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02-06-2002, 12:55 AM

I notice that if you hit the "quote" button above any message, it brings up a new message ready to quote from, but inserts the name of the quoted person as the new poster by default.

I noticed this when I saw that I had posted a message that I was unaware of, then realised it was not from me.

Is this deliberate? I can see how it would cause problems.


Jason Dunn
02-06-2002, 01:45 AM

I notice that if you hit the "quote" button above any message, it brings up a new message ready to quote from, but inserts the name of the quoted person as the new poster by default.

I noticed this when I saw that I had posted a message that I was unaware of, then realised it was not from me.

Is this deliberate? I can see how it would cause problems.


To be honest, I'm not sure what you're taking about. 8O

I did the quote function on your posting, and it appears logical to me. Maybe I'm dense today...my basement in the new house partially flooded, so I may have absorbed some toxic water. :lol:

02-06-2002, 06:01 AM

I notice that if you hit the "quote" button above any message, it brings up a new message ready to quote from, but inserts the name of the quoted person as the new poster by default.

I noticed this when I saw that I had posted a message that I was unaware of, then realised it was not from me.

Is this deliberate? I can see how it would cause problems.


To be honest, I'm not sure what you're taking about. 8O

I did the quote function on your posting, and it appears logical to me. Maybe I'm dense today...my basement in the new house partially flooded, so I may have absorbed some toxic water. :lol:

02-06-2002, 06:10 AM

I thought I had gone crazy, but it took me a little while to reproduce, and now I see what happenned. I noticed it when I saw that someone had left a post with my name (but as a 'Guest').

what I did to generate the message above with your name as author was:
- I did not log in
- I hit the quote button
- pHpBB starts a new message window, with the previous members name already in the author box by default, that is how your name showed up

The lesson to everyone though is to assume any post from a familiar name that appears as 'Guest' is likely not from that person. It probably helps makes the case for forced registration too- I am not a fan of this, but willingly did this on PPCthoughts. The site is of too much benefit to me, to risk losing any access.

I hope this helps. And good luck with the basement. What about seeing some pictures- we saw the ones from a few months ago with the early snowflakes (I have a Canon S100 as well :) ) and hope everything has turned out well.


02-06-2002, 07:14 AM
This issue will hopefully be resolved once Jason manages to restrict posting to registered users... so let's all wish him Godspeed in reading those FAQs and manuals! :D

Jason Dunn
02-06-2002, 06:40 PM
The entire board should now be locked down from guest posting. Can someone verify?

02-06-2002, 10:58 PM

I could not post anonymously just now, and the quote button no longer does what I described earlier. It seems better now.

The one quibble I have (I have no idea if it is easy to fix), is that the Subject box remains empty when I try to reply. Is this an easy thing to remedy- if not, it is really no big deal...


02-08-2002, 02:47 AM

This site has a wonderful look to it! Well done!


jim s
02-08-2002, 08:27 PM
To be honest, I'm not sure what you're taking about. 8O

I did the quote function on your posting, and it appears logical to me. Maybe I'm dense today...my basement in the new house partially flooded, so I may have absorbed some toxic water. :lol:

Man, Jason, are you having one tough week :!:

02-13-2002, 04:24 AM

This site has a wonderful look to it! Well done!


Indeed. A wonderful site.