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View Full Version : Any new ppcs with usb host coming?

11-02-2007, 08:47 PM
Does anyone know of any new pocket pcs with large VGA screen (at least 3.5") with USB host capabilities +/- TV out in the market?
I have X7500 but it is bulky. XDA flame is not available here.
Any new?
Thank you

11-02-2007, 09:33 PM
I don't know where "here" is but you can buy a Flame through eBay or Expansys. I bought one through eBay and I still love it. :D

11-02-2007, 10:28 PM
I am sorry, I did not realize that my profile did not indicate my location. I meant USA. How do you like it the pocket pc functionality? Is there any limitation of USB host connectivity? How is the TV out? What kind of resolution one can get I mean.
How much is it?
I shall check out the expansys. Are there any pure ppcs with VGA+USB in the making?
Thank you

11-02-2007, 11:00 PM
The best way I can describe the Flame is a Dell Axim x51v with a phone and a few extras added.

The "USB on the Go" functions well providing the power usage of your USB device is minimal or it is being powered on its own. For example I can read my 500GB external hard drive if it is pluged in but a USB keyboard does not need any extra power that the Flame can not provide. I also have had no problems with large thumb drives and a mouse. I do believe some USB hardware may need some extra drivers or tweaking.

I have seen the price drop to about $600 on ebay and Expansys.

There is also a good forum dedicated to the Flame athttp://www.xdaflameusers.com/index.php

Are there any faults of the Flame? There are a few but I am hoping that there will be an upgraded ROM with WM6 comming soon.

11-03-2007, 12:11 AM
The iPaq 210 will have USB On The Go, but not TV out.

11-03-2007, 02:40 PM
Wow! I thought it had only USB for charging. Ok that will help.
Thank you very much.

11-03-2007, 11:53 PM
For my needs a high end pocket pc is that which can obviate the need for laptop to a great extent. I wish HP included a TV out in 210 so that, I did not have to carry bunch of accessories such as VGA card for giving powerpoint presentations.

I hope there is an accessory which can utilize usb host to give powerpoint presentations rather than buying a $175 to 250 vga card and wires.
Thank you.

Nurhisham Hussein
11-05-2007, 09:57 AM
For example I can read my 500GB external hard drive if it is pluged in but a USB keyboard does not need any extra power that the Flame can not provide.

Andy, is your HDD formated as NTFS or FAT32? If NTFS, that's a significant improvement over WM2003SE, where only FAT formated drives could be read through USB host.

11-05-2007, 06:28 PM
It's formated as FAT32.

Nurhisham Hussein
11-06-2007, 02:18 AM
Thanks! Shame there's still no NTFS :(