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  1. Encoding file plays perfectly on my computer, but there is no sound when played on my PPC (video looks great). (9 replies)
  2. Shoutcast, Opening files after download (0 replies)
  3. Creating skins for the µBook Reader (2 replies)
  4. cheapest eyetop-like video display glasses? (0 replies)
  5. In the WMP9 Encoder, when encoding PPC videos, how do I choose the aspect-ratio (resolution)? (2 replies)
  6. XM Radio for IPAQ???? (3 replies)
  7. Wireless Stereo Headphones with mic - The Dream - How long must we wait? (2 replies)
  8. Pirates of Silicon Valley (7 replies)
  9. Wade Barker Books (0 replies)
  10. music player that does not pause between files (6 replies)
  11. Help playing movies on Pocket PC. (7 replies)
  12. Free ebook: The strange case of the lost Elvis diaries (humour) (1 replies)
  13. New Free Ebook - Free Culture by Lawrence Lessing (2 replies)
  14. Having problems with Pocket MVP - HELP!! (10 replies)
  15. choosing screen size when encoding (7 replies)
  16. Growerpoint's ubook site offline? (3 replies)
  17. Sci Fi / thriller suggestions? (46 replies)
  18. Modding your Smartphone's Media Player Skin (1 replies)
  19. Merging MP3 Files - Is this possible? (7 replies)
  20. Sony's upcoming E-Ink device (15 replies)
  21. playing .shn (1 replies)
  22. Do You Know Evmo? (10 replies)
  23. Themes and homescreens (2 replies)
  24. Purchased eBook from amazon.com... how to read on iPAQ? (12 replies)
  25. Copy VHS to Computer (4 replies)
  26. Audio codecs for VirtualDub (2 replies)
  27. AT&T GPRS/WAP/MMS Settings on the e200 Smartphone (0 replies)
  28. PocketMusic 3.0 Released (15 replies)
  29. MPEG Layer-3 Gone? (3 replies)
  30. Free Preston and Child ebook: Hex (1 replies)
  31. CF or SD ??? (10 replies)
  32. Quicksilver is out (4 replies)
  33. Can I play .mpg files on my Ipaq 5450 (4 replies)
  34. Windows Media Player not working! (1 replies)
  35. why ms reader sucks (5 replies)
  36. Looking for Headphones - Can't Locate the Post from This Site (3 replies)
  37. Please need help? Bought e-book's and cant use it (11 replies)
  38. PocketPlayer HELP!!! (2 replies)
  39. Any software to rotate MPEG's 90 degrees without altering them in any other way? (3 replies)
  40. CF VGA adapters (0 replies)
  41. Flash Player for Pocket PC (4 replies)
  42. Recommend online music service for music 2play on PocketPC (1 replies)
  43. File Size (6 replies)
  44. Converting DRM to WMA (4 replies)
  45. Palm Reader vs Vade-Mecum (1 replies)
  46. Adobe products ???? (5 replies)
  47. Making my own ringtones??????? (11 replies)
  48. Direct recording (1 replies)
  49. US or UK channels on my Pocket PC? (1 replies)
  50. New short story by A.J. Hall - The Kindly Ones (0 replies)
  51. watching webcam on Ipaq (4 replies)
  52. Sherlock Holmes (12 replies)
  53. song file corrupttion (2 replies)
  54. Please help DVD >> MPEG for PTV (25 replies)
  55. resets on an mpx 200 (3 replies)
  56. Reducing the MRU Icon Size on the Home Screen (12 replies)
  57. Building playlists in WMP for mp3 residing on networked comp (4 replies)
  58. Music Player Help (7 replies)
  59. Mp3 player or iPaq (32 replies)
  60. m-Vision: Yet Another Video Subscription Program? (1 replies)
  61. MPX200 Media Player (2 replies)
  62. AVS Video Converter (Convert DVD to AVI, MPEG, WMV, RM) (1 replies)
  63. Easily converting tracks on PC for use on iPaq (5 replies)
  64. Removing a remnant of a demo app (16 replies)
  65. Project Gutenberg and MS Word (14 replies)
  66. Album art in WMP? (2 replies)
  67. SMS counter screw up (1 replies)
  68. Send Email, Finally (0 replies)
  69. Audio line-in...which PPCs (31 replies)
  70. How to convert .wmv (v9) to .mpeg? (3 replies)
  71. GSPlayer - New Version - Disappointed (2 replies)
  72. Valentine's Day Themes at McDeb (2 replies)
  73. Two MS Reader shortcuts (12 replies)
  74. eBooks for A+ classes... (0 replies)
  75. Ebook Ideas (20 replies)
  76. Stream NASA TV To Your Smartphone! (0 replies)
  77. LifeView FlyCAM SD Camera? (0 replies)
  78. What's the best PPC audio player? (43 replies)
  79. MS Reader Update (Feb 04) (5 replies)
  80. Best quality encodes? (0 replies)
  81. iPAQ sound capabilities, 48khz? (9 replies)
  82. Weird soundproblem (3 replies)
  83. Internet Radio via WiFi using WMP - how is it possible? (8 replies)
  84. Moving MSReader from Card to RAM (6 replies)
  85. irock Anyone Heard of This?? (8 replies)
  86. Update To "Calendar Updates" Released (7 replies)
  87. Digital Media Thoughts (3 replies)
  88. Using Mencoder (MPLAYER) for encoding to divx PocketMVP (4 replies)
  89. How to make an html file from chm (help) file? (5 replies)
  90. An Idiots guide to Windows media player on the MPx200 (3 replies)
  91. what PPC can connect to output display device? (like projector?) (5 replies)
  92. Free dictionaries! (4 replies)
  93. AARGHHH - my books are gone!!!! (6 replies)
  94. Media Encoder Problme like Jaredw (2 replies)
  95. Streaming videos.... (12 replies)
  96. Media Playback Problems while multitasking (0 replies)
  97. WMP 9 PPC playlist creator puts songs in reverse order! (0 replies)
  98. Wmv to mpeg/avi conversion help (4 replies)
  99. MS Reader ebooks - copying & reinstalling program and books (14 replies)
  100. Advice on Organizing MP3's/WMA's (2 replies)
  101. DVD to ppc w/out a ppc (2 replies)
  102. ebook "reader"? (2 replies)
  103. Pretec Presenter and Clearvue (1 replies)
  104. Bluetooth Streaming from Desktop (3 replies)
  105. Please help PDB? (4 replies)
  106. Panasonic DVD Recorders - Ipaq Playback (2 replies)
  107. rom update failure (1 replies)
  108. First big Encoding/Vdub Job.... Did I mess it up? (2 replies)
  109. How to: Avi and mpeg shrinking (8 replies)
  110. Conduits Pocket Player or PocketMusic (10 replies)
  111. Mpeg Video Re-Sampling (4 replies)
  112. New Version of Palm Reader Pro (1 replies)
  113. Audio Format In Windows Media Encoder (2 replies)
  115. Playing Windows Media Player on my ipaq 2215 (2 replies)
  116. My audio just conked out! (15 replies)
  117. Deleting Titles (1 replies)
  118. Streaming gadget news on pocketpc (0 replies)
  119. Pre-rotating WM9 movies? (0 replies)
  120. YAEBR*: Vade Mecum (0 replies)
  121. MP4 playback on iPaq? (2 replies)
  122. Need an introduction lesson on movie encoding for PPC (27 replies)
  123. Can an Installed eBook be... (17 replies)
  124. Two Help Files in MS Reader Library (7 replies)
  125. Are e-books full versions or abridged "reader's digest" versions? (7 replies)
  126. WMA Play problem w/PocketMusic, Pocket Player (33 replies)
  127. Handmark Announces New Products (8 replies)
  128. Pocket Music Sound Quality (5 replies)
  129. 512M SD Card HELP! (14 replies)
  130. 2 pass encoding troubles..... (6 replies)
  131. Problem viewing icons and hyperlink-bitmaps in Microsoft Reader (0 replies)
  132. Compress size of WMA (4 replies)
  133. Mars Themes (37 replies)
  134. DNS caching on a Samsung I600?? (0 replies)
  135. Overall brightness of WMV's (1 replies)
  136. online radiostations (0 replies)
  137. Voice Mail retrival (5 replies)
  138. seeing more than one calendar entry? (1 replies)
  139. quick test of PPC TodayScreen to SP HomeScreen converter (2 replies)
  140. Videostreams and WMP cache (4 replies)
  141. How to create .lit table of contents? (1 replies)
  142. WMP desktop playlists to WMP PPC???? (4 replies)
  143. DVD-.WMV retaining subtitles? (4 replies)
  144. Media formats (4 replies)
  145. convert txt to pdb for palm reader (5 replies)
  146. Compression (5 replies)
  147. home screen mod (2 replies)
  148. Audio/Video Desynch.... :( (7 replies)
  149. Quick Question about divx format... (7 replies)
  150. Media Player / Napster (11 replies)
  151. MP3 Playback (2 replies)
  152. Streaming Audio (4 replies)
  153. Do you use your Alarm (17 replies)
  154. How to "clean" a recording? (6 replies)
  155. Managing a Reader book collection (6 replies)
  156. Seeking HarryWriter's fanfic of 5th book, "HP and the Phoenix Order," and the 7th book (title unknown). (58 replies)
  157. Listenn to Music and Turn off Screen (1 replies)
  158. Looking for free ebooks (5 replies)
  159. Best format for encoding movies/TV (7 replies)
  160. Can't Read Recently Purchased ebooks. Please Help! (17 replies)
  161. More Free Ebooks From Fictionwise (0 replies)
  162. Great Wikipedia Deal (5 replies)
  163. Copy Videofile to Memorycard (2 replies)
  164. Do I Really Need ActiveSync? (6 replies)
  165. Anyway to rip a cd with antipiracy protection? (4 replies)
  166. .asf files??? (4 replies)
  167. Beautiful Artwork Being Converted To Themes (6 replies)
  168. is there a mpeg player out there (1 replies)
  169. mpeg4 help!!! (1 replies)
  170. MSNMobile theme (2 replies)
  171. Video on motorola mpx200 smartphones (5 replies)
  172. mpeg!!!!!!!!!!!! (4 replies)
  173. New Products For Laridian's Daily Reader (6 replies)
  174. DRM-ebook-Memory Question(s) (6 replies)
  175. Dean Koontz e-books (2 replies)
  176. Trying to get DivX to PPC is driving me CrAZy!! (4 replies)
  177. DivX 5.1.1 trouble? (1 replies)
  178. Is it true MSReader is not available on SmartPhones? (3 replies)
  179. 12 Free Ebooks From Palm Digital Media (39 replies)
  180. dvd on to ppc (1 replies)
  181. PPC or Ipod (14 replies)
  182. .mp3 conversion (6 replies)
  183. My poor 1st attempt at creating a Holiday theme (0 replies)
  184. What readers will work with PC2003 (2 replies)
  185. Cool powertoy - Remote Display (0 replies)
  186. Which is smaller - .wav or mp3? (3 replies)
  187. Please Recommend a Pocket PC for ebooks (28 replies)
  188. secure digital card + secure digital *ULTRA* card!? (1 replies)
  189. Belgariad vol.I ??? (4 replies)
  190. What is the difference between MP4 and MPEG-4...I thought they were the same. (4 replies)
  191. Napster 2.0 on ppcs (14 replies)
  192. PocketMVP problem (10 replies)
  193. Squeezed LOTR Disc 1 onto 128 CF! (27 replies)
  194. mirror for smartphone? (4 replies)
  195. looking a gift horse in the mouth..... (8 replies)
  196. Help my CF seems to be losing space! (2 replies)
  197. background image (9 replies)
  198. so what's new in the ebook sector? (14 replies)
  199. Do you edit pictures on your PocketPC (1 replies)
  200. Media Player with UNC support (1 replies)
  201. Why does "help" suck?!? (7 replies)
  202. Email Sync and other little niggles (0 replies)
  203. Pocket PC Magazine Videos Published (0 replies)
  204. Fast forward (4 replies)
  205. Best Midia player for pocket pc? (2 replies)
  206. Quirky Media Player (3 replies)
  207. Know of any Media Players that bookmark your spot? (5 replies)
  208. Palm Reader Pro & bookmarks (0 replies)
  209. How to make movies sound louder? (6 replies)
  210. Assigning ringtones to particular contacts (2 replies)
  211. Can I use a XD card in my iPAQ using a CF card adaptor (5 replies)
  212. TV on your pocket pc (16 replies)
  213. Davideo or Moviejack or something else for dvd->ppc (9 replies)
  214. The final set of free ebooks to be offered are available from Microsoft... (17 replies)
  215. Microsoft Reader free books - Help!!! (3 replies)
  216. Streaming Internet Radio To Your Pocket PC (30 replies)
  217. FREE e-books (4 replies)
  218. Patrick O'Brian eBooks? (1 replies)
  219. MS Reader activation server down? (10 replies)
  220. Update (1 replies)
  221. 45 New Ring Tones Released at Smartphone Thoughts (6 replies)
  222. All Remaining Ring Tone Packs Released - 45 New Ring Tones! (1 replies)
  223. My new adventure (13 replies)
  224. Pocket Pc troubles (1 replies)
  225. TodayPlayer updates with 2002 support (0 replies)
  226. This weeks ebooks available from Microsoft... (12 replies)
  227. No B&N: Where do I get ebooks? (8 replies)
  228. ebooks from Fictionwise: format comparison etc (8 replies)
  229. Books by Sir Richard Burton (2 replies)
  230. Storage Brick for WM2003 - WORKS!!!!! (6 replies)
  231. Dan Simmons - Ilium (2 replies)
  232. 2004 eFAR Federal Aviation Regs For Your Pocket PC (9 replies)
  233. MP9 Series Skins for the Pocket PC (13 replies)
  234. This week, from Microsoft... (0 replies)
  235. Library of Congress rules ConvertLit legal under DMCA (7 replies)
  236. Convert .pdf to .rtf (3 replies)
  237. any webcam software for ppc? (3 replies)
  238. Font suggestions? (9 replies)
  239. Laridian Releases Two New Study Aids For Pocket Bible (12 replies)
  240. Local Number Portability (0 replies)
  241. Device Name (1 replies)
  242. Convert .pdf to .lit? (7 replies)
  243. This weeks ebooks now available from Microsoft... (16 replies)
  244. Digital Rights Management on ppc's? (5 replies)
  245. New Amazon search feature (7 replies)
  246. Mobipocket and WM2003 lockups...anyone else? (3 replies)
  247. Converter: Website to eBook (8 replies)
  248. n00b needs help : WMP 9 not wanting to read .avi or .mpg files ?!?!? (5 replies)
  249. Adobe E-Books Not Readable on PPC! (8 replies)
  250. mixer/beatmaker (0 replies)