12-12-2007, 07:41 PM
I have an Acer n311. I have a cradle for syncing and charging at home and a USB charge-n-sync cable that I use at work. Yesterday I set up a new desktop at work, a very nice Dell Optiplex 755, but I think I now have a problem with charging my PPC over USB. My old PC, an Optiplex GX260 would actually charge the n311 fairly quickly for a USB trickle.
With the 755, I've actually been losing power instead of gaining it, albiet very slowly. I was at 27% 3 hours ago, at some point it slipped to 26% like in the snapshot above, and while I'm writing this I see that I'm now down to 25%. I don't see anything in the BIOS about power over USB... I'm not sure where else to look.
With the 755, I've actually been losing power instead of gaining it, albiet very slowly. I was at 27% 3 hours ago, at some point it slipped to 26% like in the snapshot above, and while I'm writing this I see that I'm now down to 25%. I don't see anything in the BIOS about power over USB... I'm not sure where else to look.