View Full Version : Wmv to mpeg/avi conversion help
01-24-2004, 09:03 PM
If i convert a movie with dvd to ppc and the file is 128mb, what is the easiest program for conversion. (wmv to mpeg, avi, or mov) I dont want the file to be larger than 200mb, and i am having a hard time with eo video, and easy video converter. They want to make the video file 300 or more mb. I have it on low settings, and it still is too large. How can i force the files to be smaller. (i want them to fit on my clie with a 128 or 256 mb ms, and the clie doesnt support wmv)
01-25-2004, 05:35 PM
It's just a matter of calculations
First convert the dvd to a normal avi file folowing the instructions or look at the site of pockettv
You first have to recalculate the resolution of the movie to the cliesize
(cliewidth)/(Moviewidth)*(MovieHeigt) This will give you the Height of the movie for the clie. If this fits at least, but it usualy should.
Then you are going to recalculate the size for fitting on a memorycard
If you are using lets say a 128MB, it never is 128MB, so use 120 or maybe less depending on the card.
calculate the cardsize in Kilobits: 120MB*1024(makes it KByte)*8(Makes it Kbits)
Divide the total amount of kilobits by the movie duration in seconds
This will give you the total bitrate for the entire movie in kilobitspersecond
Open VirtuaDub and select the audio compression (change audio to full processing mode first) remember the bitrate. I usualy use 20kbs mono 22KHZ
then select the proper VideoCompression (divx/Xvid, whatever)
and in the properties of it, type in the bitrate box the total bitrate minus the audiobitrate devided by 1000
In the video dropdown menu select filters and there add resize filter.
this will allow you to change the resolution to the cliewidth and clieheight you calculated earlier.
That should get you a perfect fitting movie for the card you selected.
01-27-2004, 07:56 PM
thanks alot! Ill try that
01-28-2004, 11:47 AM
I am currently programming a program that does all this for you, but to Windows Media Format.
I will make a lite version that just does the calculations , since the birates are codec unindependent.
(If you use divx or xvid or windows media, the bitrate still applies the same, but the codec just difference in output quality)
I am currently beta testing the program with a few people and should be ready for release in a week or so.
It allows you to select a movie on your harddrive, one that you might have previously ripped from a dvd yourself, xvid, divx, mpg or a movie you transfered from a camcorder to your computer and it will calculate the optimum quality based on your desire. select audio quality, resolution and file size and it will give you the best quality settings.
01-29-2004, 02:35 AM
im interested.
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