Originally Posted by ptyork
However, I do wish that the permalink page INCLUDED the discussion ("like every other blog/news site on the planet"  ).
That's definitely something I've thought about and remember asking my developer for a while ago - I'll ask it to our development list and we'll see what we can do...the biggest difference between us and many other sites is that we're using "real" forum software, not a blogging engine like WordPress. That has advantages, but also some disadvantages (like this issue).
Originally Posted by ptyork
I have to click at least two links (more if it is many days old): first the permalink and then the discuss link. Either that or perhaps just remove the permalink page from the standard page flow and always just go straight to the discussion page (which has the entire post as the first message anyway)
Hmm - I don't quite follow. The Discuss link is right there on the front page with each post, so why would you click on the permalink view then on discuss? Why not just click on discuss?