Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
Hmm - I don't quite follow. The Discuss link is right there on the front page with each post, so why would you click on the permalink view then on discuss? Why not just click on discuss?
Only an issue for older stories, the ones in the Previous Stories section at the way-bottom or on the Archives page. There is no Discuss link there, only a count of replies. You have to click on the title link which takes you to the permalink page, scroll to the bottom, and then click on the discuss link. The two least painful options to fix this would either be to make the replies count a hyperlink that takes you directly to the discussion page OR bypass the permalink page and make the title link go directly to the discussion page. The first option is probably the most consistent with your latest changes, though IMO since the discussion includes the entire post, I'm not sure the permalink page is really even all that necessary.