View Full Version : Windows Phone Mobile Operators
- Won't Get Fooled Again... (0 replies)
- Cellular South Offering HTC 7 Pro (0 replies)
- Telstra Approves March Update for Mozart, Now In the Hands of Microsoft (0 replies)
- Verizon Preparing for Windows Phone 7 (0 replies)
- Is the Wait Finally Over for AT&T Customers? (1 replies)
- Australia's Telstra Opens Up On Its Windows Phone 7 Update Schedule (0 replies)
- Verizon and Sprint Onboard With WP7 By June (2 replies)
- AT&T Offering A Two For One Holiday Deal (5 replies)
- More Evidence WP7 is Coming To Verizon (2 replies)
- AT&T To Have an Exclusive on Certain Windows Phone 7 Phones? (2 replies)
- Australia's Telstra Shows Off their Customized Hub for Windows Phone 7 (0 replies)
- T-Mobile Users Upgrading Phones Face Policy Change (0 replies)
- Analysis Suggests Tiered Plans are Better Deals (1 replies)
- T-Mobile BOGO Deal Extended, Sorta Includes HD2 (0 replies)
- VZ Navigator 5.0 Announced by Verizon (1 replies)
- Clearwire: No WiMax-Compatible Smartphone Until Late 2010 (0 replies)
- Upgraded to a Dash 3G (0 replies)
- WM 6.1, Automatically Lock keypad after "X" mins? (0 replies)
- No Data today: ATT Media Net or my BJII? (1 replies)
- Fido Releases Motorola Q9h and Samsung JACK in Canada, Idiotic Data Plan Pricing Means No One Cares (0 replies)
- How can I pay my bill ? (0 replies)
- Blackjack II at Rogers (0 replies)
- Orange SPV M600 (1 replies)
- T-Mobile Internet plans... please decipher if you're familiar (2 replies)
- Cingular GPRS settings on a TMO Dash (1 replies)
- Updated ROM for AT&T BlackJack (2 replies)
- New AT&T 3G Windows Mobile 6 Phones Soon? (0 replies)
- What is the max number of people per conference call? (0 replies)
- Why can't I buy an "unlocked" CDMA phone like a GSM phone? (5 replies)
- After WM6 Upgrade and Jogger Enabled, Swipe on Volume Control Does not Stop Ring (0 replies)
- Broke dash?! (4 replies)
- DASH post-WM6 upgrade: auto email setup? (0 replies)
- Volume Touch Strip not working after upgrade to WM6 (0 replies)
- AT&T to serve up iPhone with pre-paid service? (0 replies)
- Cingular Data in Dallas (6 replies)
- New phone on T-Mobile (6 replies)
- MS GPRS setting for Europe? (2 replies)
- WM6 Dash: getting BT headset to work (2 replies)
- 453 Error Invalid Number (5 replies)
- WM6 Dash on Cingular Network + problem with Express Mail (3 replies)
- Official Final T-Mobile Dash WM6 Upgrade Leaked (3 replies)
- Unknown Internet Usage (2 replies)
- Aiiighhh!! MediaNet versus Data/Smartphone Connect Plans (5 replies)
- Moto Q9h coming to AT&T soon (1 replies)
- X-post: Using Unlocked BJ on T-Mobile -- how do I set up MMS?? (0 replies)
- Cingular Contract up...What to do? (1 replies)
- Tethered to Tmobile but undecided on which Smartphone (2 replies)
- Blueant "Supertooth Light" Bluetooth speakerphone - BLACKJACK compatibility? (3 replies)
- PDA Connect vs SmartPhone Connect vs MediaNet (4 replies)
- T-Mobile Dash and A2DP bluetooth audio lag when watching video (0 replies)
- T-Mo Data Plans...the need for clarity and understanding (2 replies)
- Blackjack Sends Duplicate Emails (0 replies)
- would an unlocked cingular 3125 HTC phone work with verizon? (1 replies)
- First Month Usage with PDA Connect = 4,481,124 KB (2 replies)
- Daylight Saving Time....anyone in Arizona? (15 replies)
- Downloading ringtones (1 replies)
- What smartphone to get (4 replies)
- Lost SMS Feature---CINGULAR (2 replies)
- Logging on to Cingular from a Laptop with phone modem (Startrek) (3 replies)
- 3125 photo beaming (4 replies)
- BlackJack on Rogers (9 replies)
- Blackjack on Fido (15 replies)
- Unlocked (Smart)Phones for Verizon? (2 replies)
- Replaced landline with Cingular - but no way to fax (5 replies)
- Verizon Email Client Question (0 replies)
- T-Mobile Customer Service (5 replies)
- Questions on data usage / speeds (1 replies)
- auto time update when traveling (16 replies)
- cingular ..What is next? "Blackjack?" (2 replies)
- Dash's built-in IM program: does it use SMS? (11 replies)
- Problem with Google Maps on E62 - Suggestions <cough> Rocco <cough> (1 replies)
- Lack of Voice Command (7 replies)
- E62 - Confused as to what data package to get (2 replies)
- $207.80 of Data overage charges! (9 replies)
- 2125: Record Voice Notes Directly to SD Card? (0 replies)
- How well does T-mobile work with the smartphones? (4 replies)
- Is unlocking a phone always worth it? (1 replies)
- Use of PDA for input for 2125 (1 replies)
- Did Rogers make a deal with RIM or what? (12 replies)
- Cingular 2125 or HTC Faraday (1 replies)
- Looking to purchase a smartphone, should I wait? (6 replies)
- Initial setup of Phone (6 replies)
- verizon disabling bluetooth obex ability, why????? (3 replies)
- EDGE speed (3 replies)
- over the air synchro for the cingular 8125? (2 replies)
- Issues with new Tmobile MDA (0 replies)
- Cingular v. T-mobile, and tethering using Media Net (3 replies)
- ATT Wireless GPRS/EDGE settings for Cingular 2125 (1 replies)
- Cingular MMS Settings on a Moto i930 (1 replies)
- POP access to Gmail from 2125? (4 replies)
- xpressmail displays very old mail before new mail (9 replies)
- Smartphone for use with my Tmobile contract (3 replies)
- Need advice replacing my beloved Audiovox SMT 5600... (1 replies)
- MotoQ - DUN (0 replies)
- Media Net vs Smartphone connect (8 replies)
- problems with 2125 cingular and t-mobile (13 replies)
- Motorola Q (8 replies)
- sim card/phone troubles. (2 replies)
- New Smartphone by Rogers (2 replies)
- T-Mobile won't let you get T-Zones with SDA? (1 replies)
- "Dumb" smartphone for Verizon (4 replies)
- Can T-Zones access the internet with EDGE speeds? (1 replies)
- Moving from PDA Connect Unlimited to MediaNet Unlimited (10 replies)
- Daylight Savings messing with my appointment times (3 replies)
- VX-6700 and streaming crippled? (0 replies)
- Unlimited medianet 19.99 plan---instant messaging? (2 replies)
- ATT to Cingular migration (5 replies)
- tmobile mda (1 replies)
- How to choose? (5 replies)
- EDGE connection for Cingular 2125 and tethering (8 replies)
- Rogers MyMail on Cingular 2125 (WM5)? (5 replies)
- Additional charges with Unlimited MediaNet? (1 replies)
- Accessories for the 2125? (4 replies)
- SMT5600 to 2125 Upgrade: Is it Worth It? (8 replies)
- Cingular Voicemail - Speed it up (8 replies)
- Cingular SMT5600, Need help using with Lotus Notes. (6 replies)
- Could I get a deal on a couple of 700's? (1 replies)
- Does Media Net get you both GPRS and EDGE? (2 replies)
- VIP Program (0 replies)
- What about 'us' WM2003SE device owners? (2 replies)
- Verizon & 700w poor choices? (2 replies)
- Treo 650 price drop? (0 replies)
- 2125 off Cingular's website to buy (1 replies)
- Cingular / qtek 8310 problems (3 replies)
- I want the E on my icon bar!!! (EDGE Settings???) (13 replies)
- Quick question: Does the Unlimited "Media Net" 19.99 plan Give FULL web access? (5 replies)
- Palm Treo700w Release Date (0 replies)
- Cingular 2125 and GoodLink Problems (6 replies)
- Does the Hump really make a difference (14 replies)
- MEdia Net ? (23 replies)
- New C550 user (0 replies)
- Why is my Voicmail number in a different AREA CODE? (2 replies)
- LG VX9800 CONNECTION (0 replies)
- SMT 5600--poor international signal strength (5 replies)
- Any upcoming clamshell smartphones on Cingular? (4 replies)
- with which Outlooks does AS 3.8 work? (2 replies)
- How to get email on SMT5600? (10 replies)
- New M5000 - anyone getting it? (0 replies)
- MediaNet (1994 aol dial up sloooow!) (4 replies)
- Orange Code Camp, anyone going? (0 replies)
- HELP!!!!! Need to connect Audiovox 5600 with dell Axim X50V (0 replies)
- Please add network coverage for 98588 (1 replies)
- Having to soft-reset the phone every once in a while? (3 replies)
- Clueless AT&T customer (7 replies)
- cannot receive emails on my smt 5600 (7 replies)
- smt 5600 (ATT version)? Are You receiving mmode/pop3 emails? (0 replies)
- tmail (email) not working (6 replies)
- smt5600 and laptop with media net (1 replies)
- MPX300 cant access internet - Using AT&T SIM (NOT CINGULAR) card in an unlocked MPX300 (1 replies)
- Verizon Wireless Announce Next Generation Windows Mobile-Based Device, The Samsung SCH-i730 (3 replies)
- Does T-mobile have good service in SoCal? (1 replies)
- AIM on smt 5600 (2 replies)
- Xpress Mail forwarding software (2 replies)
- need internet help (3 replies)
- ATT version smt 5600 freezes up regularly (2 replies)
- Audiovox SMT 5600 Case Suggestions? (42 replies)
- Cingular Unlimited Media net Package! For pocket pc? (6 replies)
- Does ATT/Cingular offer any "Push" email for exchange? (2 replies)
- MyMail service (Visto) (4 replies)
- Please oh wisemen - We need the Medianet wireless website address (2 replies)
- No more backorder: MPx220 & Cingular (5 replies)
- Rant: Defective mpx220, Cingular (2 replies)
- Cingular - AT&T Merger (3 replies)
- Novice question (8 replies)
- Unlocking question (3 replies)
- Medianet wireless website address (0 replies)
- Definitive Medianet settings? (0 replies)
- Cingular claims Mpx220 Blackordered!!!.... (12 replies)
- Help Audiovox SMT 5600 & Cingular (1 replies)
- smt5600 and unlock how to ? and settings (4 replies)
- Internet access speed (1 replies)
- Verizon/Sprint Rumor (3 replies)
- Am I missing something??? (3 replies)
- PROBLEM SOLVED - MPX220 cant access internet - Does anyone know the proper data connection settings for AT&T? (0 replies)
- Any Orange Users Here? (9 replies)
- T-Zones - T-Mobile GPRS Data Connection Settings (2 replies)
- cigular settings on mpx220 (14 replies)
- Subscribe to GPRS??? (1 replies)
- Best Smartphone for AT&T Wireless (5 replies)
- Can not manage account online (3 replies)
- i700 - 3 strikes (2 replies)
- AT&T, finding the details of my plan (0 replies)
- ATT/Cingular Merger Service Area Question (2 replies)
- Verizon Wireless Releases XV6600 (1 replies)
- Cingular MediaNET Settings (32 replies)
- Cingulars various APs and passwords? (0 replies)
- Service Indicator Changes (2 replies)
- Not Happy with my latest Cingular experience (15 replies)
- OK to go to Cingular store with unlocked phone? (5 replies)
- Cingular + SMT5600 + Amazon + Family (0 replies)
- Must I get a new GSM phone? (1 replies)
- Cingulars & ATT New Web site (0 replies)
- Can I use an unlocked Audiovox SMT5600 on Cingular? (1 replies)
- Anyone from MICROSOFT read posts here? Startwindowsmobile web site does not work (7 replies)
- New to Cingular n00b question (4 replies)
- mmode email - push? (2 replies)
- ATT in Chicago (1 replies)
- What is activation? (12 replies)
- After the merger... (3 replies)
- Cingular/ATT Wireless merger approved (0 replies)
- Cingular XPressMail - Does the Push Work? (3 replies)
- Any new CDMA smartphones on the horizon? (3 replies)
- AT&T and Triton - what happens to customers? (1 replies)
- Cingular Acquisition (5 replies)
- More poor service (23 replies)
- Tip : Verizon users - Improve Roaming... (7 replies)
- NEW CDMA Phones???? (8 replies)
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