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View Full Version : evc++ 4.0 and .NET on PPC 2002??

09-29-2003, 10:05 AM
I have a Pocket PC 2002 PDA.

Can I use .NET on that?
(I read that only PPC 2003 is .NET enabled, but maybe I can install the .NET-stuff on PPC anyway?)

Can I run a program in evc++4.0?

09-29-2003, 12:30 PM
There is a download from Microsoft for .Net Compact Framework . You can find it here http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=1F62A2A3-7282-4BA9-B26B-2267E972501D&displaylang=en .

09-29-2003, 02:41 PM
EVC++ 4.0 can potentially create programs to run on PPC2002, but the problem is the SDKs. Each SDK has a platform ID associated with it (e.g. PPC2002). The SDKs available for EVC 4.0 are only for SmartPhone2003, PPC2003 or custom CE 4.x systems. It would be nice to get a PPC2002 SDK which would install for EVC4 so that the better compiler (fewer bugs) could be used. The compiler in EVC 4 will mark EXE's with CE version 4, so that a version 3 machine won't let them run. You can fool EVC 4.0 to compile and download code to other platforms by changing the platform ID on your Pocket PC's registry, but running an EXE with a higher version number is something that you can't fool (AFAIK).

Larry B.

09-29-2003, 05:28 PM
I have no idea how it's compiled, but I DO have software running on my Jornada 567 which requires the .Net Compact Framework. For instance, Microsoft Command (DOS for PocketPC) and a third party app called Pocket Console both require the runtimes. I even have a Today screen plugin, Today's Info, which uses them.

09-29-2003, 05:38 PM
From the title of this thread, I thought it was about EVC 4 and Windows CE .NET, not the .NET compact framework. Maybe the original poster can clarify...


09-29-2003, 06:07 PM
it is about EVC++ 4.0 on the one side and Pocket PC 2002 on the other side.
Pocket PC is not based on CE.NET but on CE3.0.
EVC++ 4.0 is a tool to write .NET-applications.

So, my question was, if Pocket PC and EVC++ 4.0 work together.

I guess if I want to use programs I compile with evc++4.0 on PPC2002, i have to install the .NET compact framework on the pocket pc 2002 device.

Before trying it, I wanted to find out if it's possuble at all...

09-29-2003, 07:05 PM
Windows CE .NET has nothing to do with the .NET compact framework. I'm not sure why Microsoft created this confusion, but Windows CE .NET means version 4.x. The .NET compact framework is sort of like a modern MFC - a set of libraries. In my previous post I outlined the reasons why the tools won't interact and why EXE's generated by EVC 4.0 are marked as version 4 and won't run on an older verison of CE.


10-06-2003, 03:43 PM
so, in conclusion.
it is not possible to write software in evc++4 and run it on pocketpc 2002.


10-06-2003, 03:47 PM
As far as I know, that is correct.


02-10-2004, 05:28 PM

first of all you can download eVisual Tools with PPC 2002 SDK on which you will be able to write VC++ and VB applications.

Next: .Net CF has even more to do with PPC device as you can guess. it is specially desinged for PPC and Win CE devices
but to use power of .Net on PPC you need Visual Studio .Net 2003 :-)

Bart Filipski
