06-04-2008, 10:35 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Do Most Indy-Trendy-Hipsters Use Macs?
Google's keyword alert feature slavishly delivers to me all the Zune-based news I can handle, and the Zune Thoughts team then slavishly delivers it to you, and while slavishly reading the latest mention of the Zune over at a Web site called torontoist, this quote caught my eye:
"The best things in life, everyone knows, aren't free. The best things in life are things other people have to pay for, and you get for free. Like the 1,000 bottles of beer at the latest of Toronto's legendary VICE parties, if you were early or lucky or special enough to get into the Deleon White Gallery on Friday night. Or, say, the 300 Microsoft Zunes given to young "influencers" (bloggers, DJs, other kinds of people who normally use Macs) as part of the shiny new mp3 player's semi-viral launch. (Full disclosure: we got ours in the mail yesterday.) Microsoft doesn't like to talk about the (white) elephant in the room—the seemingly unstoppable iPod—but it's obvious their cross-Canada marketing efforts are aimed squarely at the Justin Long demographic."
That got me thinking about something that we've touched on before here, but never really got down to discussing: given that the target demographic that Microsoft's marketing has been going after, which since launch has been the independent music types, is it a serious mis-step for the Zune not to have an OS X solution? It seems pretty pointless to market to Indy-Trendy-Hipster-types if you don't have a software solution fr the platform that they're using.