12-22-2006, 07:06 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Sometimes My Zune Just Won't Turn On
I've read scattered reports about this online, but the problem is now personal: remember that black Zune that I gave away? Well, that same week I received a white review unit from Microsoft, and was allowed to keep the unit. I knew about the review unit back in November, which is why I (thankfully) only had to buy one Zune for myself rather than two. I need two for testing sharing features. At any rate, the winner of the black Zune was offered his choice of the brand new black or brand new white Zune, and he picked the white one. Lucky for him, because the black Zune is screwed up.
I just started using it a couple of days ago, and I've noticed a very consistent problem: it won't turn on. This morning I tried to turn it on by pressing and holding the Play/Pause button. Nothing happened. Then, about 60 seconds later, it turns on coming out of a full reboot. What's most curious about this is that I can put the black Zune into sleep mode, and it will turn on correctly. I can put it into suspend mode (by holding down Play/Pause) and it will turn on correctly - sometimes. I was just testing this again and it won't turn on for me now at all. If I try forcing a reset, the third or fourth time it will work. Not cool at all - is anyone else seeing similar behaviour with their Zune? I'm dreading calling tech support, because with my luck they won't do anything for me because I'm in Canada.