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View Full Version : Looking for Application or Dev Help

01-20-2004, 05:26 PM
Hello Everyone,

My company develops a Head Mounted Display for use with a PPC. Most of our customers are military users and we have had a request for some very specific software development.

The idea is that while our HMD is plugged in, we would have the ability to turn off the PDA display backlight, but still have pointer/mouse functionality on the touchpad.

I have seen a shareware program that will turn off the display, but I can't seem to find it and we would need someone to modify it to get all of the required functions. If anyone has any ideas or is interested in doing the work, please drop me a line. Thanks,

[email protected] 585-273-8293

01-21-2004, 04:46 AM
Maybe an idea,
Not to good yet at ppc programming, but maybe the display backlight can be set to the lowest setting softwarewise.It must be possible to do, since this info is stored in a registry key.

there is also a key inthere about backlightontab.
havent messed with it, but it's worth a shot.
I know it's easy to change the registry keys in dotnet programming.