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View Full Version : Shock at $85k mobile phone bill: Bell Mobility unlimited mobile browser plan

12-16-2007, 08:41 AM
Shock at $85k mobile phone bill.
A Canadian man has been shocked to receive a mobile phone bill for nearly $85,000 (£41,000).
Piotr Staniaszek thought he could use his new phone as a modem for his computer under his $10 unlimited mobile browser plan from Bell Mobility.
He downloaded high-definition movies and other large files unaware that this incurred massive extra charges.
Bell Mobility has since lowered the bill to $3,243, but Mr Staniaszek says he intends to fight the charges anyway.
'Nobody told me'
The 22-year-old oil-field worker from Calgary said he thought a first bill for $65,000 in November was a mistake.
When he spoke to Bell Mobility he was informed the bill had climbed to nearly $85,000 after more downloading.

"I'm going to try and fight it, because I didn't know about the extra charges"
Piotr Staniaszek

He said he normally paid about $150 a month for his phone and used to be notified of high charges.
"The thing is, they've cut my phone off for being like $100 over," he told CBC News.
"Here, I'm $85,000 over and nobody bothered to give me a call and tell me what was going on."
Bell Mobility said they would lower the bill to $3,243 in a "goodwill gesture" to match the best data plan available for using mobile phones as a modem, the Globe and Mail reported.
The trouble stems from the new phone he received when he renewed his mobile phone contract.
The new model allows him to connect with his computer and download data.
"I told them I wasn't aware I would be charged for hooking up my phone to the computer. I'm going to try and fight it, because I didn't know about the extra charges."
Canadians complain that their mobile phone charges are much higher for comparable service in the United States.
Source (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/low/world/americas/7141935.stm)

Wow! a cautionary tale against violating your carrier's TOS.

12-19-2007, 03:36 PM
LoL... He had aleady got a bill of 65k and thought it was an error, so his judgement from that day forward was of cruel intensions. If he had read the contract prior he would now that a $10/month "unlimited" data is still limited in some way. Its become common in canada for theses bills. Not much he can do w/fighting it in court....Just cancel the contract and walk away. :)

01-02-2008, 03:36 AM
When I was researching EDGE internet to use here at home, I asked at least 5 different reps, "Is this TRULY unlimited?"

In the first day I shoved at least 2gb of data through it, running Windows update on all of my computers and stuff.