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View Full Version : verizon disabling bluetooth obex ability, why?????

08-29-2006, 04:23 AM
ok, i know i am not talking about a smartphone in the smartphone forum, sorry! i'm soo angry, i recently purchased for my parents, two cool razr v3m phones and found that verizon had ordered these phones from motorola without the object exchange feature on the bluetooth, we all want the ability to communicate thru bluetooth with our phone to another phone or our pc, right? there is no correcting this problem according to the honest agents at our local verizon who admit this is so verizon can make more money by forcing u to use their data transfer, the cable doesn;t work either, no software. is this the case with all smartphones sold thru verizon? according to the rep at verizon the only obex enabled phone there in the store is the moto q.
p,s,-the retail price of those razars exceeds the price i would pay in saudi arabia by 100 dollars! and without obex, how does that make sense?

08-29-2006, 11:05 AM
This is a big prolem for a lot of people and I believe VZW does it for the reason you mentioned. Why should you tranfer a ring tone to your phone when they can do it for you for $2.99? This has never been an issue for be, but it has for others.

Mike Temporale
08-29-2006, 01:33 PM
Sometimes there's a hack out there that will help enable this type of functionality. I can't say for sure, since I don't own, and haven't read up on, a RAZR. But it might be worth looking into.

There's not much hope for Verizon. Best you can do is return the phones if it's within the given timeframe and make sure they know why you are doing so.

08-30-2006, 04:34 AM
if u are giong to be with verizon, u have to accept that they hve no phones with bluetooth object exchange capability. one way around that is getting the little memory card which can be read by most laptops that are new models, or a card reader. that way at least u can put pictures on your phone from your pc if that is important to u.