WMP9 Encoder, when encoding PPC videos, how do I choose the aspect-ratio (resolution)? (2 replies)
- XM Radio for IPAQ???? (3 replies)
- Wireless Stereo Headphones with mic - The Dream - How long must we wait? (2 replies)
- Pirates of Silicon Valley (7 replies)
- Wade Barker Books (0 replies)
- music player that does not pause between files (6 replies)
- Help playing movies on Pocket PC. (7 replies)
- Free ebook: The strange case of the lost Elvis diaries (humour) (1 replies)
- New Free Ebook - Free Culture by Lawrence Lessing (2 replies)
- Having problems with Pocket MVP - HELP!! (10 replies)
- choosing screen size when encoding (7 replies)
- Growerpoint's ubook site offline? (3 replies)
- Sci Fi / thriller suggestions? (46 replies)
- Modding your Smartphone's Media Player Skin (1 replies)
- Merging MP3 Files - Is this possible? (7 replies)
- Sony's upcoming E-Ink device (15 replies)
- playing .shn (1 replies)
- Do You Know Evmo? (10 replies)
- Themes and homescreens (2 replies)
- Purchased eBook from how to read on iPAQ? (12 replies)
- Copy VHS to Computer (4 replies)
- Audio codecs for VirtualDub (2 replies)
- AT&T GPRS/WAP/MMS Settings on the e200 Smartphone (0 replies)
- PocketMusic 3.0 Released (15 replies)
- MPEG Layer-3 Gone? (3 replies)
- Free Preston and Child ebook: Hex (1 replies)
- CF or SD ??? (10 replies)
- Quicksilver is out (4 replies)
- Can I play .mpg files on my Ipaq 5450 (4 replies)
- Windows Media Player not working! (1 replies)
- why ms reader sucks (5 replies)
- Looking for Headphones - Can't Locate the Post from This Site (3 replies)
- Please need help? Bought e-book's and cant use it (11 replies)
- PocketPlayer HELP!!! (2 replies)
- Any software to rotate MPEG's 90 degrees without altering them in any other way? (3 replies)
- CF VGA adapters (0 replies)
- Flash Player for Pocket PC (4 replies)
- Recommend online music service for music 2play on PocketPC (1 replies)
- File Size (6 replies)
- Converting DRM to WMA (4 replies)
- Palm Reader vs Vade-Mecum (1 replies)
- Adobe products ???? (5 replies)
- Making my own ringtones??????? (11 replies)
- Direct recording (1 replies)
- US or UK channels on my Pocket PC? (1 replies)
- New short story by A.J. Hall - The Kindly Ones (0 replies)
- watching webcam on Ipaq (4 replies)
- Sherlock Holmes (12 replies)
- song file corrupttion (2 replies)
- Please help DVD >> MPEG for PTV (25 replies)
- resets on an mpx 200 (3 replies)
- Reducing the MRU Icon Size on the Home Screen (12 replies)
- Building playlists in WMP for mp3 residing on networked comp (4 replies)
- Music Player Help (7 replies)
- Mp3 player or iPaq (32 replies)
- m-Vision: Yet Another Video Subscription Program? (1 replies)
- MPX200 Media Player (2 replies)
- AVS Video Converter (Convert DVD to AVI, MPEG, WMV, RM) (1 replies)
- Easily converting tracks on PC for use on iPaq (5 replies)
- Removing a remnant of a demo app (16 replies)
- Project Gutenberg and MS Word (14 replies)
- Album art in WMP? (2 replies)
- SMS counter screw up (1 replies)
- Send Email, Finally (0 replies)
- Audio line-in...which PPCs (31 replies)
- How to convert .wmv (v9) to .mpeg? (3 replies)
- GSPlayer - New Version - Disappointed (2 replies)
- Valentine's Day Themes at McDeb (2 replies)
- Two MS Reader shortcuts (12 replies)
- eBooks for A+ classes... (0 replies)
- Ebook Ideas (20 replies)
- Stream NASA TV To Your Smartphone! (0 replies)
- LifeView FlyCAM SD Camera? (0 replies)
- What's the best PPC audio player? (43 replies)
- MS Reader Update (Feb 04) (5 replies)
- Best quality encodes? (0 replies)
- iPAQ sound capabilities, 48khz? (9 replies)
- Weird soundproblem (3 replies)
- Internet Radio via WiFi using WMP - how is it possible? (8 replies)
- Moving MSReader from Card to RAM (6 replies)
- irock Anyone Heard of This?? (8 replies)
- Update To "Calendar Updates" Released (7 replies)
- Digital Media Thoughts (3 replies)
- Using Mencoder (MPLAYER) for encoding to divx PocketMVP (4 replies)
- How to make an html file from chm (help) file? (5 replies)
- An Idiots guide to Windows media player on the MPx200 (3 replies)
- what PPC can connect to output display device? (like projector?) (5 replies)
- Free dictionaries! (4 replies)
- AARGHHH - my books are gone!!!! (6 replies)
- Media Encoder Problme like Jaredw (2 replies)
- Streaming videos.... (12 replies)
- Media Playback Problems while multitasking (0 replies)
- WMP 9 PPC playlist creator puts songs in reverse order! (0 replies)
- Wmv to mpeg/avi conversion help (4 replies)
- MS Reader ebooks - copying & reinstalling program and books (14 replies)
- Advice on Organizing MP3's/WMA's (2 replies)
- DVD to ppc w/out a ppc (2 replies)
- ebook "reader"? (2 replies)
- Pretec Presenter and Clearvue (1 replies)
- Bluetooth Streaming from Desktop (3 replies)
- Please help PDB? (4 replies)
- Panasonic DVD Recorders - Ipaq Playback (2 replies)
- rom update failure (1 replies)
- First big Encoding/Vdub Job.... Did I mess it up? (2 replies)
- How to: Avi and mpeg shrinking (8 replies)
- Conduits Pocket Player or PocketMusic (10 replies)
- Mpeg Video Re-Sampling (4 replies)
- New Version of Palm Reader Pro (1 replies)
- Audio Format In Windows Media Encoder (2 replies)
- Playing Windows Media Player on my ipaq 2215 (2 replies)
- My audio just conked out! (15 replies)
- Deleting Titles (1 replies)
- Streaming gadget news on pocketpc (0 replies)
- Pre-rotating WM9 movies? (0 replies)
- YAEBR*: Vade Mecum (0 replies)
- MP4 playback on iPaq? (2 replies)
- Need an introduction lesson on movie encoding for PPC (27 replies)
- Can an Installed eBook be... (17 replies)
- Two Help Files in MS Reader Library (7 replies)
- Are e-books full versions or abridged "reader's digest" versions? (7 replies)
- WMA Play problem w/PocketMusic, Pocket Player (33 replies)
- Handmark Announces New Products (8 replies)
- Pocket Music Sound Quality (5 replies)
- 512M SD Card HELP! (14 replies)
- 2 pass encoding troubles..... (6 replies)
- Problem viewing icons and hyperlink-bitmaps in Microsoft Reader (0 replies)
- Compress size of WMA (4 replies)
- Mars Themes (37 replies)
- DNS caching on a Samsung I600?? (0 replies)
- Overall brightness of WMV's (1 replies)
- online radiostations (0 replies)
- Voice Mail retrival (5 replies)
- seeing more than one calendar entry? (1 replies)
- quick test of PPC TodayScreen to SP HomeScreen converter (2 replies)
- Videostreams and WMP cache (4 replies)
- How to create .lit table of contents? (1 replies)
- WMP desktop playlists to WMP PPC???? (4 replies)
- DVD-.WMV retaining subtitles? (4 replies)
- Media formats (4 replies)
- convert txt to pdb for palm reader (5 replies)
- Compression (5 replies)
- home screen mod (2 replies)
- Audio/Video Desynch.... :( (7 replies)
- Quick Question about divx format... (7 replies)
- Media Player / Napster (11 replies)
- MP3 Playback (2 replies)
- Streaming Audio (4 replies)
- Do you use your Alarm (17 replies)
- How to "clean" a recording? (6 replies)
- Managing a Reader book collection (6 replies)
- Seeking HarryWriter's fanfic of 5th book, "HP and the Phoenix Order," and the 7th book (title unknown). (58 replies)
- Listenn to Music and Turn off Screen (1 replies)
- Looking for free ebooks (5 replies)
- Best format for encoding movies/TV (7 replies)
- Can't Read Recently Purchased ebooks. Please Help! (17 replies)
- More Free Ebooks From Fictionwise (0 replies)
- Great Wikipedia Deal (5 replies)
- Copy Videofile to Memorycard (2 replies)
- Do I Really Need ActiveSync? (6 replies)
- Anyway to rip a cd with antipiracy protection? (4 replies)
- .asf files??? (4 replies)
- Beautiful Artwork Being Converted To Themes (6 replies)
- is there a mpeg player out there (1 replies)
- mpeg4 help!!! (1 replies)
- MSNMobile theme (2 replies)
- Video on motorola mpx200 smartphones (5 replies)
- mpeg!!!!!!!!!!!! (4 replies)
- New Products For Laridian's Daily Reader (6 replies)
- DRM-ebook-Memory Question(s) (6 replies)
- Dean Koontz e-books (2 replies)
- Trying to get DivX to PPC is driving me CrAZy!! (4 replies)
- DivX 5.1.1 trouble? (1 replies)
- Is it true MSReader is not available on SmartPhones? (3 replies)
- 12 Free Ebooks From Palm Digital Media (39 replies)
- dvd on to ppc (1 replies)
- PPC or Ipod (14 replies)
- .mp3 conversion (6 replies)
- My poor 1st attempt at creating a Holiday theme (0 replies)
- What readers will work with PC2003 (2 replies)
- Cool powertoy - Remote Display (0 replies)
- Which is smaller - .wav or mp3? (3 replies)
- Please Recommend a Pocket PC for ebooks (28 replies)
- secure digital card + secure digital *ULTRA* card!? (1 replies)
- Belgariad vol.I ??? (4 replies)
- What is the difference between MP4 and MPEG-4...I thought they were the same. (4 replies)
- Napster 2.0 on ppcs (14 replies)
- PocketMVP problem (10 replies)
- Squeezed LOTR Disc 1 onto 128 CF! (27 replies)
- mirror for smartphone? (4 replies)
- looking a gift horse in the mouth..... (8 replies)
- Help my CF seems to be losing space! (2 replies)
- background image (9 replies)
- so what's new in the ebook sector? (14 replies)
- Do you edit pictures on your PocketPC (1 replies)
- Media Player with UNC support (1 replies)
- Why does "help" suck?!? (7 replies)
- Email Sync and other little niggles (0 replies)
- Pocket PC Magazine Videos Published (0 replies)
- Fast forward (4 replies)
- Best Midia player for pocket pc? (2 replies)
- Quirky Media Player (3 replies)
- Know of any Media Players that bookmark your spot? (5 replies)
- Palm Reader Pro & bookmarks (0 replies)
- How to make movies sound louder? (6 replies)
- Assigning ringtones to particular contacts (2 replies)
- Can I use a XD card in my iPAQ using a CF card adaptor (5 replies)
- TV on your pocket pc (16 replies)
- Davideo or Moviejack or something else for dvd->ppc (9 replies)
- The final set of free ebooks to be offered are available from Microsoft... (17 replies)
- Microsoft Reader free books - Help!!! (3 replies)
- Streaming Internet Radio To Your Pocket PC (30 replies)
- FREE e-books (4 replies)
- Patrick O'Brian eBooks? (1 replies)
- MS Reader activation server down? (10 replies)
- Update (1 replies)
- 45 New Ring Tones Released at Smartphone Thoughts (6 replies)
- All Remaining Ring Tone Packs Released - 45 New Ring Tones! (1 replies)
- My new adventure (13 replies)
- Pocket Pc troubles (1 replies)
- TodayPlayer updates with 2002 support (0 replies)
- This weeks ebooks available from Microsoft... (12 replies)
- No B&N: Where do I get ebooks? (8 replies)
- ebooks from Fictionwise: format comparison etc (8 replies)
- Books by Sir Richard Burton (2 replies)
- Storage Brick for WM2003 - WORKS!!!!! (6 replies)
- Dan Simmons - Ilium (2 replies)
- 2004 eFAR Federal Aviation Regs For Your Pocket PC (9 replies)
- MP9 Series Skins for the Pocket PC (13 replies)
- This week, from Microsoft... (0 replies)
- Library of Congress rules ConvertLit legal under DMCA (7 replies)
- Convert .pdf to .rtf (3 replies)
- any webcam software for ppc? (3 replies)
- Font suggestions? (9 replies)
- Laridian Releases Two New Study Aids For Pocket Bible (12 replies)
- Local Number Portability (0 replies)
- Device Name (1 replies)
- Convert .pdf to .lit? (7 replies)
- This weeks ebooks now available from Microsoft... (16 replies)
- Digital Rights Management on ppc's? (5 replies)
- New Amazon search feature (7 replies)
- Mobipocket and WM2003 lockups...anyone else? (3 replies)
- Converter: Website to eBook (8 replies)
- n00b needs help : WMP 9 not wanting to read .avi or .mpg files ?!?!? (5 replies)
- Adobe E-Books Not Readable on PPC! (8 replies)
- mixer/beatmaker (0 replies)
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