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View Full Version : Daylight Savings messing with my appointment times

04-06-2006, 10:33 PM
We just went through daylight savings time change (from UTC/GMT -5 hours to UTC/GMT -4 hours).

While my smartphone (Audovox 5600 with Windows Mobile 2003 Second Ed. v4.21.1088) recognized the change and adjusted the time settings, all my calendar appointments show up an hour later than what I'm entering into my computer's Outlook calendar (I'm not on an Exchange server).

(i.e. If I save an appointment at 2 pm tomorrow, it shows up on my phone as 3 pm tomorrow, but still at 2 pm on my computer).

Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a fix?


Mike Temporale
04-06-2006, 10:59 PM
Did you actually change the time zone on the phone? You should have to. Make sure it's still set to -5. The actual time is synced from your PC when you sync your phone.

04-06-2006, 11:52 PM
Crud. The phone was fine - it adjusted for Daylight Savings by itself.

The problem was on my PC. Even though my PC adjusted for the time change accordingly the little 'Automatically adjust timezone for daylight savings' checkbox was unchecked. Didn't think to look there.

Thanks Mike.

Mike Temporale
04-07-2006, 01:58 PM
No problem. Glad to hear everything has worked out.

I've had a number of problems with Daylight Savings over the years. This is the first time I didn't have any problems! :D