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  1. Ipaq hp 5555 - HELP!! (0 replies)
  2. Ebook Reader? (3 replies)
  3. The Asus M930 Caught In The Wild (1 replies)
  4. Anyone as bought something recently from Impact Wireless (Edmonton)? (0 replies)
  5. Windows Media Problem - only playing parts of songs (0 replies)
  6. Misc news: new Jbed / Jblend distros; PDA controller / Web browser news, Revival out (0 replies)
  7. Wireless Charging for Upcoming WMG Devices (3 replies)
  8. My Holy Grail – Exchange Server (2 replies)
  9. 2.5mm to headphone adapter? (6 replies)
  10. New SMS to a Frequently Used Contact (1 replies)
  11. My CES Experience: Part 3 - The Final Chapter (0 replies)
  12. Messenger Support (0 replies)
  13. Help, WMDC only syncs a few contacts (0 replies)
  14. Media Player Buttons (0 replies)
  15. My CES Experience: Part 2 (0 replies)
  16. USB Memory Key Round Up From CES (4 replies)
  17. REVIEW: just-released VirtualCE 4 -- another great PDA controller alternative! (1 replies)
  18. My CES Experience: Part 1 (2 replies)
  19. I-Mate Vs. HTC. Which would you choose? (9 replies)
  20. Smartphones Patented... Just About Everyone Sued 1 Minute After Patent Issued (7 replies)
  21. MobileTechReview Reviews The Pantech Duo C810 (2 replies)
  22. Misc news: the HP iPAQ 21x; new apps, games & emus; anyone coming to Barcelona? (2 replies)
  23. Cowon Q5W as Pocket PC (0 replies)
  24. modu mobile Teaser Video Released! (2 replies)
  25. Motorola MPX220 doesn't ring (1 replies)
  26. How can i put one menu in under right of screen ? (0 replies)
  27. What is the message in win32 WM5.0 pocket pc program about "X" and "ok" button ? (0 replies)
  28. For once I was unloyal but briefly! (1 replies)
  29. Almost 40GB on my PPC :) (12 replies)
  30. All That Apple Stuff Today... (43 replies)
  31. BlackBerry Connect for Windows Mobile? (5 replies)
  32. ASUS Eee PC running Windows Mobile 6 Classic? (4 replies)
  33. Is this possible? (3 replies)
  34. How to email attachments with PPC? (3 replies)
  35. How Long Does It Take You To Set Up A New Device? (23 replies)
  36. CES 2008: Bill Gates' Keynote (1 replies)
  37. CES 2008: Bill Gates' Keynote (3 replies)
  38. TUTORIAL: Listening to XM Radio on mobile devices (1 replies)
  39. What are good pocket PCs? (9 replies)
  40. How good is good enough? (2 replies)
  41. Does Your GSM Phone Effect Your Sleep? (4 replies)
  42. Storage Card Memory Loss--Fault of Card or PPC? (3 replies)
  43. Burned By Your Kaiser's Video Driver? (27 replies)
  44. View posts since last visit (1 replies)
  45. Vista vs. Mac Sync Syn Solution (0 replies)
  46. newbie with some questions. (6 replies)
  47. IMAP email problems w/ AT&T on Moto Q9h (0 replies)
  48. Replace my Axim x50v with an ITouch as a PDA? (4 replies)
  49. The Radio Stream Transcoding Bible (2 replies)
  50. Calendar navigation does not work (1 replies)
  51. I dumped my Pocket PC for an iPod nano 3G (7 replies)
  52. A Look Back at the Mobile Devices of 2007 (0 replies)
  53. Quick intro to transcoding your media files to HE-AAC v2 (0 replies)
  54. Question about the I-Mate 9502 (0 replies)
  55. Adding 3G internet and/or GPS to a non-phone Pocket PC (1 replies)
  56. Good time to Update? (1 replies)
  57. Suggest PDA which is not a mobile, w/out camera, mp3 (3 replies)
  58. winmo 6.0 calander issue (1 replies)
  59. Whats that Samsung PockePC Blackjack phone called? (1 replies)
  60. New fonts on Windows mobile 5 and battery (1 replies)
  61. x51v's vs Tilt's display (5 replies)
  62. x51v's XScale vs Tilt's Qualcomm MSM 7200 (8 replies)
  63. SanDisk's 6 GB microSD: Big Storage, Small Package (11 replies)
  64. Vaporware 2007: Long Live the King (16 replies)
  65. That tiny stylus! (3 replies)
  66. Corporate Exchange & Hosted Exchange (2 replies)
  67. AT&T Tilt vs. HTC TyTN II (1 replies)
  68. activesync install program into the default directory grayed out (0 replies)
  69. HTC S710 (Vox) MAX micro sd query (2 replies)
  70. Activesync won't turn on my Ipaq (7 replies)
  71. My Experience with the HTC s710 Smartphone (10 replies)
  72. Shock at $85k mobile phone bill: Bell Mobility unlimited mobile browser plan (2 replies)
  73. The H.264 (a.k.a. MPEG-4 Part 10 and AVC) Bible (4 replies)
  74. Memory Question (2 replies)
  75. Newest mobile windows 6 and Moto Q (2 replies)
  76. Motorola Q sync problem (2 replies)
  77. Current top choices for perfect form fitting screen protectors?? (0 replies)
  78. New Phone Time; Part II - Got a BlackJack II in RED! (16 replies)
  79. SlovoEd Express Released: Translate Your World (0 replies)
  80. PPC Phone with large (hopefully VGA) screen and no keyboard? (4 replies)
  81. USB Trickle Charge, not tricklin' (2 replies)
  82. Motorola Q9h -- MicroSD card capacity?? (14 replies)
  83. How to activate "repeat" for a New Text Message notification ? (0 replies)
  84. Guidance needed, please! (2 replies)
  85. Insurance RANT (2 replies)
  86. Smartphone Round Robin: Triumphant Return to Windows Mobile! (4 replies)
  87. New Here (1 replies)
  88. What Is Wrong With Windows Mobile Converged Devices (45 replies)
  89. 2nd MM Bible sneak peek:crossfade/gapless playback, media compatibility&power usage (1 replies)
  90. Recommendations for a Newbie (4 replies)
  91. searching for PDA websites (3 replies)
  92. New Phone Time But What To Buy? (36 replies)
  93. Sneak peak: the Main Chart of my forthcoming Multimedia Audio Streaming Bible! (1 replies)
  94. Help with Pocket PC Phone and Provider (5 replies)
  95. Media player question.... (5 replies)
  96. Has Anyone Seen Windows Update Work on their Mobile Device? (15 replies)
  97. XDA flame-user's opinion needed please! (4 replies)
  98. Smartphone Outlook email issue (1 replies)
  99. Synchronization Error (1 replies)
  100. A few more Tilt questions... (4 replies)
  101. Any way to go "sych-less"? (21 replies)
  102. Having trouble updating email address (0 replies)
  103. AT&T Tilt upgradeable?? (1 replies)
  104. Who is running the Windows Mobile Newsletter? (0 replies)
  105. MS Office Mobile 6.1 released (0 replies)
  106. Photo Gallery of the Samsung SGH-i620 (4 replies)
  107. 2 new Ipaqs at my house....!!!!! (2 replies)
  108. A place where all devices are listed? (3 replies)
  109. (MY) MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH: now, you can use Opera Mini as the system-level Web browser! (8 replies)
  110. Motorola Q9h: The Clone Wars (9 replies)
  111. Unable to Sync (2 replies)
  112. Has Microsoft got it's Mobile strategy wrong??? (4 replies)
  113. Fastest WiFi browser? (1 replies)
  114. Moto Q Global or Blackjack II? (0 replies)
  115. Moto Q Global Help (0 replies)
  116. Extend your phone’s battery life II: (auto-)terminate unnecessary data connections (0 replies)
  117. HP iPAC screen is black??? (1 replies)
  118. Pretty much all data and programs apparently gone all of a sudden! (5 replies)
  119. 4smartphone migration to 2007 servers (0 replies)
  120. Canadian Data Prices Heat Up (3 replies)
  121. Holiday Insider Deals from Skooba Design (0 replies)
  122. A Fresh Start... (18 replies)
  123. Need advice for large scale PDA Rollout (2 replies)
  124. BREAKING NEWS: Infamous, top Linux multimedia player MPlayer is being ported to WM! (0 replies)
  125. Symbian Dismisses Google Android (13 replies)
  126. Handango's Frustration Friday (2 replies)
  127. A pretty much usable solution to the missing call recording?! (1 replies)
  128. Current opinions -- top choice in resolution and decent speed. (2 replies)
  129. Any suggestions? HTC 7500 (0 replies)
  130. REVIEW: Another great, multiplatform instant messenger client: Palringo (1 replies)
  131. WM6 Today Screen auto-return problem (6 replies)
  132. Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!! (2 replies)
  133. Opera Mini 4: A new star is born - the FREE(!) Web browser you MUST give a try to (2 replies)
  134. Dumb question (5 replies)
  135. No 3D / media acceleration support in current Qualcomm-based handsets?! (0 replies)
  136. Anything much better than a HP hx4705? (3 replies)
  137. The Official "Mike Has a Shadow Thread" (8 replies)
  138. Dealing with multiple PIMs (1 replies)
  139. How does the HTC Tytn II screen feel? (2 replies)
  140. Active sync problems in WinMo 6 (3 replies)
  141. Very Big Problem (2 replies)
  142. WM 6 Alarm Clock - Grrr! (23 replies)
  143. AT&T Disables VPN Access on Motorola Q9h Global (9 replies)
  144. Chris Pirillo on the iPhone vs. Windows Mobile for Business Use (78 replies)
  145. Chris Pirillo on the iPhone vs. Windows Mobile for Business Use (19 replies)
  146. Setting the SD memory as Phone Memory (0 replies)
  147. HP IPAQ 5455 connection problem (3 replies)
  148. Possible to 'get x days' of email and *keep* old emails? (0 replies)
  149. deleting contacts in smartphone (3 replies)
  150. O2 Asia Becomes MWG (2 replies)
  151. Want to connect pocket pc with ethernet port (2 replies)
  152. Any Journal programs for the Pocket PC? (2 replies)
  153. Charge your battery as often as possible-revolutionary, comparative, numeric results! (2 replies)
  154. deleting multiple contacts (0 replies)
  155. Global Roaming recommendations please (0 replies)
  156. Quick Reader Review of T-Mobile's New Shadow Smartphone (0 replies)
  157. Download My Documents/ to My Documents?? (2 replies)
  158. Any new ppcs with usb host coming? (9 replies)
  159. Need some expert advice (0 replies)
  160. Mess with DST (daylight savings time) change (2 replies)
  161. Best WM6 240 x 320 PDA today? (0 replies)
  162. Data Plans From Rogers: Stop The Insanity! (38 replies)
  163. Data Plans From Rogers: Stop The Insanity! (13 replies)
  164. Help me choose? (1 replies)
  165. Disable last number redial (from Bluetooth headset)? (0 replies)
  166. Why Is WiFi Less Stable Year by Year? (25 replies)
  167. Why Is WiFi Less Stable Year by Year? (10 replies)
  168. MorphGear Site is Down (0 replies)
  169. What is in my Main Memory! Aarrggh! (1 replies)
  170. Need help chosing a phone with specific features. Please help. (1 replies)
  171. Help me choose? (15 replies)
  172. I can't set a mp3 as a ringtone (5 replies)
  173. Handango Charges? (0 replies)
  174. Windows Vista. To buy or not to buy? (9 replies)
  175. Skype mobile phone - will it ever see light in America? (0 replies)
  176. Iphone and PDA (2 replies)
  177. Mobile access rant... (1 replies)
  178. REVIEW: Great, free Web browser Opera Mini 4 beta 3 is out – a MUST! (1 replies)
  179. What Pocket PC? (14 replies)
  180. Free My Phone (4 replies)
  181. Q9h vs. Blackjack II battery size.... (1 replies)
  182. The (Java) MIDlet Bible (21 replies)
  183. few newbie questions (synchronization, OneNote, Pocket PC in general) (8 replies)
  184. TUTORIAL: Control issues of Java MIDlets – all secrets of button handling (1 replies)
  185. SD capacity of iPAQ h1900 series? (3 replies)
  186. two new iMate Ultimates online (0 replies)
  187. Phone sync problem (1 replies)
  188. Compulab's EM-X270 Brings DIY to Smartphones (6 replies)
  189. Saying Good-Bye to my BlackJack (16 replies)
  190. My Maiden Post (3 replies)
  191. Web Browsing News as of 10/18/2007: new Opera Mobile, Picsel, Spb Pocket Plus (0 replies)
  192. Telnet from phone (7 replies)
  193. Smartphone Follies (3 replies)
  194. The Button Enhancer Bible & great button config tips for Opera Mobile / Mini users (1 replies)
  195. Networks (1 replies)
  196. Mobile Security Isn't Just About Devices (2 replies)
  197. What's the Best Mobile Device Keyboard You've Ever Used? (19 replies)
  198. FAA Will Not Allow Use of Mobile Phones on Airplanes (11 replies)
  199. Which Carrier? US please (1 replies)
  200. Clamshell Handsets? (2 replies)
  201. T-mobile Dash---phone number ID linked to email address---how to unlink? (2 replies)
  202. PDA with qwerty input? (5 replies)
  203. HTC Touch at Rogers ? (4 replies)
  204. Motorola Genghis - To Replace the Moto Q9 Already? (3 replies)
  205. MacBook Pro Sync...not really sync... (4 replies)
  206. Happy Birthday Pocket PC Thoughts!!! (0 replies)
  207. Microsoft Patents Extensible Filtered Lists User Interface (0 replies)
  208. Is the SE P1i worth the buy? (0 replies)
  209. Htc S730 & Umts (0 replies)
  210. Shortcut to Settings->Connections->Wi-Fi (8 replies)
  211. Atrocious AT&T and now I have to buy new ppc phones? (0 replies)
  212. Broken Q - Thoughts on Repair? (13 replies)
  213. Another GREAT breakthrough in Windows Mobile networking: BT PAN server w/ MS BT stack (0 replies)
  214. Windows Mobile Device Center and Vista: Did You Go Back to XP? (31 replies)
  215. Unlimited wireless data in Canada for $10/month (5 replies)
  216. HTC s730 has GPS! (16 replies)
  217. AT&T Announces Plans to Increase 3G Upload Speeds By Christmas (8 replies)
  218. (Hopefully) final MIDlet Bible main feature&hack&standards compliance chart published (0 replies)
  219. Misc smartphone questions (0 replies)
  220. Looking for a particular PPC Theme.. (3 replies)
  221. Windows Mobile Device Center - Why Must You Suck So Badly? (8 replies)
  222. The Definitive Guide to Running 3D-enabled Java MIDlets on Windows Mobile (3 replies)
  223. IM Frustrations (0 replies)
  224. Ginormous RAZR 2 Crashes Into Mercedes, Film At Eleven (5 replies)
  225. Dial-up Networking: much easier and, now, Smartphone-compliant BT DUN/Wi-Fi access (0 replies)
  226. Another long-awaited breakthrough: dial-up Internet Sharing over Wi-Fi! (2 replies)
  227. Dial-up Networking Via Bluetooth Under WM5 AKU3 / WM6: WORKING at last!! A MUST!!! (2 replies)
  228. Zune Dialogue Line in Halo 3 (0 replies)
  229. Earliest PPC w/ persistent application memory (1 replies)
  230. Outlook 2007: SmartPhone corrupting shutdown? (1 replies)
  231. At last a 3.5" screen with goodies! (4 replies)
  232. Excellent, free registry tracker tool RegLogger released! (0 replies)
  233. Installing .Net application on Symbol 9090 which is running Windows CE 5.0 (0 replies)
  234. New betas of SmartToolkit and IM+; great Resco releases;camera-based mouse emulator (1 replies)
  235. Outlook Connector "could not sign in" (0 replies)
  236. Outlook email (4 replies)
  237. Nokia E90 (1 replies)
  238. Good mobile optimizing websites (2 replies)
  239. Dumbphone not so dumb... (1 replies)
  240. iphone slam on simpsons (1 replies)
  241. Share Your MVT: Most Valuable Tip! (21 replies)
  242. Problems with Alarm/notification/timezone/whathaveyou (2 replies)
  243. outlook2003 from outlookWM5; call log saved? sms saved? (0 replies)
  244. Email folders spontaneously appeared.......... (1 replies)
  245. WinCe Kernal Debugging (0 replies)
  246. Remove Programs list is empty on my Dash (5 replies)
  247. WinCe Kernal Initialization (0 replies)
  248. Windows Mobile 5 calaendar deletes 3 month old entries (2 replies)
  249. 4Smartphone's treatment of its customers with annual contracts (6 replies)
  250. Blocked Received calls Palm 750 (1 replies)