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  1. Feature requests... bugs... and whatnots. (3 replies)
  2. Gotta love the ads (12 replies)
  3. pHpBB (9 replies)
  4. Compaq Sweden extends iPAQ Pocket PC upgrade offer? (0 replies)
  5. Do Reader eBooks require SD cards? (3 replies)
  6. The "What does your Today Screen Look Like" thread (14 replies)
  7. Congrats (3 replies)
  8. Woohoo This is great! (9 replies)
  9. Registering vs. Anonymous (51 replies)
  10. Discussion board taxonomy? (28 replies)
  11. Pocket PC Thoughts is resurrected...sort of (26 replies)
  12. Developer Language Challenges (0 replies)
  13. Winds of Change: The PDA Upgrade Cycle (0 replies)
  14. The Pocket PC email syncing problem (0 replies)
  15. Why Palm is Going to be a Smoking Husk in 24 Months (3 replies)