Is Microsoft Working On Updating The Smartphones Bluetooth Implementation?
NextLink sells Bluetooth adapters for everything from your home phone to your mobile phone. The adapters are pretty stylish and small. The ones pictured below are only a little larger than a Zippo lighter. However that's not what this post is about.
Question 9 in their FAQ deals with the types of mobile phones these have been tested on. Scroll down under the QTEK/SPV/Imate/O2 section and you'll notice this little footnote:
Quote: * Microsoft 2003 mobile Operative System phones. Voice features do not yet work on these models. MS is working on an upgrade of their Bluetooth part.
Of course, this is not considered an official statement, but it sounds like Microsoft is aware of the Bluetooth problems people are having and working on a fix. What I'm wondering is if we'll see this update in the form of a patch, or will it be bundled into the next OS release?
"I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein