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  1. CE app in .net (1 replies)
  2. Timer in non graphic application (3 replies)
  3. Standby event (0 replies)
  4. Developing Pocket PC Apps for beginners (8 replies)
  5. eVC++ vs VB .NET (2 replies)
  6. Force Feedback for your Smartphone Application (0 replies)
  7. Displaying a bitmap in a view (4 replies)
  8. Quick and dirty programming (4 replies)
  9. Some more questions (1 replies)
  10. Active Sync Vs Avantgo (2 replies)
  11. AppForge Releases Crossfire (5 replies)
  12. Central FL Developers: Meeting Tonight! (2 replies)
  13. Looking for Application or Dev Help (1 replies)
  14. Smartphone Application Security and Code Signing Model for Developers (0 replies)
  15. Massive .NET Compact Framework FAQ (0 replies)
  16. Don Box At Mobile Developers Conference (0 replies)
  17. Massive .NET Compact Framework FAQ (2 replies)
  18. SSCLI Port for WinCE (0 replies)
  19. URLs (1 replies)
  20. desktop app visual basic .net get info from summary propperties video file, how (1 replies)
  21. Upcoming Release of .NET Compact Framework CEDB Driver (11 replies)
  22. Auto Detect Browser (7 replies)
  23. ActiveSync event (1 replies)
  24. Some questions (1 replies)
  25. Design Considerations for Microsoft Smartphone Applications (1 replies)
  26. a question about .NET (6 replies)
  27. Develop Screen Orientation-Aware Applications (7 replies)
  28. Developing DPI-Aware Applications (2 replies)
  29. Open Source Development Tools (4 replies)
  30. Shameless Plug: Speaking at Orlando .NET User Group (2 replies)
  31. AS/400 in Your Pocket with ZCOM for Pocket PC (0 replies)
  32. Is there a browser control in Compact Framework (3 replies)
  33. developing for Smartphone 2002 (1 replies)
  34. trouble with eMbedded Visual Basic download (4 replies)
  35. Unable to get the host name (0 replies)
  36. what's the difference between smartphone and ppc w/ phone (0 replies)
  37. emulator 2003 (0 replies)
  38. moving from Pocket PC 2002 to Pocket PC Phone (0 replies)
  39. Maintain a Single Binary for Pocket PC and Smartphone (8 replies)
  40. Maintain a Single Binary for Pocket PC and Smartphone (5 replies)
  41. .NET CF Service Pack 2 is NOT for Smartphone (0 replies)
  42. Smartphone MAME Port (3 replies)
  43. .NET Compact Framework SP2 Re-Release (8 replies)
  44. Compact Framework SP2 Available for Developers (0 replies)
  45. MSDN Pocket PC Developer webcast (1 replies)
  46. Help with eVB (3 replies)
  47. A Tipp for Developers. (0 replies)
  48. Vodafone Challenges You (0 replies)
  49. linux and windows apps (8 replies)
  50. Crafting Smartphone User Interfaces Using .NET Compact Framework (1 replies)
  51. Develop for Windows Mobile 2003 for Smartphone Using the .NET Compact Framework (2 replies)
  52. Interview with Valentin Iliescu (3 replies)
  53. PictureBox Plus Control for .NET Compact Framework (0 replies)
  54. Suggestion: Write a simpilified toolkit on eVC++? (0 replies)
  55. Syware Releases Visual CE Version 8 (1 replies)
  56. Developing Win CE app. What performance monitoring software to use? (1 replies)
  57. OpenNETCF.org Smart Device Framework Beta Program (0 replies)
  58. Developing Smartphone 2002 Applications with Embedded Visual Basic (eVB) (1 replies)
  59. PocketPc + Wireless (2 replies)
  60. Go Really Hard Core with Web Service Enhancements (2 replies)
  61. New SQL Server CE Bulk Insert Utility (0 replies)
  62. PDC Presentations Now Online (0 replies)
  63. More .NET Compact Framework Sample Code (3 replies)
  64. More .NET Compact Framework Sample Code (0 replies)
  65. Development Platforms??? (1 replies)
  66. AT&T Wireless Launches Developer Portal for MPx200 (5 replies)
  67. CE Platform builder (2 replies)
  68. Webservices/.net Program on Hitachi G1000 over Sprint Network (0 replies)
  69. Device Configuration Using .NET CF (9 replies)
  70. NTP on Pocket PC (1 replies)
  71. REG files and the Pocket PC (3 replies)
  72. DMProcessConfigXML (2 replies)
  73. SmartWare Announces Beta Program (3 replies)
  74. Comman in Hyper Terminal, help me :) (1 replies)
  75. Introducing the Windows Mobile 2003-based Smartphone Developer Kit! (7 replies)
  76. ShellExecute Command in eVB 3.0 (2 replies)
  77. Sorting a List Box or Combo Box (0 replies)
  78. Embedded WMP in VB .NET (0 replies)
  79. What's Up with ActiveSync 3.7.1? (39 replies)
  80. Command in HyperTerminal Mode to Upload ROM from HD (3 replies)
  81. .NET Compact Framework and Smart Device Programming Chat (0 replies)
  82. Anybody know anything about high encryption on Windows Mobile 2003? (1 replies)
  83. Pretek CompactCamera SDK (0 replies)
  84. Starting GPRS programmatically (0 replies)
  85. AppForge Fires Up .NET Development (1 replies)
  86. Help with Pocket GCC (2 replies)
  87. MP3 Player API for VS.Net 2003 to develop Pocket PC app (0 replies)
  88. Filling a web-page field with the IrDA port (0 replies)
  89. Architecture and Best Practices for Mobile Development (0 replies)
  90. Changing icons on control applet shorcuts (2 replies)
  91. Get Your Developer Phone Upgraded at the PDC (0 replies)
  92. Soft Reset (0 replies)
  93. create own OCX or DLL on VB (2 replies)
  94. Interface with our site (0 replies)
  95. Off to PDC (6 replies)
  96. New SQL Server CE Book by Rob Tiffany (1 replies)
  97. Some simple help on Bluetooth (0 replies)
  98. Status of RTTI on PocketPC 2003 SDK (1 replies)
  99. File I/O (0 replies)
  100. Convert Pocket Word-> Word, Pocket Excel -> Excel and... (0 replies)
  101. remote file viewer in VB.NET ?? (1 replies)
  102. htmlctrl makes my app crash! (0 replies)
  103. Need informayion on Databases (4 replies)
  104. Development for PPC using USB devices (4 replies)
  105. Microsoft and Vodafone Partner for Mobile Web Services (2 replies)
  106. pocketSoap in MFC (0 replies)
  107. A bit OT: Developing applications for mobile phones (0 replies)
  108. Totally Clueless Beginner ... want to start developing (10 replies)
  109. Card reader (0 replies)
  110. Deploy common theme (0 replies)
  111. Power Control... (1 replies)
  112. 2003 vs. 2002 radio & checkbox display variances (0 replies)
  113. Developing PPC2K3 .NET applications requires.... (7 replies)
  114. VB to C# (2 replies)
  115. help!ActiveSync via Bluetooth-Virtual-COM-Port (2 replies)
  116. Attend PDC, Learn Cool Stuff, Win a Smartphone (2 replies)
  117. how do i handle LIBs in evc++? (1 replies)
  118. developing bluetooth apps? (0 replies)
  119. evc++ 4.0 and .NET on PPC 2002?? (9 replies)
  120. AppForge Adds Device Support (4 replies)
  121. use Webservices in eVB or eVC++ ? (2 replies)
  122. show HTML in eVB ? (2 replies)
  123. "Connection failed (Error Code = 0xLX)" (0 replies)
  124. how do I stop my php data being cached by pocket pc 2002 (0 replies)
  125. where can i get eVC tutorials? (2 replies)
  126. Problems with consuming web services thru Smartphone 2003 emulator (2 replies)
  127. Is Your Site Microsoft Smartphone Accessible? (2 replies)
  128. CTreeCtrl (0 replies)
  129. EZSetup 2.01 help (1 replies)
  130. .NET Compact Framework and Product Cycles (20 replies)
  131. Strange "minor bug", Inbox reporting (-1) emails (0 replies)
  132. Question about CPU support and applications (2 replies)
  133. Updates for Developers (0 replies)
  134. Converting WCE x86 to WCE ARM? (8 replies)
  135. eVB Runtime for Pocket PC 2003 (3 replies)
  136. Would you like to help me with my development? (2 replies)
  137. Newbie...Can I build programs right on PPC? (2 replies)
  138. Port Mozilla To The Pocket PC? (25 replies)
  139. TechEd 2003 Content Available Online! (1 replies)
  140. Using GAPI with the .NET Compact Framework (2 replies)
  141. Radixs And The Rise Of Handheld Middleware Platforms (1 replies)
  142. Pocket PC 2003 emulator not showing up! (1 replies)
  143. Smartphone 2003 and .NET CF Primer (4 replies)
  144. Full screen + SIP (0 replies)
  145. Macromedia Flash in .NET Compact Framework Applications (2 replies)
  146. New .NET CF Articles at MSDN (0 replies)
  147. Pocket Access - Sync questions... (4 replies)
  148. Barcode Scanner with a Viewsonic V35 (1 replies)
  149. eVB and PPC 2003 (3 replies)
  150. Which language is the best? (6 replies)
  151. Doing Databases On Your Pocket PC (6 replies)
  152. I've bought a Smartphone 2003!! (4 replies)
  153. XML AppendChild returns a system Null Ref ?? (2 replies)
  154. Having problems with debug & the Smartphone emulator (2003) ?? (2 replies)
  155. Just out of curiosity, is anybody going to the PDC in October? (0 replies)
  156. Developer needed for Handheld Development Project (0 replies)
  157. Problems with MainMenu when using Smartphone 2003 SDK & VB.NET (2 replies)
  158. javax.comm API for pocket pc? (0 replies)
  159. RE: Vector Mapping Control for PPC (0 replies)
  160. Memory access - built-in vs main vs card (0 replies)
  161. Microsoft Developer Network Goes Mobile (1 replies)
  162. Microsoft Developer Network Goes Mobile (0 replies)
  163. Your thoughts (6 replies)
  164. HP Mobile Printing SDK for PocketPC (0 replies)
  165. Please help this newbie launch an external .exe (1 replies)
  166. Windows CE .NET Platform (0 replies)
  167. Play with Smartphone 2003 Emulator (11 replies)
  168. Supported .NET CF Controls (0 replies)
  169. MSDN Magazine Article on SQL Server CE Development (0 replies)
  170. commercial products written in .net cf (2 replies)
  171. Deleting an object store table (2 replies)
  172. Free Cross Platform Installer from PocketMac (2 replies)
  173. Making Pocket PC Friendly Web Sites (11 replies)
  174. Missing the help text in eVB/eVC. Can anybody please help. (2 replies)
  175. Using Bluetooth with eVC++ ?? (2 replies)
  176. Java VM for Pocket PC from IBM (J9 ?) (4 replies)
  177. MFC Tutorial? (1 replies)
  178. Resco Releases AdvancedList for .NET Compact Framework (0 replies)
  179. .NET, Smartphone, Rock n' Roll in Online Show (18 replies)
  180. AppForge (2 replies)
  181. Bypassing the startup screens after a hard reset (2 replies)
  182. Tinkered with Pocket MVP source (0 replies)
  183. How do you make those neat software box graphics? (8 replies)
  184. WebService on iPAQ 5450 (4 replies)
  185. caching in PIE (2 replies)
  186. Help! I can't get debug working in VS.NET 2003 (0 replies)
  187. How could eVB application call a DLL coded eVC? (5 replies)
  188. Bug in Pocket IE 2003 (7 replies)
  189. More on Whidbey for Mobile Devices (2 replies)
  190. Whidbey Opens Up Smartphone Development (0 replies)
  191. Pocket PC 2002 & 2003 compatibility issue (2 replies)
  192. Developing for the SmartPhone under VS.NET (9 replies)
  193. odbcx Enables Database Integration (2 replies)
  194. Intel Releases XScale Compiler (8 replies)
  195. C#.net differences/restrictions in PC/PPC applications (2 replies)
  196. cancel notification popups (3 replies)
  197. XScale Optimized Code... (4 replies)
  198. Access System Information (1 replies)
  199. Please Help!! 5 min test on your Pocket PC 2003 based unit (2 replies)
  200. Mobile Device Re-Direct Code (27 replies)
  201. calculator (2 replies)
  202. Java vs C++, J++ & co. (for PPC 2002) (3 replies)
  203. icons and sound (0 replies)
  204. Smartphone Development at PDC 2003 (0 replies)
  205. Upcoming .NET Compact Framework Chat (1 replies)
  206. Help! SprintDB question. (4 replies)
  207. Pocket PC 2003 SDK Documentation Online (0 replies)
  208. .NET CF and PPC2003 (Windows Mobile 2003) (3 replies)
  209. New Microsoft Mobile Development Resource Kit (11 replies)
  210. New Microsoft Mobile Development Resource Kit (2 replies)
  211. SQL Server CE Query Analyzer on h2215 (1 replies)
  212. Ipaq 2215, flash 240x296 pixel movie...appears smaller (0 replies)
  213. time of instruction (7 replies)
  214. Corporate Applications on Smartphone - The Possibilities (7 replies)
  215. Java for Pocket PC (5 replies)
  216. New Multi-Platform Handheld Dev Kit (4 replies)
  217. Storage Brick compatiblity (2 replies)
  218. Application Install Wizard can't create CAB file (0 replies)
  219. WL110 data rate (0 replies)
  220. PocketGear and developers... (8 replies)
  221. Is there PHP build available? (7 replies)
  222. Bluetooth networking iPaq (5 replies)
  223. Synchronizing data from a website. (3 replies)
  224. Autorun.exe from SD Card (1 replies)
  225. Code Coverage tools for Windows CE development? (0 replies)
  226. Next generation Smartphone development webcast feedback (7 replies)
  227. Using tcp ip in eVB (0 replies)
  228. Getting Started... (6 replies)
  229. Syware Joins Windows Mobile 2003 (0 replies)
  230. Download the Windows Mobile 2003 SDK (10 replies)
  231. C# + VS.NET 2002 + <insert missing link here> to develop for PPC2002/03? (7 replies)
  232. SQL CE (0 replies)
  233. MultiBooting OS on PPC (4 replies)
  234. Detect OS/Processor (2 replies)
  235. With your PPC2k3 make a .cdb from my .mdb! (5 replies)
  236. Happy Developer Day! (4 replies)
  237. Free SQL Server CE Utility from Resco (2 replies)
  238. How to Turn Off Screen? (Like in Windows Media) (2 replies)
  239. Timer - Help needed (1 replies)
  240. Problem : Please Help (3 replies)
  241. PocketGear Site Outage? (3 replies)
  242. WANTED: Complete beginners guide to developing for Pocket PC (3 replies)
  243. ppc 2003 emulator (5 replies)
  244. Programming serial communications on an iPQA 5450. (4 replies)
  245. Sapphire Solutions Updates Developer Documentation (0 replies)
  246. Error messages (2 replies)
  247. The First Smartphone Database: FoneDB (3 replies)
  248. Sapphire Buttons Released (3 replies)
  249. Pocket PC 2003 Software Development Kit Released (13 replies)
  250. Showing Today Screen (Update) (5 replies)