Zune Content PlaysForSure?
"It seems that Zune and Plays for Sure are closely related indeed. While the Zune player will not accept content from other Plays for Sure services it seems content from the Zune marketplace will work on other Plays for Sure compatible devices (it’s clearly not something supported and certainly not clear how long it will work)." So you're jones'n to migrate from a PlaysForSure device, to a shiny new Zune. As usual, you want to pass on your old PlaysForSure device to your spouse or child. (Don't we all?) However, due to Zune's much documented incompatibility with PlaysForSure, you’re stuck maintaining two subscriptions; one for Zune, and one for PlaysForSure, right? Well, maybe not. Apparently, while the Zune is not compatible with PlaysForSure content, a PlaysForSure device will play Zune content. For now, DRMed content download from the Zune Marketplace will play on PlaysForSure devices. The thinking goes that the Zune and PlaysForSure DRM is almost identical, with extra bits added to Zune content that the Zune player requires while a PlaysForSure device ignores them. This is a completely unofficial and unsupported scenario, and this "feature" could be "fixed" in future updates, so be cautious. Have any of you with a PlaysForSure device tried playing Zune content?