03-12-2007, 03:12 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 67
Some Questions.....
I have had my Zune for about 3 weeks now and am very happy with it.
I have even transfered video to it, But dont ask me how I did it.
But I do have some questions that maybe somebody out there in Zuneland knows the answer for.....So here goes....
1. I have bought a couple of CD's (Greatest Hits) from Costco and everytime I rip them to my library and then snyc to my Zune, all the songs go, but the disks are out of order and when you play one song something else shows up...
All the songs were transfered but it was kinda mixed up. Also no Art work.
2. How often does MarketPlace update thier play list? I am not really into the new tunes that are coming out, however some of them are really good, but I am more into the older stuff....60's 70's 80's 90's..........
Have found some songs but other are either not available or dont show up at all. Is there another site out there to download music that you dont have to jump thru hoops for? Or pay an arm and leg...... Or will MarketPlace add them? Is there a way to request items thru MarketPlace?
3. Are there more options out there for Video? As I said above I have transfered some video to my Zune, but honestly it took me forever and I really dont think I could do it again, was very confusing and actually I think I was just lucky.
Anyway, Again I want to say I am very Happy with my Zune, it does what I thought it would do, but the potential it has, is driving me nuts......