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View Full Version : TV on your pocket pc

11-16-2003, 04:26 PM
Some posted on this thread (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=185260&sid=dcbc57d585deac47b485f82096f78443)that it is possible to send encoded TV broadcasts to your Pocket PC using MS Portrait on your Pocket PC and MS Encoder on your PC with a TV tuning card.

It sounds like Encoder somehow highjacks the input from PC webcam and sends the TV images instead.

Pretty nifty if it works..

11-16-2003, 05:26 PM
or you can just use windows media encoder to send the video in a windows media format. Problem is you can't change the channel. I use snapstream which allows me to change the channels and watch pre-recorded shows.

11-20-2003, 08:40 PM
My website www.bigdsvideo.com shows you how to do this but like That_Kid said, you can't change the channel doing it this way.

12-03-2003, 07:36 PM
With snapstream there is a great user interface for the PCC. You can even change the channel on live tv. I have set streaming to pocketpc format and I record at a high compresion rate then have it automaticly reencode the recorded shows at the ppc format. So I can watch both live and prerecorded shows on my ipaq. www.snapstream.com

12-19-2003, 02:14 AM
Does anyone know a way to watch pre recorded shows from Windows Media Center on a PPC? I know that it is in a different format, and you are not 'supposed' to be able to...but I also know I have read about someone doing it. I just don't know how they converted the file.

12-22-2003, 11:44 PM
If you have DirecTV you can download this great app (http://www.pcmx.net/dtvcon/) and hook up the reciever to your PC and change the channels via http in your browser and even create a custom webpage for changing channels.

I know there are also some I/R control apps if you don't use DTV. WinLIRC (http://winlirc.sourceforge.net/) comes to mind. I'm sure there are others.

03-06-2004, 04:42 PM
My website www.bigdsvideo.com shows you how to do this but like That_Kid said, you can't change the channel doing it this way.

I tried this and it works perfectly... very cool trick :-)

I get perfect framerate and sound too (toshiba e755 PPC).

03-07-2004, 03:29 AM
using my ati radeon all in wonder 7500 always gets me lins across the mpeg recorded tv file because satellite is all protected content. (it makes me mad) Im gonna try that cable and software listed above.

How can i record protected content?

03-07-2004, 06:40 AM
Sigh, all that trouble. Why don't they just made an add-on TV Tuner so you can convert your Pocket PC into a Pocket TV. After all, video quality would be superior to that of a Pocket TV.

tom dunne
03-10-2004, 01:38 AM
They have! Here http://www.eopstech.com/pro1.html

03-10-2004, 01:45 AM
Sigh, all that trouble. Why don't they just made an add-on TV Tuner so you can convert your Pocket PC into a Pocket TV. After all, video quality would be superior to that of a Pocket TV.

Because when your 400 miles away from where you live you can still get the local stations as well as any other station you subscribe too . I've been states away from home stuck in a hotel room watching the sopranos on my laptop and ppc eventhough the tv in the hotel only had 3 stations to choose from and hbo wasn't one of them.

03-10-2004, 06:49 AM
:evil: But again, like everything its only for CF slots. Come on, SDs now the main storage card format for Pocket PCs, shouldn't the manufacturers realise this!!!

tom dunne
03-10-2004, 06:06 PM
In fairness, I don't think SD TV tuner would be practical. Look at the CF version - it's nearly half the size of a PDA! Imagine that sticking out the side of your X3.

Anthony Caruana
04-24-2004, 08:16 AM
In fairness, I don't think SD TV tuner would be practical. Look at the CF version - it's nearly half the size of a PDA! Imagine that sticking out the side of your X3.

I've got one of the Eops units and most of the size is actually a container for 4 AA batteries. I think that the actually TV part of the device is very small.

04-24-2004, 06:47 PM
:evil: But again, like everything its only for CF slots. Come on, SDs now the main storage card format for Pocket PCs, shouldn't the manufacturers realise this!!!

I think the PPC manufacturers should realize that they should still include a CF card slot in their PPCs. (I still suspect that Matsu****a (Panasonic, who gets a license fee for each SD card sold) is paying manufacturers to only have SD card slots.)

Not only are there more peripherals for CF, the memory cards come in larger sizes, and are cheaper. 2 GB CF flash cards now sell for $164www.pricewatch.com. Whereas the highest size for SD cards is now 1 MB, priced at the same site for $269. Yesterday I read that there will soon be an 8 GB CF card out. And microdrives can also be used in CF card slots.

My PPC is an IPAQ 2210 which has both CF and SD slots, and I like that. I would not purchase any of the newer IPAQ models, that only have SD slots. OK for a camera or a phone to only have an SD slot, but I think a PPC should have CF.

05-06-2004, 10:06 AM
My website www.bigdsvideo.com shows you how to do this but like That_Kid said, you can't change the channel doing it this way.

will this work over gprs

05-07-2004, 01:11 AM
It should if the bitrate it streams at isn't too high.

And if anyone has DirecTV u can use this app (http://www.dtvcontrol.com/) and a serial connection to control the receiver via http if you want to change the channels. There may be apps to control other receivers, but I have DTV obviously and you'll have to find out what is available for your own box.

the lag between the channel control and the stream is about 12 seconds when i use it on the local network so ymmv.