03-24-2004, 07:52 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
PC World: "Qualcomm Tunes Into Mobile Multimedia"
"Showing off a third-generation mobile data network infrastructure that purportedly can deliver streaming video to cell phones, Qualcomm has unveiled software that makes selecting content similar to channel-surfing a TV...On the phone, MediaFlo users can scroll through a listing of video clips, audio clips, live streaming programming, and other multimedia, and sample each by clicking on it. The interface is designed to make it easier and quicker for users to decide if they want to see content, says Paul Jacobs, group president of Qualcomm's wireless and Internet group. He introduced the new technology at the CTIA Wireless trade show here this week."
I just can't see myself using my phone in this manner, but perhaps once I have the opportunity, I'll change my mind. What about you? Can you see yourself using a technology like this if it was on your Smartphone?