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View Full Version : In the WMP9 Encoder, when encoding PPC videos, how do I choose the aspect-ratio (resolution)?

04-03-2004, 12:53 AM
The video I am trying to encode is already in 320x214 or something like that, when I want to compile I want to keep it at that same resolution, but the only option I am given is letterbox and widescreen (320x240). Is there any way I can keep my original resolution (or choose my own resolution) so that stretching doesn't occur?

Thank you.

04-03-2004, 03:18 PM
WMencoder doesnt do that, you got to do it on your own.

Here is the way to do it.

ppc max width = 320
ppc max height =240

ppc resulting height = (320 / original movie width) * 240

if you got a bad movie that results in a resulting height thats bigger then the 240, do it the other way around.

ppc resulting width = (240 / original movie height) * 320

thats all there is to it.

edit :

ok, didnt know you already had the 320x214 res.

basicaly just startup wmencoder, select file conversion, then go through the steps, but on the last page uncheck the start encoding when finished.
Then go to the properties (left of the start encoding button)
go to the compression tab, hit edit, select the ppc setting and hit edit again. in there, change the screensize to whay you need it to be.

for more additional info, look at thr NEW windows media encoder guide on www.bigdsvideo.com


that should help

04-04-2004, 12:18 AM
Ok, thank you.. now I have another problem :(

I posted a new thread so that people will see it.