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View Full Version : Fastest WiFi browser?

11-26-2007, 01:43 PM
Hey, I'm new to this forum, and am in the market for a new smart phone.

I have a motorola mpx220 right now, and while its far from amazing, I love what its capable of, and now have the budget for a nicer phone.

What I'm looking for most importantly is the Wi Fi browser speed.

What phone can you think of has very fast / the fastest browser speed on the market?

For an idea of what I consider fast, if any of you have a PSP (play station portable), I consider that browser to be pretty slow.

So yeah, what phones have crazy fast browsers ?


Jason Dunn
12-27-2007, 06:51 PM
Well, the unfortunate reality is that IE Mobile is pretty slow at rendering HTML, but there's also other factors that come into play (CPU, RAM speed, etc.) that will prevent any current generation phone from feeling as snappy as a desktop browser. What I'd suggest is buying the phone you want, then trying a few of the different browsers in the market (Opera, etc.) and picking the one you like the most. That's the advantage of a platform where you can install software, you're not limited to what's on the phone. ;)