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View Full Version : PPC Phone with large (hopefully VGA) screen and no keyboard?

12-12-2007, 11:12 PM

Can anyone please tell me if there are any PPC Phones with (hopefully VGA) large screens?

I don't care for a keyboard, so if its absence is going to make it slimmer and lighter, I would like that too.

Essentially, I would like to have something like an Axim x51v that works as a cell phone.

Also, looking at the PPC phones on Amazon.com, I see the plans don't mention data (internet) connections. Do those minutes just count like voice connections?



12-12-2007, 11:33 PM
most of the screens now a days is 2.8 or 3.5 so they are kind of small compared to the older PPC devices of yester-year.

With that said, the latest HTC device (not yet released in to US carriers) that has the largest screen, no keyboard, and still packs a ton of features is the HTC TOUCH CRUISE. You can check it out on HTC's site. This is phone I'm going to get the minute they put it out in the US.


Nurhisham Hussein
12-13-2007, 01:41 AM
The Touch Cruise does not have a VGA screen. There are a number of devices with VGA (and better!) screens on the market now which fit the bill:

1. Toshiba G900 (slide keyboard, WVGA screen 8O )
2. HTC Advantage (detachable keyboard, 5" VGA screen)
3. Glofiish X800 (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/index.php?action=expand,57605) (no keyboard)
4. O2 Flame (3.5" VGA, no keyboard)
5. Any of iMate's Ultimate line (forthcoming, various configurations)

I might have missed a few, but those are the ones that come to mind.

The one that best fits the "x51v with a phone" description is probably the Flame. The problem here is that if you're in the US, none of these devices are sold through carriers and only the Advantage is sold at retail level. That means you'll have to pay full retail price for these (and possibly import duties), they're all GSM and in some cases tri-band only, with the possible offsetting advantage that they will thus be unlocked and usable on any GSM network.

12-13-2007, 11:36 PM
And you can have a lot of info concerning the Flame on www.xdaflameusers.com

12-24-2007, 07:44 AM
Thanks for the replies.

I have found that GPS is also quite desirable to me, and among those you guys pointed out, only the Advantage and the iMate Ultimate 9502 have it. The former is twice as heavy as a normal PDA like the Axim, and the 9502 has a smaller screen, 2.8'.

The 9502 seems like a Tilt with VGA, and it is much cheaper, especially if you get a new plan with it, so I may go for it.
