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View Full Version : Tethered to Tmobile but undecided on which Smartphone

04-16-2007, 10:10 PM
Hi there. I'm currently a blackberry pearl user and like it very much except I changed jobs and don't have access to the blackberry exchange server. I am also married to Tmobile for the forseeable future (started new 2 year agreement in August). I'm thinking of going the WM5 (soon to be WM6) smartphone route but can't decide on a phone. I've checked out both the Dash and Blackjack in person and tend to prefer the option of going with an unlocked Blackjack. I think. I'm guessing that I like it because it resembles the Pearl more than the Dash. Any thoughts on a Blackjack vs. a Dash in general?

However, I am worried that not going with a partcular carrier's supported phone will be problematic. Also are there any known pitfalls with using the Blackjack on Tmobile? What abou my faves? Does it work if you simply select your favorites on the web and they are cross referenced by number? Or is the application that resides on the phone critical to this plan?

Please let me know your thoughts on this subject. Thanks.

Mike Temporale
04-19-2007, 02:21 AM
My Favs won't work on the BlackJack.

The Dash and the BlackJack are both nice phones. There are a couple key differences between them. The BlackJack is 3G which means supper fast download rates (if you're carrier is also 3G). The Dash supports WiFi which means.... well, WiFi access. ;)

I prefer the keyboard and layout of the BlackJack. I don't care for the keyboard on the dash. However the dash does have a much better battery life.

04-19-2007, 04:22 PM
Thanks for the reply!